All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1686: Said Long Zhong and Shen Long persuaded Guan Gong

"I have heard that Mr. Kong Ming once said, 'If there is Jing and Yi across, it protects its rock resistance, West and Zhu Rong, Fu Yiyue in the south, Sun Quan is good outside, and politics is fixed inside; Admiral Jingzhou ’s army is Xiang Wan and Luo, and the general ’s status as Yizhou is out of Qinchuan. The people dare not to eat pot pulp in order to welcome the generals? ”The general attacked Fan Cheng this time with Mr. Kong Ming Lu Jinfa's strategy. "Shen Long knew that Guan Yunchang had always been proud, so he gave him some support first.

Guan Yu caressed the long beard and nodded slightly, "Now Pound is dead and the ban has been lowered; Fan City has only thousands of soldiers and horses, and it is cut off from the inside and outside, and it is only between Danxi and Xi; Xu Xu, it is hoped that such a rescue from His Majesty will restore the Han Dynasty. "

"However, what Mr. Kong Ming said in the past, if you want to pick up Sun Quan before you can go north from Jingzhou, dare to ask the prince, but did you have a good relationship with Sun Quan?" Shen Long asked, "If Jun Jun leads the army north, what should Sun Quan sneak into Jingzhou? Moreover, Cao Ren is also a good general. If he ca n’t stand up, can the monarch have a good plan? By that time, the monarch ’s back road will be cut off, but he will have to advance and retreat! "

Previously Sun Quan sent Zhu Gejin to Jingzhou to ask for Guan Yu's daughter for his son. According to Sun Quan's idea, they discussed how to break Cao. If Guan Yu refused, he would help Cao Cao take Jingzhou; With the name of the dog, Zhuge Jin blasted out of the house; Sun Quan was furious and planned to attack Jingzhou.

After Zhuge Liang heard the news, Fei Shi sent Guan Shi and Guan Yu to let his advanced soldiers attack Fan Cheng, making the enemy's troops tremble with coldness, and the offensive naturally collapsed; Zhu Geliang didn't mean that Guan Yu won Fan City and forced Xu Du, because Liu Bei One side does not yet have the strength to completely defeat Cao Cao, and the indiscretion of the light advance will certainly fail. He just wants Guan Yu to take the initiative to attack and resolve Sun Quan's offensive.

Guan Yu heard a silence for a moment, "Where is Fancheng?" He just defeated Yu Jin and Pound, and captured tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. He is at the peak of his life. How can he put Cao Ren and tens of thousands of soldiers in Fancheng? Putting it in his eyes, he was too lazy to explain the refusal of Sun Quan to ask for marriage.

On the matter of Guan Yu ’s refusal to ask Sun Quan for marriage, Shen Long actually understood it. Once Guan Yu took charge of Jingzhou soldiers and horses, although he and Liu Bei were brothers, he still had to avoid taboos. If he and Sun Quan became relatives of their children For example, the relationship with Shuzhong will create gaps. After all, Jingzhou is too close to Dongwu and too far from Chengdu.

Second, Guan Yu was not from a literary background. He had not yet learned the tactics of a large literary family who used his children as bargaining chips, and he was reluctant to send his daughter into the tiger's mouth.

Shen Long also understood this, and he asked again, "The prince now captures tens of thousands of soldiers of Cao. How should the soldiers feed the grass?" Guan Yujun's Zhongliang grassland was inadequate. The abundance, but also caused Cao Jun's grain and grass to be destroyed by the flood, and now the grain is almost out.

"Sun Quan has grain and grass in Xiangguan, I can take it!" Guan Yu replied, it is certainly too late to let Jingzhou send grain and grass, so he turned his attention to Sun Quan's territory.

"If this is the case, Sun Quan will attack Jingzhou!" Shen Long spreads his hand. You just refused to raise the relatives, and now you go to other people's land to grab food. How can Sun Quan bear it?

And the most important thing is that as the weakest side of the Three Kingdoms, Sun Quan has always helped his opponents whoever is strong. Cao Cao's offensive is fast, he helped Liu Bei fight Cao Cao; if Liu Bei beat Cao Cao down, he will definitely Choosing to help Cao Cao, so that these two forces can form a stalemate, and before they completely decide the victory and defeat, Sun Quan is absolutely safe.

And Jingzhou was originally Sun Quan ’s site. When Liu Bei led the army into Sichuan before, Sun Quan had attacked Jingzhou, so even if there were no such two things, Sun Quan would still attack Jingzhou.

"Right now Sun Quan can attack Xuzhou north, or attack Jingzhou secretly; there are not many defenders in Xuzhou, and he is from Keke. However, his terrain is favorable to land warfare and unfavorable to water warfare. Even if it is obtained, it is difficult to conserve; "Shen Long continued to analyze.

Not waiting for Guan Yu to refute, Shen Long continued, "I know that the princes have heavy soldiers in Jingzhou Tun to guard against Sun Quan, but Lu Ziming is cunning and will definitely swindle and resign; the count of Soochow, Lu Su and Zhou Yu are dead, princes Only Lu Ziming was the only one concerned; if he heard that Lu Ziming had retreated, Huangkou children like Lu Boyan would guard Lukou, and Junhou Ding would send Jingzhou troops to attack Fan Cheng. "

Lu Xun was only in his thirties this year, five years younger than Guan Ping. When he was born, Guan Yu had swept the Yellow Scarf with Liu Bei, and he had no significant record before. Guan Yu looked down on him as normal.

"If Lu Ziming attacks suddenly, how can Jingzhou stop it?" Shen Long said in advance that Lu Meng's plan to cross the river to attack Jingzhou.

"This is nothing more than a word ~ ​​ ~ Although Guan Yu still has doubts, he still refuses to believe. After all, he has always been proud, Shen Long is young, and it is the first time he has met. How can Guan Yu trust him? Even if it was Zhuge Liang, Guan Yu completely served him only after Huarong Road let Cao Cao go.

Shen Long also knew these, so he was not disappointed even after being rejected by Guan Yu, and did not continue to talk about it. What he said had already been said, and continuing to be wordy would only be counterproductive.

At this time, Hua Tuo reminded on the side, "Monarch, now the injury is healed, you only need to rest for a few days."

Guan Yu got up and moved his lower arm, then laughed, "This arm is stretched as usual, and there is no pain, Mr. True Doctor!" In fact, just after the operation, the pain is definitely still painful, but there is no numbness after poisoning Guan Yu naturally felt a lot more comfortable, and at the same time, it was also to stabilize the military mind.

"Hua didn't dare to take credit, and if Zifeng helped each other, it wouldn't have been so good!" Hua Tuo gently stroked his beard and said he was also satisfied with the operation this time.

Then reminded, "Now the poison has not been completely removed, and the prince has to take the medicine according to the prescription given by Zifeng; don't be angry and hurt. After half a month, he will recover as usual."

Turned out to be restored after a hundred days, but now it has become a month and a half, saving more than half of the time. These are all credits to Shen Long.

Guan Yu paid two hundred for the gold, Hua Tuo said, "A certain prince Gao Yi, come here to heal, do you want to report it!"

After sending Huatuo away, Guan Yu asked Shen Long again, "Listening to my son, Zifeng came to join the army? Nowadays, it is when the military is hiring that talent like Zifeng is needed."

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