All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1687: Shou Jingzhou Shen Long asked

On the school ground, Shen Long wore a bright silver and white tiger helmet, wore a plain silver armor, and covered with a sullo robe, a bright silver gun in his palm, and a white horse under the hips. At first appearance, he won a round of applause.

On the opposite side, Guan Ping's green robe long knife looks similar to Guan Yu's, but with a scream, the horse dances to pick Shen Long, Shen Long raises the gun to meet him, and the gun comes out like a dragon to cover Guan Ping among them.

Guan Yudanfeng ’s eyes opened sharply on the stage, and he could n’t help but praised, “This gun is extraordinary, I ’m afraid it wo n’t be more difficult than even the younger brother Long Xian! There is one more general in our army, Han ZTE Hopefully enough! "

Next to Ma Liang replied, "Ran Zizi is too young, and the field experience is far less than that of a general. The victory or defeat is still unknown; but this person's culture and martial arts, if it is experienced, it will become a great weapon in the future."

Guan Yu shook his head and said, "Ji Chang's words are ridiculous. In my opinion, this son has not yet exerted his full strength. If he goes all out, he may be defeated." Guan Yu also wondered, Shen Long's many means Seen from the experience on the battlefield, it is not something that can be practiced alone in the mountains. It stands to reason that such characters may have become famous all over the world. Why have they never heard of it?

However, Shen Long ’s cold weapon combat experience was accumulated in the world of Datang and the Water Margin. Of course, Guan Yu could not know it; he inherited Lu Junyi ’s first martial arts talent in the world, and he also had the martial arts in the world of "Dragon Ball". Chenghe martial arts world's internal strength, moves to make a foundation, beat Guan Ping when it is needless to say, now the failure to distinguish the victory and defeat is just for Guan plane.

After the two sides fought for about twenty rounds, Shen Long suddenly pulled out and retreated. Guan Ping was at a loss for a while and stood still. On the stage, Guan Yu stood up and said, "Frankly, and look at your chest! "

Guan Ping looked down and saw that the green robe outside the breastplate didn't know when there was a hole in it, and he couldn't help but look flushed. It turned out that he had already lost. He quickly arched his hands and said, "Zifeng martial arts are amazing, and he has served!"

Ma Liang couldn't help but be overwhelmed. At first, Guan Pingneng and Pound battled each other in 30 rounds, but now Guan Ping loses in more than 20 rounds. In this way, this person's martial art is better than Pound's. Can't do it well?

"Consent to admit!" Shen Long also bowed his hands in return, but he felt a little regret in his heart. Now, Lu Bulu Feng had already died in the White Gate Tower for many years, otherwise he would really like to fight against the God of War of the Three Kingdoms! However, although Lu Bu is dead, Zhao Yun is still at its peak, and if he can see Zhao Yun in the future, he will be able to pay his wish if he compares with him.

Guan Yu also had the same regrets. He also wanted to compete with Shen Long. However, his arm injury was not good, and it was not appropriate to deal with others. Second, his special status was not good whether he lost or won; he was not three after all. Brother Yide, therefore, pressed the idea of ​​a contest with Shen Long, and instead asked what official position Shen Long wanted to hold.

Although Shen Long had both his military and martial arts, he was a newcomer and had no reputation. Guan Yu was not good at giving him too high an official position. He was first appointed as the goalkeeper. This is the position in charge of commanding the soldiers in the teeth door to command the battle. People usually need to have a certain degree of bravery in order to fight, Zhao Yun and Wei Yan have held this position.

Guan Yu wanted Shen Long to play near his handsome account in order to make plans for himself and charge, but Shen Long refused politely. He knew that the key now is not the Fan City in front of him, and the biggest threat to Guan Yu is not Xu Huang and Cao Ren in front of him. , But Jingzhou and Lumeng.

So he proposed to go to Jingzhou to guard, Guan Yu looked a little unhappy, but Shen Long had just saved his life before, and showed a talent, he was not good to say anything, and immediately issued a document to let Shen Long lead a team The escorts escorted the captives and other prisoners back to Jingzhou to help Zhizhong engage in Pan Jun to guard Jingzhou.

Shen Long took the lead, and after the army Sima Wangfu recommended Zhao Lei as the governor of Jingzhou to replace Pan Jun, but was rejected by Guan Yu. Later, Lu Meng attacked Jingzhou and Guan Yu lost to Maicheng. He regretted not following Wang Fu ’s advice. If it was Zhao Lei who guarded Jingzhou, I am afraid that Jingzhou would not be lost so easily.

Although Shen Long had just arrived, he could not replace Pan Jun to defend Jingzhou without Zhao Lei. However, as long as he went to Jingzhou, it would not be so easy for Lumeng to want Bai Yi to cross the river and attack Jingzhou.

I escorted the captives all the way back to Jingzhou, where they would be placed in a ban and waited for a good life. Then they met Pan Jun who was staying in Jingzhou. Pan Jun was engaged in governance and was responsible for the state affairs. Then, seeing Guan Yu's official document, Shen Long took office.

Shen Long asked Pan Jun to ask for a batch of grain and grass supplies, and then came to the beacon of Fenghuotai on the riverside. This is the only way for Soochow to go to Jingzhou. If Lu Meng wanted to attack Jingzhou, he had to pass from here; after taking office ~ www.wuxiaspot. com ~ Shen Long quickly began to clean up the military discipline.

On the other side of Fancheng, Guan Yu also received the message, "Jiangdong Lukou's guard Lu Meng is in critical condition, Sun Quan takes the corrective action, and recently Lu Xun is the general, and Lu Lumen guards the Lukou; . "

Zhongmou's short-sightedness, use this boy as a general! Guan Yu wanted to laugh subconsciously, but suddenly remembered Shen Long's original warning. He couldn't help but look awkward, could Lu Ziming really be swindled?

He immediately summoned the messenger and opened Lu Xun's letter. The words were extremely humble; Guan Yu gave it to Ma Liang after reading it. Ma Liang was also puzzled. "Lu Xun was born in the Jiangdong clan. How can his words be so humble? There must be some Fraud, so it seems that Feng Tian was not a lie. "

"That's it, tell Zifeng about it." Guan Yu originally planned to continue to draw troops from Jingzhou to attack Fan Cheng, but now he has made a change. If Lu Meng really hits, Jingzhou will have little troops. .

Ma Liang persuaded Guan Yu to continue to mobilize his troops, but those soldiers did not come directly to Fancheng after coming out of Jingzhou, but hid around Jingzhou and waited for a while. If Lu Meng came to attack, he could just beat him by surprise. If Lu Meng does not come, he can continue to support Fan Cheng. .

Guan Yu accepted Ma Liang's persuasion, laughed on his back, ordered the gift to be received by both sides, and sent the messenger back. The messenger returned to Lu Xun and said, "Guan Gong rejoices, and he has no intention of worrying about Jiangdong."

Lu Xun was overjoyed, and the dispatched people found Guan Gong to withdraw most of Jingzhou's soldiers and went to Fancheng to listen to them. They waited for the arrow sores to heal, and then they wanted to enter the army.

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