All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1696: Cao Pi usurped the Han by the Zen

And there is also an advantage in doing so. When Chengdu can produce paper and print books on a large scale, it can be transported to the territory of Soochow and Cao Wei; since then, the Hanmen in Soochow and Cao Wei have become dependent on large families They can get access to knowledge, so they will inevitably have conflicts with big families.

Soochow and Cao Wei are still dominated by large families, but the political power in Shuzhong can be divided into three parts. They followed Liu Bei ’s northern cold door very early. Guan and Zhang need not say that one is a butcher and one sells dates. No one is a big family, Zhao Yun is just a lower-level warrior, Jian Yong, Sun Qian and others are all born in the cold. Although the Mi Zhu and Mi Fang brothers are rich in wealth, they are only a wealthy merchant, not as good as the Wei family Lu family.

Then there are the Jingzhou nobles, such as Xu Shu, Pang Tong, Zhuge Liang, and Liu Ba, but Liu Bei ’s trust from them is much more difficult than that of Jian Yong, Sun Qian, and others. San Gu Maolu wants to show more than Liu Bei ’s desire for virtue; Jingzhou nobles Most of them couldn't look down on Liu Bei, so most of them turned to Cao Cao after Liu Biao's death.

Finally, there are the local giants in Shu, such as Zhang Song and Yan Yan. Although Fazheng is a Fufeng person, it can also be counted as this wave. In addition, there are Bajun Taishou Zhang Yi and so on.

Throughout these three roads, the big family is not mainstream, so they will be happy about the prevalence of papermaking, printing, and the spread of knowledge; Dongwu and Cao Wei, where the big family dominates, are different. This year Chen Qun launched Only the Jiu Pinzhong system is more in their interest.

The Jiu Pinzhong orthodox system was infamous in later generations, but from the current situation, it can not be said that it is all wrong. On the one hand, it solves the problem of no standard for the selection of officials. The tense relationship between the central government and the family clan has helped Wei and Jin lay a solid foundation for the unification of the whole country.

From the perspective of talent selection, nowadays, large households have monopolized knowledge, and indeed it is easier to cultivate talents than cold people; but the premise of all this is that they can indeed monopolize knowledge, and in the era of relying on borrowing and copying books to spread knowledge, They may still be able to do it, but they cannot do it after the printing press prevails.

By that time, the scholars who were born in a humble place could compete with the big family in knowledge, would they still want to be ranked below? It is obviously impossible to think about it.

Zhu Geliang thought deeply, and when he thought of this layer, he was both worried and happy. What worried him was that the Langya Zhuge family he came from might not be able to continue to prosper. The joy is that with this technology, it can be endless for the middle of Shu. Cultivating talents can also disturb the situation in Soochow and Cao Cao. In this way, the chances of unifying the world in Shuzhong are great.

It is said that Zhuge Liang ’s handling of government affairs is cumbersome, and that he has to deal with big and small affairs, and he is killed for life; so some people have thrown the crime of the declining talent of the late Shu Han to Zhuge Liang ’s head, saying that it was because he refused to decentralize that he caused Shu It is difficult for China to cultivate talents.

However, from the fact that Zhuge Liang valued Jiang Wei, it can be seen that he did not pay attention to talents; it was just that the Shuhan is located in a remote area, and there is no way to provide talents like Dongwu and Cao Wei. Since there are not enough talents That is not all that Zhuge Liang can do.

"Liang is playing the heroine. He asks the heroine to choose a site in Chengdu to build a workshop, make paper and print books, and distribute it to the world! Oh, we still need to call the Shuzhong tribe to provide a collection of books for the craftsmen to engrave the printing plate." Zhu Geliang said, thinking now If you want to print a book, you don't have to have paper, engraving, or ink. You have to have the original book.

"If they are willing to offer nature, do n’t worry if you do n’t want to. If you do n’t want to, do n’t worry. I ’ve also read some scriptures. I ’ll just go out and tell what you want to print. As long as it ’s not Lianshan Guizang, Basuo Jiuqiu, , Most of the history can barely be remembered. "Shen Long said lightly.

With Wang Anshi ’s memory, he can remember most classic scriptures. Even if Wang Anshi has n’t read it, a tablet computer is installed in the Shenlong space. There are a lot of downloads from the National Digital Library ’s ancient books database. Photocopy, as long as it is a classic that is passed down to future generations, what can't be found?

Zhuge Liang was taken aback by Shen Long, and he dared to say such words. Then he even asked several classics. Shen Long recited the beginning smoothly. It was as good as Zhuge Liang ’s memory, even if Zhuge Liang asked After he wanted to read a classic that he hadn't been able to find, Shen Long also recited it.

Zhuge Liang was surprised, "Who did Zifeng learn from? The knowledge is so profound." My master, Mr. Shui Jing, is probably far behind.

"Liang Xiang comes from negative knowledge and wide knowledge, but compared with Zifeng, it has fallen off!" Zhuge Liang sighed, at least he must not be Shen Longduo reading, not to mention martial arts, not to mention woodworking machinery. Not as good as ~ ~ Zifeng can understand the astrology? Asked Zhuge Liang.

"Slightly understand." The medical technique is naturally needless to say, astronomy. Now astronomers all over the world are not enough to fight together. As for divination, he also learned a bit from Huang Yaoshi.

"Understanding the academic number?" Zhu Geliang asked again.

"It's really not a big talk, if you're talking about learning, dare to call the world the first!" Not to mention the gains in the world of various tasks, I just went to college because I didn't have a high school degree, and the mathematicians in the three countries can do it. To?

"Yin and Yang five elements understandable?" Zhu Geliang asked again.

"Slightly understand." We have followed Qin Shihuang's orthodox Qin and Han alchemy, but Zhu Geliang seems to have a lot of fun in this respect, so Shen Long asked him with interest "Eight Array Diagrams" and "Ning Xing Xing Shu" "The Law of Continued Life" came, Zhu Geliang was relieved a little, and there were things you didn't understand, so she explained Shen Long carefully.

Liu Bei quickly passed Shen Long ’s request to let Wang Lian take charge of Shuzhong Yanzheng for his position, and allocated money and land craftsmen to let Shen Long open a papermaking and printing factory in Chengdu; at the same time, let Shen Long go into the palace to discuss Various important things.

After Cao Cao's death, news kept coming. Cao Pi replaced Cao Cao as the prime minister and King Wei, changed Yuan Yankang, appointed Jia Jie as the second lieutenant, Hua Xin as the prime minister, and Wang Lang as the doctor of history. Zheyun, Fuyu Shanyu, Yanqi, and Yutian all sent their envoys to consecrate; Sun Quan also sent envoys to congratulate them.

By the end of the year, the papers and books in Shuzhong began to be sent to Dongwu and Cao Wei, and at this moment, Luoyang came with an amazing news that Cao Pi forced the Emperor Xian to become the emperor.

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