All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1607: Following the grand rule of Liu Bei as emperor

Someone went to Chengdu and reported that Cao Pi became an emperor of Wei Dynasty and built a palace in Luoyang; and it was rumored that the Han Emperor had been killed, Liu Bei heard that, weeping all day long, ordering the hundred officials to hang filial piety, looking at the sacrifice, and respecting the posthumous title "filial piety" "Emperor", Liu Bei was so worried that it caused illness and could not be a director, and the government was entrusted with Zhuge Liang.

Shen Long sighed and sighed that Liu Bei spent his life as the duty to restore the Han Dynasty for more than 30 years. It has been 20 years since the anti-Cao people such as Yi Zhezuo and Dong Cheng; now it is not easy in Shuzhong With the improvement, seeing a glimmer of hope in the restoration of the Han room, who had thought that Cao Pi had actually won the throne, and the great Han ended, how can he feel well in his heart?

In addition, now that the emperor's throne in the Han Dynasty has been lost for many days, it is estimated that only he is qualified to continue the national pie for the Han. Under such circumstances, he seems too active and certainly not suitable; so whether it is true or false, it is not sick Talent is the best choice. As for other things, the following people will naturally do it.

As Cao Cao was only called King Wei when he was alive, why was Cao Pi here, the world has not been unified yet, why can't he wait to ascend to the throne? Shen Long also analyzed that Cao Cao's power came from his prestige. Since the start of breaking the yellow towel, the eighteenth road princes discussed Dong, and Guandu defeated Yuan Shao in the first battle, occupying half of the country, and has already impressed him deeply in the hearts of the officials.

If Chibi can defeat Sun Liu Lianjun in a world war, and dominate the world, I am afraid that Cao Cao will not say that he only wants to be a general in the West at this time, and he will inevitably force Han Xian Emperor to give up; but if the opportunity is missed, it is missed. Sun Quan and Liu Bei ascended the throne and said that the emperor would only be counterproductive.

It was different here when he arrived at Cao Pi. His power was inherited from Cao Cao. But if he continued to use the names of King Wei and Prime Minister, would n’t he say he was still a courtier of the great Han? It is different from Xiahou Dun, Cao Ren, Chen Qun, Sima Yi and others, but there is no essential difference, so ascending the throne and becoming the emperor has become an inevitable choice.

At this time, the court officials who were loyal to the Dahan were almost solved by Cao Cao, either as Dong Cheng was executed, or as Gou or, oh, it was Xun Yu's self-determination, which cleared Cao Pi's obstacle to becoming an emperor. Cao Pi said that the Emperor had almost no objections, and that he could determine the name of Da Yi, so that these people would not have other ideas and continue to support themselves like Cao Cao, so this matter became an inevitable choice.

Zhuge Liang discussed with Taifu Xu Jing, Guanglu doctor Qiao Zhou and Shen Long, saying that the world cannot be ruled for one day, and he wanted to respect Liu Bei as an emperor, Qiao Zhou said, "Nearly there are auspicious winds and beautiful clouds; the northwest corner of Chengdu has yellow Feeling tens of feet up, rising into the sky; Emperor Star is seen in Bi, Stomach, and Pleiades, and Huanghuang is like a moon. This should be the king of Hanzhong as the emperor, following the Han dynasty, more doubtful? "

They support Liu Bei ascending the throne and claiming the emperor is also a matter of course. When the Han Emperor was still alive, they could still respect the Emperor and use the belt and belt as a big name to fight against Cao Cao. Now that the Han Emperor is gone, if you want to continue Using Dahan's name, Liu Bei's succession became the only choice.

Of course, Shen Long knew that Emperor Xianxian had not yet died, but was only demoted to Shanyang Gong, but he had no intention of exposing this; in addition, if Liu Bei became king, those who followed him could also go further, so Qiao Zhou will come up with auspiciousness to express his support.

After the discussion was over, they went together to persuade Liu Bei to ascend to the throne. Liu Bei was shocked by the news, "Qing and other people who want to be lonely and unfaithful and unjust?" Then he resigned.

Shen Long seconds understand, isn't it just three times and three handicap? I also played it back then, it ’s all a routine, then continue to accompany the uncle to act well; he secretly looked at Xu Jing, Qiao Zhou and others, and although they were panic on the surface, their eyes were unusually calm, and Liu Bei ’s reaction was also expected As expected.

So three days later, everyone continued to persuade, and this time it became Xu Jing, "The emperor of Han Dynasty has been killed by Cao Pi. The king is not the emperor, the teacher is rebellious, and he must not be loyal; , For the filial emperor's hatred; if you do not follow the discussion of the ministers, it is disappointing. "

Liu Bei said, "Although the orphan is the grandson of Emperor Jing, there is no Deze to cloth the people; once he becomes an emperor, it is no different from tampering!" Kong Ming tried to persuade him several times that Liu Bei still insisted.

Shen Long was snickering. If you really do n’t want to agree, why bother to emphasize that you are the descendant of Han Jingdi? This is still acting, but it feels almost the same again?

Later, Zhuge Liang began to pretend to be sick. When Liu Bei went to visit, he pointed out to Liu Bei that now Han Xian Emperor is gone. The big guys are expecting you to become king and share the merits. If you do n’t agree, the big guy might be Dispersed, when Cao Pi and Sun Quan's army came out together, it would be over.

Liu Bei only reluctantly agreed, just as the voice fell, Xu Jing, Qiao Zhou, Shen Long and others yelled outside ~ ~ Wang Shangyue agreed, please choose a date to give a big gift. "

Liu Bei also wanted to perform a little more, so he pretended to be surprised, "I am alone in injustice, and all are waiting!"

Shen Long stepped forward, "In the past, Wang Mang usurped the Hans, and His Majesty Guangwu took up the Zhongxing Han room to continue the country for more than one hundred years for the Hans. Now that the King has served as the ancestor of the great ancestors and rejuvenated the Hans, it is not easy for the Hans to be a world!"

Oops, don't be humble. Look at your ancestor Liu Xiu. Haven't you done this kind of thing? Who dares to say that he is not here? And if you can regain the Han room again, then the big Han is really a destiny dynasty, what do you hesitate for such merits to be placed in front of you?

If Liu Bei dominates the world, the myth of the Han Dynasty will surely be firmly carved in the bones of the people in the world, maybe even if someone subverts the Han dynasty in the future, then Liu Jinu will run out again, claiming to be a Han family clan. The fourth time the Han Dynasty was restored.

So everyone immediately got alive, cast an altar, and wrote an altar; after everything was prepared, the multi-government officials set up a luan, welcoming Liu Bei to the altar to offer sacrifices. As a result, he became emperor and became a king, and then divided into hundred officials, but everyone who participated in the persuasion was promoted to an official, which was a great joy.

The next day the dynasty was set up, and the civil and military bureaucrats paid their respects and were divided into two classes. Liu Bei said, "Cao Pi thieves did such a big injustice, and the people and the gods resented each other; Snow hates this! "

Liu Bei saw that the situation in Shuzhong was getting better and better, so he gave birth to the Northern Expedition Cao Wei again, and Shen Long went out to play, "Your Majesty cannot, the most important thing right now is not in Cao Wei, but in Dongwu Sun Quan."

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