All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1699: Wu Jingcao

Soon, Shuzhong also received news that Liu Beizhao called the group of ministers to inquire, and Shen Long was also among them. After seeing the route of Cao Pi ’s Third Route Army, he secretly nodded, and Cao Zhen's way was directed toward Jiangling. However, due to his own interference, Jingzhou is still in the hands of Shu Han, so Cao Pi chose Jingling on the east side of Jingzhou, planning to take Jingling and then go straight to Jianye along the south of the Yangtze River.

"Now Cao Pi's usurpation is unpopular, and Jiang Dong Sun Quan refuses to accept our lord, and the two are at war, I just wait for the sidelines, and wait for the defeat of both sides to collect the fishermen's profit later," Qiao Zhou said.

"Otherwise, your majesty Sun Sun is newly named King Wu. If Cao Pi is allowed to attack Sun Quan, it may harm your majesty." Xu Jing expressed different opinions. "Not to mention that Cao Pi came aggressively, if he broke Sun Quan, then Shu China is also in danger. "

"Cao Pi's child, how can he defeat Sun Quan?" Qiao Zhou retorted, "Soochow has the heart and soul and has the Yangtze River natural danger. Cao Cao can't cross it, let alone Cao Pihu?"

The two sides have been arguing about your coming and going. Liu Bei asked Zhuge Liang's opinion after appeasing it, but Zhu Geliang looked at Shen Long, "Is it not possible to know Zifeng?

Shen Long stood up and said, "During the new defeat of Dongwu, the momentum is declining, and the Jiangdong family has a lot of defamation for Sun Quan's position as the King of Wu, so it is not easy for Sun Quan to win!" After Lu Xun fired the company and defeated Liu Bei, then the morale of Eastern Wu was rising, so it was no surprise to defeat Cao Pi.

But now, Lu Meng has lost his soldiers in Jingzhou. Lu Xun has not established meritorious prestige. The upper and lower Wu Wu is in a weak period. If Shuhan does not intervene, Cao Pi can really win, even if he cannot win Jiangdong, Sun Quan will lose his soldiers. This is obviously disadvantageous for Shuhan.

So Shen Long pointed to the map and said, "Cao Xiu and Cao Ren are going directly to Jianye, but Jianye is the essence of Jiangdong. The army is gathered. Zhu Huan and Lu Fan are very courageous and good at using troops. Cao Xiu and Cao Ren want to win the beard. The cave entrance might not be easy; Cao Zhen pointed at Jingling, but it was the weakness of Dongwu. "

On the Lingling side is Lu Xun ’s defense area, and Lu Xun ’s military talents are not afraid of Cao Zhen, but the Eastern Wu soldiers in this area were slammed by Shen Long again, and the morale was insufficient. Beware of Shuhan, so the hope for Cao Zhen to win is great.

After some analysis, Shen Long put forward his own suggestion, "So he asked His Majesty to order General Guan to move his army to Fancheng and block Cao Zhen for Sun Quan. In this way, Sun Quan ’s danger can be relieved and His Majesty ’s dignity can be demonstrated; It's good for coming to Japan for the Northern Expedition. "

If the Shuhan Northern Expedition had to send troops from Jingzhou and Qishan, the road was far away and the transportation of grain and grass was difficult, so it would be better to lure the army of Cao Pi to attack, so that the soldiers who consumed grain and grass would become Cao Pi ’s party; Jingzhou is not difficult to supply Fancheng grain and grass. The waterway is enough. Cao Zhen ’s army attacked Fancheng, and he needed to transport grain and grass from Nanyang. Although there were waterway connections, Cao Wei ’s army was not strong enough. He only had to send a team of sailors to travel on the river. Cao Zhen could only transport grain and grass by land. In this way, their consumption will inevitably increase greatly.

"Dan Caozhen has already had 50,000 or 60,000 soldiers all the way. If General Guan goes north to Fancheng, Cao Pi will inevitably increase his troops, but now the more he comes, the better!" Zhuge Liang shook his fan, apparently and Shen Long thought of going together, Cao Pi The more troops there are, the greater the pressure on the supply of grain and grass, and the march of the army will also affect the food production of Nanyang, which can indeed greatly consume Cao Wei's strength.

"In this case, this battle does not seek to win quickly, but please ask the army of Cao Zhen to stay under Fan Cheng for as long as possible, and the more soldiers and horses, the better!" Zhuge Liang stood up and said to Liu Bei, "Your Majesty invites His Majesty to send Zifeng to Fan City to assist Zuanguan. General! "With Guan Yu's temperament, he certainly wouldn't want to keep his guard. If so, someone must be able to persuade him.

Zhuge Liang considered again and again, I am afraid that only Shu and Shen Long can do it in Shuhan. If he is in charge of Shuhan government affairs, he cannot easily leave, so he can only let Shen Long go; since he has pointed out this method, he definitely wants to go.

"I don't know how Zifeng's intentions are?" Liu Bei looked to Shen Long, and after seeing Shen Long's consent, he immediately decided to seal Shen Long as a general of the military division, and led his troops to Jingzhou to assist Guan Yu to jointly resist the attack of Cao Zhen's army; at the same time Send Jian Yong to Soochow to inform Sun Quan of this news and tell him that since His Majesty has enshrined you as King Wu, he will definitely not sit by and ignore you. West Road Army will help you block it and you will concentrate on dealing with Cao Xiu , Cao Ren, Zhang Liao, Zangba!

"Your Majesty invites His Majesty to select young talents from the Shu, and follow him to Fancheng for training!" What a good training opportunity, don't you hurry to take advantage of this opportunity to train talents? Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong and so on will bring some experience, so as to avoid the lack of talent in the Northern Expedition ~ ~ Liao Hua can be a pioneer.

Liu Beixin readily accepted Shen Long ’s suggestion, so that Qunchen recommended talents. Shen Long ’s nagging Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong and others were all on the list. Ma Chao also wanted to go to the front to fight, but he could not hold his face. Under Guan Yu and Shen Long, he recommended Ma Dai; Huang Zhong was more embarrassed. His son Huang Xu died early, and he had no descendants.

Not only the military commander, Shen Long also brought Ma Duo together, this talent is still there, but lack of experience, it is inevitable that there are some paper talks, and when he comes to the battlefield to personally learn about it, it is presumed that he can not do anything on the military station. Right?

On the day of the army's expedition, Liu Beiqin led the group to send Shen Long out of the city, holding his hand and repeatedly instructing him; then the army went down the river, and the warships had quietly passed ten million in the constant cry of the monkeys on both sides of the bank. Chongshan came to Jingzhou.

Hearing Shen Long coming, Guan Yu immediately ordered Guan Ping to greet him, and then Shen Long took the teenagers to the city to meet Guan Yu. Guan Yu heard that he wanted to go north to face Cao Zhen, and he couldn't help but have a long smile. During this time, he had been bored in Jingzhou Tuntian, but He was bored, and now when he heard that there was a battle to be fought, he was immediately excited. "Cao Zhen'er, it's not worth mentioning."

"The general will be a little calm for the time being. This battle must indeed borrow the general's prestige." If Guan Yu remained in Jingzhou, Cao Pi would not necessarily send a large number of reinforcements, but as long as Guan Yu arrived in Fancheng, the glorious record of the flooded Seven Army They would be shrouded in the mind of General Cao Wei like a dark cloud, forcing them to have to pay attention.

Shen Long told Guan Yu about the plan of this battle, "This battle is not to defeat the enemy, but to consume Cao Wei's strength. The general can settle in the city and watch the children break the thief!"

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