All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1700: Keeping Fancheng Cao Zhen Helpless

"Someone thought he could kill each other for a while, but only borrowed the name of a certain family!" Guan Yu caressed his long beard with a look. He could scare Cao Wei's army in and out by virtue of his reputation alone. .

Moreover, this time the main players are Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong and other nephews. Guan Yu is really embarrassed to compete with them, so he looks at Guan Xing and others, "I must listen to the military dispatch , Dare to violate, a certain punishment cannot be punished! "

"Follow the orders!" Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Ma Dai, and others all led their orders, and then followed Guan Yu and Shen Long to rectify their soldiers and horses in Jingzhou, and left for 50,000 troops to Fancheng; now Sun Quanshang To resist Cao Pi's attack, don't worry about Lu Xun daring to invade Jingzhou.

General Cao Wei, General Cao Zhen, General Zuo Zhang, General Xiahou Shang, Zhengnan General, had just passed Wancheng, and received news that Guan Yu had led a 50,000 army north to Fancheng. They were all surprised and immediately slowed down the speed of the army. Luoyang informed Cao Pi.

Previously Guan Yu flooded the Seventh Army to slash Pound and capture it, forcing the enemy to defeat Xu Huang, retreating Cao Ren, and winning Fan Cheng ’s battle is too brilliant. Hearing Guan Yu heading north, most of their soldiers were terrified, and some were even in the camp. Crying at night, Cao Zhen even cut dozens of talents to stop this ethos, but morale began to fail uncontrollably.

After the news reached Luoyang, Cao Pi summoned his group of ministers to interrogate, and Jia Xu repeated the old saying that Liu Bei and Sun Quan could not be triumphant. Since the two of them are now united together, it would be better to withdraw their troops earlier and come back.

Cao Pi became more and more unhappy. This was the first battle since his ascension. If this was the end, the prestige would be a huge blow to his prestige; so he once again stubbornly refuted the persuasion of Jia Xu and others and personally led the ten. Wan Dajun went to Wancheng to support Cao Zhen, and ordered Cao Zhen to move on and win Fan Cheng.

In desperation, Cao Zhen, Zhang Ping, Xia Houshang, and others could only continue to lead the army south, and carefully tested all the way. Finally, they went outside the city of Fancheng and began to camp and prepare for the attack; Shen Long did not attack them while they were not stable. The strategic purpose of the strategy is not to kill many Cao Wei soldiers, but to consume their strength.

Now that Cao Pi has increased his troops by 100,000, and Cao Zhen, Cao Xiu, and Cao Ren have three soldiers and horses, Cao Wei ’s total strength is close to 300,000. In addition to the people who transport grain and grass, I am afraid that one million young people will not be able to engage in production. Being mobilized on the battlefield, this state is a huge consumption of Cao Wei every day.

Shen Longba couldn't help them staying outside Fancheng for as long as possible, how could they be willing to attack! He took Ma Dang, Ma Dai, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong and others to observe the situation of Cao Zhen's Great Camp, and explained to them the difference between tactical victory and strategic victory. The words stopped in everyone's ears, and they all felt very rewarding.

In this age, or the entire feudal period, the art of warfare is not a secret. They are pretty good. They have been taught by their fathers and brothers, but they have never heard such whiplash.

These words reached Guan Yu's ears, and Guan Yu thought about it. Then he realized that the main point of this big strategy was his name, and he couldn't help getting more proud. If any one was changed, I'm afraid it wouldn't attract Cao Pi's ten. Wan Dajun.

Shen Long observed Cao Zhen at the head of the city, and Cao Zhen also brought Zhang Pian and Xia Houshang together to watch Fan Cheng ’s defense situation. The three of them frowned at the same time. ! "

Zhang Peng is a bit strange, "Guan Yunchang has always used troops to attack more than defend. I am afraid that this arrangement is not his handwriting?" Zhang Pian has dealt with Guan Yu many times, starting with Yuan Shao's men. Based on his understanding of Guan Yu, if it is When faced with an army to attack, Guan Yu will definitely go out of the city to face the battle, instead of being unable to defend like this.

"I heard that Fan Fancheng was broken before, but it came from Shen Long and Shen Zifeng's plan. This time Shen Zifeng went from Shuzhong to Jingzhou. Now I am afraid that he is in charge of the military in the city, not Guan Yunchang!" Cao Zhen said.

"What kind of person is Shen Zifeng, and he can obey Guan Yunchang's arrogance?" Zhang Peng still couldn't believe why such a powerful person had never heard of it before?

"Shen's reputation is not obvious, only when Shenyang Rong, who was the guardian of Jiyang during Guangwu, had some reputation, but Shen Rong later lived in Wucheng, Kuaiji, and he wouldn't go to Liu Bei anyway." Cao Zhen frowned, according to his current habit Thinking to analyze the origin of Shen Long, such a powerful person must be a child of the family, but now the Shen family does not have many outstanding talents.

"Then how can I wait?" Xia Houshang looked at the tight defense of the city's head and was also a headache. If he had a strong attack, how many soldiers would have to be lost.

"Your Majesty has arrived in Wancheng ~ ~ I have to fight anyway!" Cao Zhen wants to be transparent. If you don't fight, Cao Pi will come to trouble.

The army was repaired outside the city for a day, and immediately began to siege. Shen Long arranged Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and others on different sections of the city wall to let them command the defense of the soldiers and horses. After Guan Yu won the Fan City, Shen Long suggested Repairing the city walls, now that the city's defense system is sound, coupled with the soldiers 'ability and the officers' command, Cao Zhen's offensive was not able to advance in one day.

At sunset, they left thousands of dead bodies and retreated sadly. Cao Zhen, Zhang Ping, Xia Houshang and other people smiled bitterly at each other. Today they tried again and again, but Shen Long did not miss any flaws. It's impossible.

As for bypassing Fancheng and rushing to Jingzhou, that is impossible. No one will leave tens of thousands of troops behind him. When the army comes out of Fancheng, they cut off their back road and block them in Fancheng and Jingzhou. In the meantime, there is no way to heaven, no way to enter the ground, only a dead end.

"First attack for some time, and then your majesty asks you to retire!" Cao Zhen can only arrange this.

In the next half month, Cao Zhen, Zhang Ping, Xia Houshang and others continued to send troops to attack Fan Cheng, but the offensive was obviously much weaker than the first day; only occasionally, flaws were revealed to lure the soldiers in the city to attack. Zhang Bao was eager to try, but Shen Long once again came up with the difference between strategy and tactics to explain it. Even if the city won the sneak attack, it would be useless for strategic purposes. Zhang Bao had to extinguish his mind.

Shen Long also saw Cao Zhen's thoughts. He must have retreated now, but it might not be easy for you to withdraw, Shen Long ordered immediately and let Xiao Zuo begin to work as planned.

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