All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1702: Trapped Fancheng Cao Wei Mistake Spring

"I don't want us to have more than one hundred thousand troops alone!" Guan Xing sighed above the head of the city, watching the dense camps outside the city. He of course yearned for the glory of his fathers, but he felt that even if he led the army to fight, I can only start from the vanguard who charged, and I am afraid that the battle with more than one hundred thousand troops will not be available until the age of thirty. I did not expect the opportunity to come so fast. This is the first battle in Shu, and I met Cao Wei ’s ten. Wan Jingrui, and it was Cao Pi, the emperor of the Wei Kingdom.

"It's a pity that he can't go out and fight in the city, it's a bit unpleasant!" Zhang Bao looked greedily at the generals Cao Wei below. If he could cut one or two generals in Cao Wei, and he would return to Chengdu in the future, his father would be overjoyed.

"Why don't you go out and fight if you have a strong city to defend?" Zhao Tong was as thoughtful as his father, unmoved at all, and continued to command his men to prepare rolling stones, gray bottle of gold juice, and crossbow arrows Ya.

Ma Dai raised his eyes and looked at the direction of the northwest, and secretly said in the heart, my brother and the military master were so admirable, maybe we still have the opportunity to return to Xiliang in the future, and then we will be able to avenge our family.

Ma Deng was holding a book in one hand and a writing brush in the other. He counted the number of people and defended the city equipment. He was too busy to deal with it. After seeing the real battle in the battlefield and how Shen Long commanded the battle, he never dared to talk about it easily. .

The group of young people brought by Shen Long from Shu have more or less grown up. In the near future, they will take over the flags of Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Huang Zhong and others, and continue to conquer the Quartet for Shu Han.

At the same time, the news that Cao Pi led a 100,000 army south to threaten Fan Cheng also came to the ears of Sun Quan and Liu Bei. After hearing this, Sun Quan couldn't help but overjoy and quickly summoned Lu Xun, "Bo Yan, now that Cao Wei's army is pressing, Fan Cheng is in danger. It is a good opportunity to recover Jingzhou! "

"The hero is absolutely impossible!" Lu Xun quickly persuaded, "When Cao Wei 3rd Road attacked us and waited, Liu Bei not only was not in danger, but also sent a large army to help me wait to block Cao Zhen. If I take advantage of this to attack Jingzhou, I am afraid that the world People will laugh at me and others who are ungrateful! "

"What's more, Guan Yunchang has returned to Jingzhou now, and he has to sit there, Jingzhou must not be taken lightly; on the contrary, Zhang Liao is now dead, we can't take this opportunity to attack Hefei and Xuzhou, one can open up the territory, the other is just right. It was Wei Wei who rescued Zhao, and returned Liu Bei's kindness! "Lu Xun gave his plan. Attacking Jingzhou is worse than attacking Hefei and Xuzhou.

Zhang Liao ’s death was indeed equivalent to removing a big stone that was crushing Sun Quan ’s heart. Otherwise, if he wanted to attack Hefei, he would remember that night in Xiaoyaojin, Zhang Liao ’s eight hundred thousand broken nightmare, but Jingzhou let Sun Quan couldn't give up, "Bo Yan, in the old days, he also wanted to attack Xuzhou, but Zi Ming was right, Xuzhou's terrain is favorable for land warfare, not conducive to water warfare, even if it is obtained, it is difficult to conserve. Good picture; why did Bo Yan persuade orphans to attack Hefei and Xuzhou? "

"At this time, at that time, Guan Yunchang was pleased, and Jingzhou was negligent. If a sudden emerge of a Shen Zifeng, I am afraid that Jingzhou is already owned by me in Jiangdong! However, today Shen Zifeng is guarding Fan City, and Guan Yunchang is guarding Jingzhou. Now, even if the soldiers of Soochow are easily pressed, Lu Xun quickly explained.

"In contrast, in Hefei and Xuzhou, before Cao Wei lost his soldiers and demoralized his morale, and Zhang Liao passed away, Cao Ren was seriously ill. Cao Pi went up to fight Fancheng again. Hefei and Xuzhou soldiers were few and can be won in one battle!" Since Jingzhou has no hope, It is also good to be able to acquire some sites in the east.

"Now that is the case, let Bo Yan arrange it!" After hearing his explanation, Sun Quan had no choice but to respond, so Lu Xun started an army of 50,000 and led Han Dang, Zhou Tai, Ling Tong, Xu Sheng, Ding Feng, etc. People marched into Hefei.

At the same time, Sun Quan went to Chengdu with Zhuge Jin as his emissary to inform Liu Bei of the news, and it was as if Liu Bei sent Shen Long and Guan Yu to stop Cao Zhen's kindness for him.

While in Chengdu, Liu Bei was worried about the battle on the front line. He quickly summoned Zhuge Liang to ask, "Senior Prime Minister, there are already 150,000 troops of Cao Wei outside Fancheng. Yun Chang returned to Jingzhou. Can Zifeng resist it?"

"Shen Zifeng is a great man in the world. Since he is willing to let Yunchang return to Jingzhou, he must have undefeated confidence!" Zhu Geliang pointed to the map and analyzed to Liu Bei, "Your Majesty, please see, Cao Pi was stationed in Wancheng before The grain and grass in the city must have been used up. Now, Cao Wei may be transporting grain from Runan, Yingchuan and even Xudu, Luoyang and other places! "

"These places are several times as far away from Fanzhou as Jingzhou, without the benefit of water transportation, and the length of trekking is doubled." One man conquered, three husbands transported grain. "In order to supply grain to the 150,000 troops, Cao Wei had to requisition at least half a million men. These People also need to consume grain and grass. The daily consumption of grain and grass at UU reading should be around one million catties. "

"Therefore, Zifeng does not need to consider how to defeat Cao Pi, he only needs to drag Cao Pi's army under Fan Cheng. Sooner or later, they will retreat on their own because of the inadequate supply of grain and grass!" Zhuge Liang analyzed happily. Long, it was him who faced the embarrassment of Cao Pi in the future. Six times out of Qishan, he had to withdraw his troops almost every time because of the problem of grain and grass, and consumed countless national power.

"What's more important is that at this time of the spring plowing season, Cao Wei's hundreds of thousands of young people were busy transporting grain and grass and could not cultivate. This year, there will be famine in the generations of Nanyang and Runan. His Majesty exchanged food from Xuejuyan and Shujin for food from the northern giant room, even if they made less money, so that Cao Wei's strength would be greatly consumed. "Zhu Geliang immediately thought of ways to use economic means to weaken Cao Wei.

"I am afraid that the people of Nanyang and Runan are crying!" Liu Bei's face was unbearable.

"Your Majesty's benevolence, his subjects congratulate the people of the world!" Zhu Geliang continued after saying a compliment, "But don't worry about this matter, Jingzhou will definitely harvest this year, and then you can use food to attract the people of Nanyang and Runan to vote. The population can increase again. "Zhuge Liang has thought of the next step and made arrangements according to the situation in Jingzhou." Then the army will go north to fight against Cao Wei. These people should be of great use. "

"So, just depend on the prime minister!" Liu Bei agreed to Zhuge Liang's plan, and then he carried a lot of snow salt, Shujin, paper, and books from Shuzhong, and exchanged a large amount of food from the hands of the northern family.

And Cao Pi knows nothing about these, he just wants to win Fan Cheng now!

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