All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1703: Military division in the battlefield?

"Cao Pi is here, he always has to give him a little face. If Cao Thief has a general to play today, he can wait for some experience!" Shen Long decided to give Cao Pi a little hope, or he would be attacked every day and then be beaten. After a while Cao Pi should also withdraw his troops, "It's just not to be chased!"

"Last Commander!" Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and others were overjoyed and quickly responded, but they grew up listening to the stories of their fathers slashing Huaxiong, Doulubu, and Changbanpo seven in and seven out, drinking Dangyang Bridge. Who wouldn't want to kill the enemy and become famous all over the world?

The following day, Cao Pi personally led his troops to the city to fight, Cao Zhen, Zhang Ping, Xia Houshang, Xu Huang, etc. will be separated; Fan Cheng also finally opened the city gate, Shen Long took Ma Dai, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and others out to face the battle .

Xu Huang, who was defeated by Guan Yu in the previous session, made great contributions to the crime, and immediately waved his axe to the front to shout, "Hedong Xu Huang is here, who dares to fight me!"

"Qianfan let you escape from my father's hands, and I will take your life today!" Guan Xing shouted and waved the Qinglong Yanyue sword to welcome him, and immediately fought with Xu Huang; the rear Zhang Bao, Ma Dai and other people kept talking. , Deeply hate his unresponsiveness, was even grabbed first by Guan Xing.

"Military division, who wins and loses in this battle?" Ma Deng asked beside Shen Long. He was not a military commander. He only felt that the two sides were playing lively, and he couldn't see the height.

"The origins of Guanan's national studies are only due to a few points of ignorance, and the lack of experience in the battlefield. The first 20 rounds are okay. I am afraid that it will fall into the downwind." This new recruit on the battlefield is not Xu Huang. The veteran's opponent, but it doesn't matter, after playing too much, it will naturally be practiced.

"Xingguo, you have to pay attention, and go up to help later." Shen Long ordered, Zhang Bao and Guan Xing have always been close, let him go to rescue Guan Xing is appropriate.

As Shen Long said, after 20 rounds, Guan Xing's moves became sluggish. At this time, Zhang Bao quickly waved the Zhangba snake spear and killed him. He and Xu Xing joined forces with Guan Xing, which immediately reversed the situation. Now It was Xu Huang ’s turn to turn left.

"Hugh can do more bullying! Xiahou Shanglai is also coming!" Someone over Cao Wei also stood up. Xiahou Shang greeted Zhang Bao. At this time, before Shen Long ordered, Ma Dai stepped forward and stopped Xiahou Shang.

Ma's family and Cao Wei are old friends. Ma Dai's uncle Ma Teng, cousins ​​Ma Xiu and Ma Tieju died in the hands of Cao Wei. The enemies met with red eyes and wielded the sword to kill Xia Houshang.

Xia Houshang had been in good relationship with Cao Pi since he was a child. Seeing that his friends were in the disadvantage, Cao Pi was not only anxious, so Zhang Ping immediately greeted him. Here, Zhao Tong played against Zhang Pian, Zhang Peng was a famous general in Hebei, and became famous for a long time Even above Xu Huang, Zhao Tong was young and could not resist, even if he and Zhao Guang fought together, they could only lose.

After retreating from Zhao Tong and Zhao Guang, Zhang Ping continued to stop, helping Xia Houshang and Xu Huang to defeat Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and Ma Dai successively, and the name of Hebei Zhang Ping resounded through the battlefield for a time.

Cao Pi laughed when he saw, "Who can resist Guan Yunchang's absence? Zhang Junyi is the leader!" In the cold weapon era, if the master general Yingwu could play an excellent role in improving his own time, he only had a battle battle. The custom of seeing Zhang Ping wins, and the death of Cao Weiyu's soldiers also saw a boost in morale.

Conversely, the morale of the Shu Han side was slightly lowered. Ma Dai, Guan Xing and others bowed their heads and felt ashamed; Shen Long laughed and said, "Zhang Ping and Xu Huang are long-timed generals. On the battlefield, what embarrassment is there to lose to such a person? You do n’t have to panic, and watch me take Zhang Piao ’s life! "

Speaking of Shen Long's guns, he immediately said, "Zhang Peng's children are going to be rampant, and Zhonghan, the military commander of the Han Dynasty, will come to Shen Long!"

Hearing this, Cao Weijun was suddenly dumbfounded, and Zhang Piao laughed, "No one in Shuzhong? Does even the military division have to fight in battle?" It is a pity that Zhuge Kongming did not come. See if his lupin can block my spear.

Cao Pi and others were also laughing. They had never heard of the story of Shen Long fighting alone, but they thought he was the same think tank talent as Zhuge Liang.

Shen Long was too lazy to distinguish with him. He shot the horse until he was distracted with a gun in front of him. Zhang Peng was a little negligent. Suddenly he saw this move quickly and accurately. He suddenly scared a white hair sweat and quickly made an iron plate bridge on the saddle. Kung Fu fell backwards, and then barely escaped the gun, but he was extremely embarrassed. He was also a long-time famous general. He was forced to do so by a young man but lost his face.

Zhang Pian's face was red, and he pulled his horse's head back to kill Shen Long again. The two of them suddenly fought together. One shot out of the dragon and pierced the heart. In the battlefield above the battlefield, only the two sides were overwhelmed with their eyes, and they looked at each other with wide eyes, and forgot to applaud.

Had returned to watch the battle, Xu Huang murmured, "If I met this person in Fancheng last time, I and Cao Zixiao might have been killed for a long time!"

At the time, Guan Yu alone crushed the two of them without fighting back. As long as Shen Long is added, how can he resist it? But looking at more than a dozen rounds ~ ~ this Shen Long's martial arts may only be above Guan Yunchang. In the countless Cao Pijun, it is estimated that only the tiger idiot Xu Chuneng can compete with him.

"Oh, no good! Zhang Junyi is dangerous!" Xu Huang felt uncomfortable when he read this, and quickly patted the horse to rescue, trying to rescue Zhang Pian from Shen Long's gun.

However, his action was still too late. He only heard Shen Long shouting. The lance was tangled on Zhang Pian's gun, and the gun in Zhang Pian's hand flew up to the sky. He immediately closed the gun and stabbed, and then he was in the middle of Zhang Pian's chest. A generation of famous generals, Hebei gun master Zhang Pian then died, ten years earlier than the ambush who died in Zhumen Liang in Mumen Valley in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms.

But after seeing Zhang Piao's loss, there was a brief loss of sound on both sides of the battlefield, and the shouting cheers came immediately from the side of the Shu Han, "The military is powerful, the military is powerful!"

The words military division and mighty are connected together. Everyone may find it unusually awkward on weekdays, but at this time, seeing the young man with silver armor and white robe and English martial arts in the field, the sergeant on the Shu Han side feels nothing wrong.

The big husband should be so, the big husband should be so! In this scene, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, and others have seen their blood, and their father ’s deeds have only been heard, but the scene of Shen Long beheading Zhang Pian is witnessed by their own eyes. They only hate themselves. Unintentionally not superb, if not, it is them who enjoy the cheers of the army.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, a certain family will take his life!" A member of Cao Weida will be killed from the Chinese army, shouting in his mouth, "A certain family will come!"

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