All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1708: All heroes in the world

"Yuyujian bottom pine, saplings off the mountain. Inch stems from the other side, shade this hundred feet. The world is high, handsome and sinking. The topography makes it happen, the origin is not the same. Jin Zhang borrowed old industry, seven leaves Er Han marten. Feng Gong is not great, but Bai Shou is not seen. "Somewhere in Ruan, several Hanmen scholars are gathering to recite a newly acquired poem," Shen Zifeng's poem can be said to have done me Waiting for the sadness of the scholars! This imperial examination for the resurrection of Sichuan, I ca n’t see it, I just use the Jingyi strategy to get the material, I can try it later. "

The poem by Shen Long is the "Epic of Poetry" by Zuo Si, a famous genius in the Western Jin Dynasty. Zuo Sinai was born in a cold place. Although he is talented, he has always been depressed.

The meaning of this poem is that the lush green pine trees grow at the bottom of the mountain stream, and the small trees swaying in the wind grow on the top of the mountain; due to the different topography, the small trees at the top of the mountain can cover a hundred feet. Song; the children of the family can ascend to a high position to gain power, but the talented people are buried in the lower-level official positions; this situation is just like Jiandi Song and the mountain seedlings. It is caused by the terrain, and it has been for a long time; Jin Rifeng and Han Dynasty Zhang Anshi's second family relied on the legacy of his ancestors, and his descendants became senior officials in the seventh generation; is Feng Tang not a strange talent? But because of his slight coldness, he still didn't reuse it until Baitou.

The poems are all about the difficulties of the scholars, so they spread widely among the scholars as soon as they spread out. Especially the sentence "Wo n’t Feng Gong be great, the white head ca n’t see the trick" made them feel the same, since the Han Dynasty Since then, the unsavvy readers like to use Li Guang and Feng Tang to compare themselves, and reading will inevitably bring in themselves, causing a lot of emotions.

"Shi Zai, you like to study at an early age, and you are the first to learn from Runan. But because of your background, you can only guard the straw. It's really too bad. Why not go to Shuzhong with me to take the exam." Some people are persuading Friends.

"Ai ... Ai ... was originally a person from Jingzhou. If you can ... if you can win, you will be honored with your hometown, so you should go with you!" Said the friend stutteringly.

This person was Deng Ai who destroyed the Kingdom of Shu in the future. The Deng family was originally a Jingzhou tribe, so Deng Ai was qualified to read and read when he was a child. Cao Caoqiang made the local people move north after the Battle of the Red Cliff, and the young Deng Ai was stupid. In Runan, the family is in the middle.

Later, although he was selected as a bachelor of Diannong Duwei because of reading and literacy, he can serve as a subordinate official of Diannong Duwei, such as Zuo and Gan, and may gradually be promoted in the future if he has a track record. This is for people of humble origin. A way to change the entrance court, but because of stuttering, Diannong Duwei thought that he was not suitable for an important position, and appointed him to be a clerk guarding the straw.

If Shen Long did not appear, it would be twenty years later, when Deng Ai was going to report to Luoyang and met Sima Yi. This changed his destiny and gradually climbed to a high position, but now, seeing the implementation of imperial examinations in Shuzhong to attract talents Deng Ai decided to go to Shuzhong to show his skills.

In Tianshui, Liangzhou, an 18-year-old young man also saw the decree of the Guanghan wise talent in Shuhan. He thought about returning to his home repeatedly and reporting his widowed mother, "Mother, since his father was martyred for the country, children Although I have to give the official of Zhonglang, I am not a high-ranking Jiang family. My superiors and colleagues all despise the children, and the children have been unable to show their talents; nowadays, Shuzhong chooses materials for the imperial examinations. It ’s just that the mother is old and has to work long distances for the working mother. The child ca n’t bear it. "

"Your father is a Han minister, and now Cao Pi's usurpation is really a big deal. You served as an official under Cao Thi, but you did not honour your father's reputation; then Uncle Liu was originally a Han monarchy, and now the Chinese side of Shu is orthodox, and the old woman is old, The body is still strong. How about going to Shuzhong with you? "In the minds of the older generations like Jiang Mu, the legitimacy of the Hans could not be wiped out in a short time. They immediately agreed to go to Shuzhong with Jiang Wei.

In Donglai Qucheng, at the same time, two documents were placed in front of Wang Ji and Wang Boyu, who had passed away, and one was a document that confiscated him for filial piety. When Wang Lang's father Wang Bao died when he was young, he and his uncle Wang Weng lived together, Wang Weng carefully raised, Wang Ji was also very filial, and the name of filial piety is widely spread.

Then Wang Ji served as an official in Donglai County, and resigned because he was not at his best. This expedition gave him another chance.

If before, Wang Ji was excited when he saw such a document, but now there is another document in front of him, which is the document for the imperial examination in Shuhan. Wang Jisi thought up and sighed again and again, "The big husband is born Why do you have to rely on the favor of others to build your own merits and establish a career? This is what the concubine does, I do n’t do it! "

All talented people in the world are full of heart, and naturally there is no shortage of talents in Shu. Fei Yi lost his father when he was young and lived with his father Fei Boren. Aunt Bo Ren was the mother of Yizhou Mu Liuzhang. Liu Zhang sent an envoy to meet Fei Boren, and Fei Boren took Fei Yi to study in Shu. Later, Liu Beiping settled in Shu, and Fei Yi stayed in Yizhou ~ ~ and joined Xu Shulong, a person from Runan and Dong from Nanjun. Yun Qiming.

Fei Yi had early prestige in the middle of Shu Dynasty. After Liu Bei ascended the throne, he confiscated Liu Chan as the prince and confiscated Fei Yi and Dong Yun as princes; Take the Imperial Examination.

The prince can often accompany the prince, which is a great prospect. After the prince succeeds, he can go straight to the sky. However, Fei Yi feels that Liu Bei is now in a healthy state, and he does not know how long to wait for Liu Chan to succeed; It was a good opportunity to build a career, so this decision was made.

Before the imperial examination began, the world's scholars were integrated into the cloud, and Shen Long arranged the exams based on the experience of later generations. While reviewing the list of scholars, he found many familiar names, "Haha, Deng Ai actually came, oh, also, he I ’m still looking at the straw. Runan is not far from Jingzhou; Jiang Wei ’s words probably came from Hanzhong? Wang Ji worked hard, and Donglai entered Shuzhong. ”

I know what it was like when Li Shimin said, "The heroes of the world are all in the hub". With so many talents, why don't you worry that Shuhan is not happy!

Then he wrote down all these names one by one and planned to check them one by one when the results of the imperial examinations came out, so as to avoid any omissions and lead to brain drain.

By the way, you have to remember when arranging the examination room. Fei Yi and Jiang Wei must not be allowed to be together, otherwise what if the two of them fight? Shen Long muttered.

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