All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1709: Jiangmeng won stability in Shu

There are no routines for the Shenma Township Examination, Meeting Examination, and Temple Examination in this imperial examination, and it is enough to directly complete all the examinations for one round. The ratio of the current readers can not be compared with that in the future, and Liu Bei does not have a unified world after all, for him to choose There are very few talents, and a group of students can barely make arrangements after the exam.

Shen Long, Xu Jing, Li Yan and others acted as the examiners. As for the subject, it is not difficult. Some blank-filled questions of the scriptures, some basic legal knowledge, and then the strategy. The theme is how to unify the world, ZTE Hanshan Jiangshan.

The standard for judging papers is not difficult, as long as the writing is smooth and the contents are all acceptable, and then appointed according to the results of different official positions, or county magistrates, or principals.

The performances that Shen Long paid special attention to were exceptional, and Deng Ai proposed to dig a canal and build water conservancy in order to irrigate the farmland, increase the yield per unit area, and clear the transportation of water. When he felt it was feasible, he reported to Liu Bei and asked him to go to Jingzhou to help Guan Yu Tuntian.

Jingzhou happened to be Deng Ai's hometown. Deng Ai was certainly happy to return to his hometown, and Guan Yu implemented an army in Jingzhou, and was also able to get in touch with the training of soldiers. He would not let this late three kingdoms generals waste their military talents.

Jiang Wei proposed a military solution to Cao Wei in his examination paper, which is also quite desirable. Shen Long arranged him under Ma Chao. Ma Chao is now in Hanzhong, not far from the northwest. Jiang Wei ’s geographical location The terroir is very familiar, and the Jiang family is still the Tianshui clan. If they attack here in the future, they may play an unexpected role.

As for Fei Yi, he wrote in the answer sheet how to establish Shuhan's internal government affairs, revealing his outstanding accomplishments in the internal affairs, and the generosity and integrity of others, Shen Long suggested that he be appointed as a leader in a county around Chengdu. Officer, first accumulate experience in the local area, and when the time is ripe, transfer to the center for future use.

Wang Jinai is a literary and martial arts genius. Such a man must not allow him to waste, so he was sent to a county on the border with Cao Wei, so that he can use both talents at the same time. Well, let Cao Wei deal with Cao Wei in the future, but it's just right.

Soon after, news of the official acceptance of these young people from all over the world spread all over the world. Many of the scholars who were still hesitating were also tempted. So many scholars from Dongwu and Cao Wei also came to Shuzhong, waiting for the next time. opportunity.

When they arrived in Shuzhong, they suddenly found that many family clan easily displayed the scriptures of outsiders, and they were placed in the libraries of the prefectures and counties. As long as they registered their names, they could go in and read them at random. Borrow to recite, but this opened their eyes and quickly wrote letters to friends and relatives to come to Shuzhong.

Even if you are not an official in Shuzhong, it is always good to study more? You still stay in your hometown, so there are so many books to read? How much hardship we had to study for that year, we endured the cynicism of the giants, and we had to pay a smile of three to four times. It took a few months and half a year of hard work, and good luck to be recognized by others. child.

Is different now, as long as you are willing to come to Shuzhong, you can read whatever you want! Oh, of course, books related to military astronomy and prosperity are not available in general libraries. After all, these things are still taboo in today ’s era, but do n’t worry. Waiting for institutions such as Guozijian, you still have Chance to see these books.

One pass, two pass, three pass, this time there are more readers coming to Shuzhong, Liu Bei is very happy, he recalled the past waiting outside Zhuge Caolu, how hard it was for me to find someone. It ’s good now, all the readers in the world have come to my Shuhan, this is what the people want!

Shen Long did not forget to pour a scoop of cold water on him. Your majesty, please do n’t be too happy too early. These are all cold children. Look at them. Could someone from Yingchuan come? Jiang Dong Zhu Zhang Gu Lu, this enlarged family can have children come? no? Not to mention the children of the main branch, not even the side branches and branches.

In addition, there are a few talents like Jiang Wei, Deng Ai, Fei Yi, and Wang Ji among them. Most of them are middle-aged people. In the future, they can manage a county well. Do n’t expect them to stand alone and become a court. Dongliang.

This is also impossible. After all, knowledge has been monopolized in the hands of giants. It is not easy for students in Hanmen to study, and there is also a lack of teacher guidance. They can only rely on their own exploration. The efficiency of learning is naturally not high, and their talents are far from Xunyu. , Xun You, Zhuge Liang, Lu Xun are so famous.

But don't worry, now that the conditions have been given to them, as long as they are willing to work hard, they will eventually grow. If the cold people all over the world are eager to Shuhan, what are the few giants in the area? After all, how many family members like Yuan Yang Cao Xia and Zhu Zhang Gu Lu are in the world?

In terms of absolute numbers, there are more cold people than family members, and the probability of talents will increase if the base is larger ~ ~ It is only a matter of time before Shuhan ’s talent reserve exceeds Cao Wei.

At the same time, good news kept coming. After Jian Yong went to Jiangdong again, Sun Quan quickly broke the meaning of invading Jingzhou; while Ma Chao arrived in Hanzhong, Ke Bineng ran away as soon as he heard his name, and never again Not afraid to invade Hanzhong, now Ma Chao has started to contact the Qiang people, and Cao Wei has a headache.

In Ma Chao ’s recent letter to Shen Long, Jiang Wei is full of praise, saying that this man is very talented in martial arts, and his strategy is better than himself. He has planned to regard Jiang Wei as his heir. After training, in a few years, Jiang Wei will become the first person in the middle-aged generation of Shu.

Hey, Jiang Wei, from Zhuge Liang's apprentice to Ma Chao's apprentice? But it doesn't matter for now. In the future, find an opportunity to let Jiang Wei mix with himself for a while. He certainly won't become the same general as Ma Chao.

Zhuge Liang's conquest of Yong Kai and Meng Huo also won a great victory. After beheading Yong Wei, he captured Meng Huo seven times and defeated many of the kings of the South Central King's Cave. They have vowed not to betray Shu for life, so Nanzhong has been stable since then, and the Han can finally return his attention to Cao Wei.

"The prime minister is finally coming back. When the prime minister comes back, I will be out of town thirty miles to meet." Liu Bei heard that Zhuge Liang was very happy to come back.

Shen Long was thinking about why Zhuge Liang wanted to capture Meng Huo seven times, not just for pretending.

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