All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1710: Bingfen 2 Road Shuhan Northern Expedition

Meng Huo was "subdued by Yi Han", that is to say, he had a huge reputation among Han Chinese and Yi people in Nanzhong, otherwise Yong Kai wouldn't rebel and would not help him gain his momentum.

In the situation where Shuhan ca n’t directly manage the South Central Manchurian Ministry, such talents are scarce. It ’s easy for you to kill a Meng Huo, but after the death of Meng Huo, the South Central Manchurian Ministry will continue to rebel. When they were still alive, the South Central Barbarian was still able to twist into a rope. Although under his command, the force was great and it was easy to defeat.

But if Meng Huo died, then Nanzhong's barbarians would be a mess. What about Meng Huo's wife, Mrs. Zhu Rong, his subordinate Marshal A Huinan, and Mrs. Zhu Rong's brother brought Ms. Dong, Meng Hu's brother Meng You, In addition, King Wood Deer, King Doss, and Wu Ge, the main boss of the Ugo Kingdom, will definitely continue to fight against the soldiers, and they will still fight on their own.

Such a rebellion is certainly not as powerful as Meng ’s, but it is difficult to completely recover. Nanzhong will inevitably become a quagmire. Even if it costs countless human and financial resources in Shuzhong, it cannot be easily settled.

Therefore, it's the best way to win over the influential people like Meng Huo and make them allegiance to the imperial court, and then use their influence to appease the local people and accept the imperial court's rule.

Then Zhuge Liang let Meng Huo away again and again, and asked him to find the leaders of the barbarians of Nanzhong. He was beaten up by Zhuge Liang and told Meng Huo clearly that there is no hope of success in your rebellion, so In the end, Meng Huo was completely convinced, taking those barbarian chiefs to surrender to Zhuge Liang, and vowed never to rebel.

In this way, Nanzhong was completely settled, but it was only for the barbarian soldiers who had died in the hands of Shu Han. From this perspective, Meng Hu, like Shen Gongbao, is auspicious for his teammates. In terms of the relationship, blood mold has already been poured, and it is impossible not to bleed a lot.

Moreover, Zhuge Liang did not just withdraw the army after he conquered Meng Huo. He hit a stick and gave it to a sweet date, and then divided Meng Huo and other barbarian chiefs into their positions and included them in Shuhan's physique.

At the beginning, Meng Huo and others might not feel anything. After all, he was the master of the hilltop, and it is still the same. Those people who originally belonged to his subordinates have not changed; but they will be different in the future. Wait for them. After hanging up, when the descendant succeeds to the throne, is it necessary to obtain the approval of the Shuhan court? By then there will be many articles to do.

They thought that they had obtained the official position of Shu Han, but they did not know that this was an excuse for Shu Han to intervene in their internal power inheritance. In this case, those barbarian leaders who were dissatisfied with Shu Han were obviously not superior.

Finally, Zhuge Liang also collected materials such as gold, silver, dansha, lacquer, cattle, and war horses from Nanzhong to firmly hold Nanzhong ’s economy in the hands of Shuhan. He also selected elites from the barbarians and made them into an army. Under the jurisdiction of Shuhan, this completely eliminated the possibility of rebellion of the southern central barbarians.

If you want to rebel, you must have someone rich, or who will listen to you? Now the financial resources are controlled by the Shuhan, and the warriors who can fight are also serving as soldiers under the Shuhan. Who are you looking for to rebel with you? Dream you.

In this way, Nanzhong is completely settled. If he relies solely on Meng Hu ’s oath, it is absolutely unreliable, and if he does not violate Meng Hu ’s oath, even if he does not, as long as Nanzhong Barbarian has this ability Who dares to guarantee that no one will kill Meng Huo and lead his troops to rebel?

Zhuge Liang's series of methods came out, but it made the Nanzhong barbarians completely incapable of rebellion. This is the way to solve the problem completely. Shen Long felt admired after careful consideration. It is worthy of the wisdom of the almost demon Zhuge Kongming.

So after Zhuge Liang came back, he greatly appreciated Zhuge Liang's methods; Zhuge Liang was modest at first, saying that if it was not His Majesty's support, Shen Long gave a prescription to solve the malaria before he could calm down Nanzhong's words.

Then he began to praise Shen Long's use of imperial examinations, libraries, etc. to gather the hearts of the world's scholars. As a result, the conversation became a high hat for the two people; they made Shen Long's heart congested, and Zhuge Liang was the real person, I This really takes advantage of the traversal, applying the successful experience of later generations.

But whether it is true ability or plagiarism, as long as the problem can be solved, it is good. After these two things, the wealth of the country and the people in Shuzhong gradually accumulated some capital.

And at this time, Hua Tuo, who had been fooled by Shen Long to look for cowpox cases, also came back. Hua Tuo did not know that he had escaped, and he happily showed his achievements to Shen Long. He really discovered cow pox. The inhibitory effect on smallpox, and sorted out a set of large-scale application programs.

After seeing it, Shen Long changed it a little, and dedicated the plan to Liu Bei. Liu Bei was overjoyed. Now, after years of battle, the Central Plains population is steadily decreasing, and smallpox is the biggest enemy of newborns. In decades, the population of the Central Plains could return to its heyday before the Yellow Scarf.

The reasons for the rapid decline in the population of the Three Kingdoms ~ ~ Shen Long has also seriously studied, this is not only the reason for successive battles, but also the power of the prosperity of the family in the Three Kingdoms period, hiding countless reasons; such Things can be seen by observing the population of a dynasty in the early, middle, and late periods.

Hua Tuo conducted experiments in Shuzhong and determined that the new plan was effective. Liu Bei immediately ordered a special manpower to vaccinate the people and followed Shen Long ’s suggestion to name the new department the Baochi Bureau to protect the child.

For a time, all the people in Shuzhong returned to their hearts, and the prestige of the court surged. Even Dongwu and Cao Wei also had a lot of people who helped the old and the young to come to Shuhan, in order to preserve the lives of their descendants.

Cao Pi besieged Fancheng in Nanyang and Runan, which caused a lot of land abandonment. Now people are fleeing to Jingzhou in large numbers. Officials in Nanyang and Runan sent troops and horses to intercept, and Deng guarding the border of Jingzhou Ai, Wang Ji and others had several conflicts, and the relationship between Cao Wei and Shu Han became more tense.

Shen Long and Zhuge Liang realized that the time had come to expedite Cao Wei, if they quickly found Liu Beizhao's ministers to discuss, they were preparing to raise their troops to fight against Cao Wei.

Deliberate again and again, decided to send two soldiers, one commander Zhuge Liang, Qishan to attack Tianshui, Nan'an, Anding and other counties in Longyou, threatening Chang'an.

The other way is north of Jingzhou, pointing directly to Wancheng, and then peeking into Xudu. This way is led by Shen Long.

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