All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1711: Qin Mi made Wu Luxun go north

Zhu Geliang led Zhao Yun, Wei Yan, Ma Chao and other veterans to send troops, while Shen Long ’s subordinates were Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Deng Ai, Wang Ji and other minors, Huang Zhong, Zhang Feizhen guarded Shuzhong, Guan Yu Still sitting in Jingzhou to guard against Soochow.

However, in the middle of the north of Shu, more than half of the soldiers and horses were used. If Dongwu came to attack, there was still a risk of being unable to resist. So before this, a tongue-and-mouth warrior must be sent to Dongwu Xiao to persuade him to persuade Sun Quan. Attack Hefei, Xuzhou and other places in order to disperse Cao Wei's strength and relieve Shuhan's worries.

"Jiu Wen Bachelor Qin Mi is distinguished in his studies and unrivaled in his debates. He recommended that Qin Mi go to Soochow for his success." Shen Long recommended a person, and Zhu Geliang and others nodded.

Sun Quan heard that Shuhan planned to go northward to cut Wei, so he summoned Lu Xun and others to discuss, and suddenly heard that Shuhan had an envoy to visit, Zhang Zhao said, "This is definitely Shuhan wants to join the Eastern Wu to discuss Cao Wei and send Qin Mi as a lobbyist."

Sun Quan asked, "Why should I answer it?"

Zhang Zhaodao said, "Wei Shu is stronger than Dong Wu, and is waiting to sit on the mountain to watch the tiger fight. He chooses a thousand warriors with long faces, each holding a sword, and swinging straight from the palace gate to the palace, but calling Qin Mi to see him. ; Hugh waited for this person to make a remark, as the army threatened him, to see how he responded. "

Sun Quan readily accepted, and ordered the warriors to stand on the left and right, each of the military weapons, summoned Qin Mi, Qin Mi went to the palace gate in full dress, and saw two lines of samurai, majestic majesty, each holding a steel knife, big axe, long The halberd and the short sword, straight to the palace, already understood their meaning, without fear, but acted arrogantly, and the samurai left and right saw it visually, but Qin Mi smiled slightly.

When the near minister led to the curtain, Qin Michang refused to worship, Sun Quanling rolled up the bead curtain and shouted, "Why not worship!"

Qin Mi Ang replied, "The angel of the kingdom, do not worship the Lord of Xiaobang."

Sun Quan was furious and said: "Unexpectedly, if you want to get rid of the three-inch tongue, say you are alone in Wei Xiangshu, right?"

Qin Mi replied, "I am a Confucian student in Shu, especially for the benefit of Wu Kingdom. It is to set up soldiers to intimidate, so as to refuse to make an order, what can't be contained in the situation!"

Sun Quan was ashamed, that is, he retired the warrior and ordered Qin Mi to go to the temple. He sat and asked, "What is the benefit of Wu and Wei? Would Mr. teach me."

Qin Mi asked, "Will the king want peace with Shu, or peace with Wei?"

Sun Quandao said, "Jiangdong soldiers are very weak, and they just want to protect themselves."

Qin Mi said, "The king is the hero of the world, Jiang Dongjun came out in a row, why should the king be humble? Now that the Cao thief steals the country, everyone should be blamed, and the king is also a Han Chen, should we go back to help Cao Weihu?"

Without waiting for Sun Quan to answer, Qin Mi said, "If the current king is a member of the Wei Dynasty, Wei will expect the king to hail and ask the prince to serve as an internal servant; if he does not follow, then the soldiers will attack and Shu will move forward, so this is the place of Jiangnan No longer is the king of the king; if they go northward to fight against Cao Wei, then Cao Wei will lose, and the king can also achieve merit! "

Sun Quan was silent, and it was only a long time before he asked, "If Wu and Shu defeated Wei together, and won the peace of the world, would the two masters divide and rule?"

Qin Mi replied, "There is no two days in the sky, no two kings in the people. For example, after the extermination of the Wei Dynasty, he did not know who the destiny belonged to, but he was a monarch, and he repaired his virtue; Breathing. "

Sun Quan laughed, "Jun's sincere money is like this!" Then he invited Qin Mi into the banquet and hosted a banquet. Lu Xun asked the soldiers and horses in Shuzhong, Qin Mi told the truth, Lu Xun was shocked, Dongwu Eighty-one states in the south of the Yangtze River are not as rich as the remote areas of Xishu.

"Here is my lord Rende, Zhuge and Prime Minister Zhu Zifeng tried their best to assist; the prime minister combed the internal affairs, the order in Shuzhong was orderly, and the soldiers and horses calmed down the south, so that there was no worries in Shuzhong; The people in Sichuan are not afraid of the poverty, and the infant babies are not afraid of the smallpox. Therefore, the rich Chinese people in Shu have enough to support hundreds of thousands of troops. "Qin Mi talked about the benefits of Shuzhong and heard the wishes of Dongwu Qunchen. .

In the palace, Dong Wu Qunchen, mostly from large families, never used snow salt, brocade, paper, books in Shu, and even begged Shu Chinese medicine practitioners to plant cowpox for their offspring to prevent smallpox. The changes in the past few years are quite familiar, knowing that Qin Mi has no false words, Shuzhong is indeed far from the past.

Lu Xun secretly said that in the past, Qin had won the land of Shuzhong, and then he had to resist the six countries alone. If the Northern Expedition of Shuhan again won the land of Longzhong in Guanzhong, it would be inevitable. Go to Xuzhou, Qingzhou and other places to occupy the land of the former Qiqi before they can compete with Shuhan.

As for the idea of ​​uniting Wei to attack Shu, he never thought about it, because now Wei is the most powerful. If he defeats the Shu with them, Cao Pi will inevitably turn around and attack Dongwu. By that time, Dongwu will only have a dead end.

So Lu Xun asked about the plan of the Northern Expedition of Shuhan, Qin Mi led Zhuge Liang out of Qishan, Shen Long said his plan from Jingzhou north to Wancheng; after hearing that Guan Yu was still defending Jingzhou, Lu Xun's last luck was gone, if there was no Jingzhou Where can Soochow enter the hinterland of Shuzhong?

If you want to take Jingzhou, you must first defeat Guan Yu ~ ~ When Shen Zifeng returns from Fancheng, and then forces Jianye straight down the river, what should I do? Soochow will lose!

The essence of Dongwu is all along the Yangtze River, and Jingzhou is in the hands of the Shu Han, which is equivalent to holding the throat of Dongwu. For this purpose, only Xuzhou, Qingzhou and other places can win this dilemma.

Luxun thought of these two places again, so he wanted Sun Quan to take the initiative to prepare to take advantage of Zhuge Liang and Shen Zifeng to go north, and Cao Wei's forces were scattered. They won these two states and won a greater strategic space for Soochow.

So Dong Wu and Shu Han have been friends since then, Sun Quan sent Zhu Gejin and Qin Mi to return to Shuzhong together, Liu Bei heard the joy, and immediately presented them with gifts. Zhu Geliang and Shen Long left Chengdu in preparation for the official northward expedition; Lu Xun also rectified Jiangdong The soldiers and horses, ready to wait for Zhuge Liang and Shen Long to attack, then led the army north.

However, it was said that Wei Guoshuo was aware of the matter and reported it to the Central Plains. Cao Pi heard the anger, "Wu and Shu Lianhe must have the original meaning in the picture, so I should cut it first." When cutting down Wu, at this time, the chief Sima Caoren and the second lieutenant Jia Xu had died, and Cao Wei's talents were gradually dying away, and no one responded.

After a long while, Shi Zhongxin, a servant, went out and said, "The land of the Central Plains, where the land is vast and the people are sparse, and they want to use troops, see no profit; today's plan, Mo Ruo divided his troops and refused them. , And then use it, then Wu and Shu can be broken. "

Cao Pi wanted to refute, but remembered the dilemma that he could not help but retreat under Fan Cheng, and he fell into a dilemma.

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