All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1712: Fighting Cao Zhen out of Fancheng

Sima Yi came out and said, "There are few people in the middle of Sichuan, and Zhuge Liang and Shen Long must rise up in the country, and they need to spend money on grain and grass every day, so we do n’t need to be a bit sharp. When he came out, the Shuzhong must be unable to supply for a long time. The two men had to retreat with handsome soldiers. When they chased after that, they would have won. "

After hearing this, Cao Pi remembered Fan Cheng again, so he gladly accepted Sima Yi ’s advice, and ordered Sima Yi as the commander-in-chief of Yongqi and Liang, the generals of Qi Qi, and went out of Luoyang to reject Zhuge Liang; Lead Runan, Nanyang and other military and military affairs, go south to reject Shen Long; then send Cao Xiu to Xuzhou to guard, guard against the East and North.

So, the Northland once again spurred its horses, and started the army with hundreds of thousands of soldiers. The Northland has just recuperated for a while. It has been in a hurry again. Numerous young men have been recruited as civilians, assisting the army to transport grain and weapons. The wife cried and led Yitong to the road, crying straight to the sky.

Especially in Runan and Nanyang, when Cao Pi attacked Fancheng before, they exhausted the civilian power of these two places. After the war, the people who fled south went back to the army. Now there is no change in the name of hundreds of people. The land is abandoned, and now it is fighting again, how can there be a way to live?

Shen Long had long expected this. He let Deng Ai arrange capable people and other secrets to sneak into Runan and Nanyang, and led the local people to flee to Jingzhou. The Deng family was originally a Nanyang tribe. There was grievance, and now I heard that Deng Ai was in an important position in Shu, and responded one after another.

The Deng family is widely distributed in Nanyang and Runan, and is quite prestigious among the people. For a time, the fugitives in Nanyang and Runan, and Shen Long prepared soldiers and horses at the junction of Jingzhou and the two places to meet the people who fled at any time. Then they provided them with food and clothing, and led them to Jingzhou to reclaim the land. They have been in war for many years now. There are a lot of abandoned land in various places, but there is no shortage of land.

After these people arrived in Jingzhou, they were astonished to see the sturdy rice seedlings in the fields, regular fields and irrigated ditches. If there is time to enjoy the land, will they be in Jingzhou?

The governance of Jingzhou by Shen Long, Guan Yu, Deng Ai, Wang Ji and others has paid off. Today, Jingzhou has long become a land of fish and rice. It is far from the exhausted Runan and Nanyang. The people have settled down in accordance with the orders of the government. Start to reclaim the land.

According to Shen Long ’s order, Deng Ai selected smart people from these people to return to Runan and Nanyang again, and persuaded the people who were still there to go south. Many people here still remember that Liu Bei could n’t bear to be chased by Cao Cao. Abandoning the old things of the people, they responded as soon as they heard that they were going to the site of Uncle Liu Huang.

The defenders in Xinye, Wancheng and other places found that after the people fled, they quickly led the army out of the city to intercept, but Shen Long had already prepared. Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Ma Dai, Zhao Tong and others had already led elite soldiers and horses to hide around, When the army came out of the city, they killed the generals from the oblique thorns, beat the enemy generals by surprise, lost their soldiers and fled back into the city.

After so many times, the defenders in various places could only shrink out of the city, and let the Shuhan army guard the local people to go south to Jingzhou. When Cao Zhen led the army, the people at the border of Nanyang, Runan, and Jingzhou had already gone. .

"There are more people in Jingzhou, and even if this battle fails to hit Xudu, Cao Wei is also seriously hurt." Shen Long immediately heard the arrival of Cao Zhen and led the army north, and the small town between Wancheng and Fancheng saw the arrival of the army, or When Kaicheng surrendered, either Shen Long slammed down, and the army hardly suffered any resistance and went outside Wancheng.

Cao Zhen saw Shen Long ’s banner at the head of the city, and he was in a trance for a while. The last time he saw him, he was in the city, but he attacked the city outside the city. This time he fought again, but it was just his turn to defend the city. , Shen Long led the army to siege.

Shen Long had rich experience in using troops and did not leave Cao Zhen with any chance of sneak attack. He set up camp outside Fancheng City, surrounded the Wancheng regiment on the southeast and west sides, leaving only the north gate leading to Luoyang for Cao Jun to enter and leave.

In the early morning of the next day, the drums of the Shuhan camp were rumbled, and the Shen flag was raised high. Shen Long led the army to the city gate to challenge. Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and other teenagers galloped, pointing at the city head and scolding, thinking Cao Jun should be excited to come out to fight.

The general Wen Wen was angry, "When my generation became famous, my generation was probably not born yet. How dare you look down on us today? General, Wen, please go out of town!"

"Zhongye is angry, the juniors are not worth mentioning, but when we came out from Luoyang, Your Majesty had strict orders. This war only needs to defend the city, then the Shu army will retreat!" Cao Zhen smiled bitterly in his heart. Before going out of the city to fight for the sake of his own morale, he must be willing to do such a thing.

Who made the person out of the city, could anyone beat him in the city? Although Wen Zhongwen Wen Zhongye was not there last time, haven't you heard of it? Although you are good at martial arts, you must be Zhang Peng and Xu Chu. You are going out of town to fight, isn't that a self-defeating way?

Cao Zhen has been cast a shadow by Shen Long, unless Lu Bu comes back to his account, otherwise he will never dare to go out of the city; even if Lu Bu comes, he will not dare, Lu Bu can beat eight generals What?

"Hehe ~ ~ Cao Zidan is scared." Shen Long chuckled, and then called Zhang Bao to order one or two. After listening to Zhang Bao, he came to the city to fight again.

"Cao Zhen's old man listened well, my army division has a word, my army division will not take action in this battle, and we will fight against Er, etc. If he is not so afraid to fight, it is better to open the city and forget it!" Zhang Bao inherited his father's good voice, thunderous, shocked the ears of the defenders of the city head, and the soldiers saw their faces in horror.

"Big General!" Wen Xing once again fought for battle, and Cao Zhen was also difficult to stop. People like Shen Long and Shen Zifeng couldn't do anything. Could it be that these children were allowed to show off their power under the city?

So Cao Zhen personally led the soldiers to fight, Wen Xing, Xu Huang, Guo Huai, Wang Shuang and so on will be arranged around the south gate, and Wen Xing first rushed to the forefront. Who dares to fight me! "

"In order to not preserve the land of this state, what other face do you have for Wen Zhongye to fight?" Zhang Bao greeted him with a straight snake, and scolded him for his pain.

Wen Xing was originally the general of Liu Biao in Jingzhou. He guarded Jingbei. After Liu Biao's death, Liu Cong dropped Cao. Wen Xun did not follow Cao Cao until Cao Cao summoned each other and asked him why he was late. Ashamed of seeing others, Cao Cao felt that his loyalty was reused, but this matter was a scar from Wen Hi.

Is now uncovered by Zhang Bao, and Wen Xing immediately became furious and fought with guns.

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