All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1713: Sleepy Wancheng teenager shows his prestige

Zhang Bu was not afraid, and immediately took a fight with Wen Xing, one was like a tiger, a tiger, and a snake spear left and right, and one was a sword that was not old, and the silver gun was airtight.

The soldiers in the two military camps were all moved by the drums, and the sound of the drums shook the earth. The sound of cheering went up to the sky. Cao Zhen and others looked at Shen Long first, and saw that he had no armor. The robe and the fan sat and watched the battle immediately. Paying attention to the situation on the field, it does n’t matter, Cao Zhen and Xu Huang immediately surprised, "Now a little time has passed since the last battle of Fan City. How fast can this martial art progress? Wen Zhongye is not good! "

"Zhang Yide has a son like this, really envious of a certain family!" Wen hired a long gun and opened the Zhangba snake spear. He praised that he secretly recalled that he was definitely not as good as martial arts at this age of Zhang Bao.

"Wen Zhongye, I'm already old and decayed. Let's go home and play with the grandson! If we fight again, Hu Xiu's snake spear is merciless!" Zhang Bao smiled proudly, and after some temptation, he had already Knowing that Wen Hien is not his own opponent, he can win it within 20 rounds.

"But let Xingguo pick up a bargain! If the military division hone me all the way, I'm afraid it will not be easy for Xingguo to win Wen Zhongye!" Guan Xing, Ma Dai, and others laughed, and their journey was not just a simple march. Since Shen Long arrived in Jingzhou, they have often called them to practice together.

Although every time they were besieging Shen Long together, and then they were beaten by Shen Long, their faces were swollen, but they also gained a lot of experience, and after the war, Shen Long will point out their martial arts one by one. It is very different, and it has greatly increased its strength compared to the romance novels.

"How do you dare to underestimate Wenmou?" Wen Wen was irritated by Zhang Bao. He pulled his horse and turned his head and rushed to attack. Zhang Bao was not surprised and surprised. Wen Ying was old and strong, and the experience in the battlefield was extremely rich. Guarding the portal, Zhang Bao still couldn't find a suitable opportunity between Xu Yu, but Wen Hi now has launched a fierce attack, which is in the middle of Zhang Bao's arms.

If we discuss the fierce offensive, ten literary hires are inferior to Shen Long. Zhang Bao was beaten all the way by Shen Long, and he has been able to exercise his ability. In the face of the violent storm of literary attacks, Zhang Bao is light and relaxed. Song stopped it, and there was even Yu Li's sarcasm, "Well, Zhong Zhongye is really old. Is this strength tickling people?"

Now that Wen Wen was so angry, when he built his career under Liu Biaoyu, Zhang Bao was probably not born yet. Now he is so humiliated by his children, Wen Wen's offensive has become more violent. Previously, he still had seven points and three points. Now it is already nine points offensive and one point of defense.

"Wen Zhongye is already old, how long can such an offensive last? When the offensive declines a bit, it will be the moment of defeat! Dadu, let's hurry up and recruit the soldiers!" Xu Huang saw the situation was wrong and hurried to Cao Zhen. Said.

Cao really waited for an order, and the situation on the field suddenly changed. Wen Xing was unable to attack for a long time and exhausted his energy. His movements were slightly delayed. However, Zhang Bao, who had been waiting for a long time, seized the opportunity and spurred the Chinese to the left. Hired loudly and fell off the horse, Xu Huang and others wanted to go out to rescue.

Zhang Bao laughed loudly and handed the snake spear to his left hand. Before pulling it out, he lightly shoved the arm of the ape to capture Wen Wen back, and placed it in front of the horse to return to the battlefield. There was a sound of applause from the Shuhan Army and Cao Weijun Suddenly dumb, the personal soldiers hired by Wen wanted to come to the rescue, but Cao Zhen stopped them in time. The Shu army was revitalized and solemn, and they went there only by themselves.

"Military division, a certain family is fortunate, and Wen Wen returned!" Zhang Bao came to Shen Longma and threw Wen Wei underground.

"It's hard to rejuvenate the country, and you should take the lead in this battle! Come here, General Wen will stay for diagnosis and rest!" Shen Long said to Wen Wengong, "Children don't know how to behave, and General Wen will blame."

"Today's defeat, the old man has nothing to say, and then he will kill if he wants to kill, and he wants to let the old man go to Shu, but he would rather die!" Wen Zhan said with a painful neck.

"The loyalty of Wen Zhongye has been heard for a long time. Of course, he did not dare to be so extravagant. General Wen would go down and heal for a while!" It doesn't matter if you don't surrender. Can I grind slowly? You are definitely not willing to fight for the leader of the Shu Han. But you are a native of Wancheng. After winning Wancheng in the future, let you lead the local people to reclaim the land. Should you accept this?

Didn't Yu Ban, who had previously surrendered, settle down in Jingzhou Guan Yu's village, and the young and strong training grounds of his subordinates were excellent. This time, many of the elite troops under Shen Long's Northern Expedition were trained by the ban. The skill of training soldiers, Yu Ban is also a first-class level in the three countries, and only a few people, such as Gao Shun and Chen Dao, can win him.

"Dadu Du, now only the last one is going to take the horses and take two enemy young men to replace Wen Zhongye." Xu Huang said that the first battle lost Wen Wenye, which was a huge blow to the morale of Wei Jun. Moreover, Wenpin is still a native of Wancheng. If he fails to save him, the people in the city will inevitably have their minds floating.

"Gongming is careful!" Cao Zhen pondered secretly ~ ~ Since Zhang Bao's martial arts are far better than before, then Guan Xing, Ma Dai, and others may be the same, but he can't let Wen Wen fall into Shu Han No matter, so I have to agree.

Xu Huang pulled the horse out and waited until he was invited to fight. Guan Xing greeted him, "Xu Gongming, let you go last time, come again today to score a game!"

"Last time I couldn't bear Yun Chang's sadness, a certain family had already taken down your first level!" Xu Huang immediately waved his axe forward and fought with Guan Xing, a big Xuanhua axe as heavy as a blue dragon The cold light flickered, the sword and the axe intertwined, the drums cheered and cheered, and the two sides came and went.

Xingguo has already captured Wen Zhongye. If I return without success, it will be a joke. After 20 rounds, Guan Xing's offensive becomes more and more fierce.

Cao Zhen and others were even more surprised. Xu Gongming in the previous period could still beat Guan Xing. If Zhang Bao came to rescue, I am afraid that he would have already won him.

On the other hand, we and others broke Pang Lingming, Yu Wenze, Zhang Junxian, and Xu Zhongkang in Fancheng. Afterwards, Zhang Wenyuan and Cao Zixiao died one after another. This time, Wen Zhongye was lost again. So, why do we talk about unifying the world?

At this point, Cao Zhen became discouraged gradually, and then looked at the situation on the scene, could not help worrying about Xu Huang, quickly ordered Ming Jin to recruit soldiers, Wang Shuang was rescued to rescue Xu Huang, a pedestrian walked back to the city.

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