All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1714: Build ordnance to attack the city

Shen Long did n’t pursue either, Cao Zhen commanded properly, and the city guards were tightly guarded, and did not leave him any chance, so he ordered Mingjin to take his troops back to the camp. Guan Xing deeply regretted that Ma Dai, Guan Suo, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong and others He was also frustrated that he didn't have the chance to play. Only Zhang Bao was very proud, but he won the essay.

Back to the account, the generals asked to play again tomorrow, Shen Long smiled, "After this battle, Cao Zidan may not be out of the city and will certainly not be able to defend."

He immediately ordered Zhang Bao, Guan Xing, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Deng Ai and others to lead an army to clear the enemy forces around Wancheng and turn Wancheng into an isolated city; Zhang Bao and others were pleased to lead The number of Wei Jun who remained outside Wancheng today was not large. They were taken by Zhang Bao, Guan Xing and others in a few days. When they returned to the camp, they found that Shen Long did not respond to Wan these days. The city launched an offensive, and the entire barracks seemed to become a large construction site, and many soldiers were busy with the craftsmen.

Building cars, cloud ladders, red cars, crossbows, wells and other things are everywhere. It seems that Shen Long has been busy building siege equipment for the past few days. He asked, "Wancheng is a strong city in the world. The city is thick and thick. Cao Zidan battled for a long time. The handsome and heavy soldiers guarded the city. If it was a strong attack, wouldn't it be a loss of soldiers? How could you leave a team of people to monitor Wancheng, and the army bypassed Wancheng goes north, or use a smart plan to break the city, such as digging Jishui to destroy Wancheng? "

Everyone nodded. In this era, it was not easy to attack the heavily guarded city. Cao Wei repeatedly defeated Lu Bu at that time. However, he had been unable to attack the lower Picheng City. In the end, Xun You and Guo Jiaxian planned to flood the Pi and siege the city for more than a month. It was not until the food in the city was depleted that Lu Bu, who colluded with the rebellion in the city, would take Pi.

Even with Zhuge Liang's ability, he met Chen Cangguan, who was only defended by more than a thousand soldiers and horses. Because of Hao Zhao's arrangement in advance, he held Chen Cang firmly, so Zhuge Liang had to retreat after a long battle.

Now Wancheng is bigger than Xiapi, there are more soldiers and soldiers in the city, and the north gate can go in and out, and Luoyang supplies them with grain and grass. If it is only a strong attack, it will not be easy to fight down, and even if it can be attacked, it will definitely be a tragedy and unable to do anything Going north, so Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Deng Ai and other talents have such doubts.

"Wancheng soldiers will be broad, and if they bypass the north and Cao Zidan is killed from the city, and the Luoyang army is attacked back and forth, our army will be defeated!" Shen Long explained, "As for the excavation of Ji water to flood Wancheng, it is not difficult To do it, it is only He Ku of the people in Wancheng, and his majesty, and he must be heartbroken after hearing this. "

After all, Liu Bei's age is a bit older. Although Shen Long's conditioning, whether there is Guan Yu and Zhang Fei's successive heartaches, his body is still healthy, but if this cause Liu Bei's heartache to break his body, then it will be worth the loss. If Liu Bei did not sit in the middle of Shu and stabilize the rear, Shen Long and Zhuge Liang would not dare to lead the army at the same time.

"It is not impossible to buy the family clan in the city and let them open the city gate; but this kind of strategy can only be used once or twice. The more the local clan in the north, the more they hate us, and certainly will not be with me. Waiting for cooperation. "But the imperial examination system touched the cake of the family, they certainly were not willing to cooperate with Shuhan.

Deng Ai and others are still puzzled. No matter whether it can be used once or twice, as long as it is useful, it is not good to wait for the other ways after taking the Wancheng?

Shen Long continued, "This is the northern expedition, there are Wancheng, Xiangcheng, Yuzhou, Yingyang, Xuchang and other big cities along the way. If every city can't keep it, I will be in trouble! So, I plan to use Wancheng For example, tell the generals of Xiangcheng, Yuzhou, Yingyang, and Xuchang, even if they ca n’t keep their guards, I can break through the city with a dignified teacher. Since then, the city walls are not strong enough to defend, and Wei Jun can only leave the city and us The battle is over. "

The people suddenly realized that they only saw the possibility of winning the city of Wan by Shi Qiaoji, but Shen Long saw a far-reaching place, intending to break through the enemy, and told the Wei Jun reward of the defending city that they had relied on the wall for many years. Unreliable, forcing them out of the city to fight the Shu army, so it is much easier.

Seeing that the ordnance was being built outside the city, Cao Zhen also ordered the artisans in the city to build a lot of trebuchets and rolling stones, and sent people to Xudu to ask for the transport of bow and arrow and other defensive materials.

After a few days, when the first batch of siege ordnance was completed, Shen Long ordered to start the siege, so the long-dead camp of the Shu army finally opened, and countless soldiers pushed out all kinds of equipment, just The trebuchets lined up neatly in three rows at the bottom of the city; Cao Zhen and others immediately went to the city to see it, and immediately fell into doubt, "What's the use of the trebuchets so far? And why do these trebuchets look so good?" Weird? Very different from the one used in our army. "

As soon as the words fell, I saw the soldiers of the Shu army busy, put the stone bombs in the launching bucket, and prepared for the launch. Xu Huang and the others laughed, "They all said that Shen Zifeng was so good, now it seems It ’s just a lie, can you shoot a stone bomb at this distance, can you hit the wall? "

Unfortunately, the smiles of Xu Huang and others did not last very long. The trebuchet of the Shu Army quickly launched the first round of launching ~ ~ I saw countless stone bombs flying into the sky and coming towards the city head.

"Oh, no good! Quickly avoid!" After seeing the flight path of the stone projectile clearly, Xu Huang's smile immediately froze, and he quickly leaned over and hid behind the female wall. The loud noise of the city walls.

Some soldiers who failed to dodge suddenly screamed, and the Wei Jun soldiers at the head of the city finally felt the cruelty of the war after many days of leisure.

"Submit the order, let the trebuchet in the city fight back and destroy the ordnance of the Shu army!" Cao Zhen ordered immediately.

After a while, however, the herald soldiers came back, "Qiyu Metropolitan Governor, the craftsman said that the Shu army equipment was too far away to hit the trebuchet in the city."

Cao Zhen didn't believe it and ordered another launch, but the stone bomb that flew out of the city just landed halfway through the road and landed. The Shu army laughed in unison, and immediately someone boldly stepped forward and transported the stone bomb back and put it in himself. In the launching bucket, the stone projectile was fired over again and smashed into the head of Wancheng, but Cao Zhen's move sent the projectile to the enemy.

"Mr. Dudu, go on like this, I can only be beaten at the head of the city. How about letting the last general lead a team of elite cavalry, and burn those trebuchets!" Xu Huang asked.

Cao Zhen immediately shook his head, "Shen Zifeng must have been prepared, this plan is not feasible!" That Shen Long may be eager to go out of the city, but it is really not the way to be so passively beaten!

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