All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1715: Helping the Wei army to fight

"It's okay. The trebuchet alone is not enough to break the city. The order is passed on, let the soldiers go down to the city for a while, leaving only a few people to wait and see the flag on the city. I soon thought of a countermeasure. The stone projectile fired by the catapult could not hit the wall under any circumstances. The only threat was the defenders at the head of the city.

In this case, let the defender of the city head first withdraw, rest under the wall, and wait for the Shu army to attack when it comes over to defend the city head, so the usefulness of the trebuchet is greatly weakened, and the slingshot launches Is it impossible to smash the city walls?

The crowd led away, and the soldiers and soldiers of Wei stood leaning against the female wall and came to the stairs, and then went down the city along the stairs, leaving only a few soldiers at the head of the city. Cao Zhen and Xu Huang and other generals also stayed in the city. Observe the dynamics of the Shu army through perforation.

This scene was also seen by Shen Long through the eagle bird in the sky. He chuckled, "Cao Zidan thought that this would solve the problem, but he looked down on me and waited!"

Immediately afterwards, a new ordnance was pushed up. It was a group of huge wells. The ordinary well was like a moving fortress with 8 or 10 huge wheels underneath. It was pushed by dozens of people. On the top platform, elite soldiers with bows and arrows are deployed, and leather and shields protect them.

The Shuling used by the soldiers of the Shu army did not have a soldier with a bow and crossbow at the top. Instead, they placed a few huge bed crossbows. This is an eight-bull crossbow made by Shen Long according to the drawings collected by the court of the Song Dynasty.

This giant crossbow combined three big bows. It originally required thirty talents to pull apart, but Shen Long added a pulley block when manufacturing. Only a few people can fill the bow and fill it with a huge feather arrow.

Then a large number of Leiqi vehicles were pushed up. This is a four-wheeled bottomless wooden vehicle. The upper Mongolian cowhide resists the arrows in the city. People are walking in the cart. They can cover the nurses and approach the city wall to attack, but It is impossible to directly destroy the city wall. A car can hide about ten people. When they are in front of the city wall, these soldiers come out of the car to dig the moat.

Prepared to dig up the moat of Wancheng and drain the water inside the moat to directly attack the wall. Cao Zhen immediately ordered to wave a red flag, and the soldiers who had just gone down the city rushed up again, ready to attack these soldiers.

However, at this time, the Ba Niu crossbow and the soldiers above the Jinglan were ready to launch. The arrows of the Ba Niu crossbow were made of hard wood as the shaft and the iron piece as the Ling. The world called "one shot and three sword arrows". It is like a javelin, and it can be directly nailed into the city wall when it is fired at close range. The Jing Jun built by the Shu army is higher than the city wall of Wan City. many.

Wei Jun wanted to fight back, but their crossbow range was far from comparable to that of the Eight Bull Crossbows, and they could only be beaten passively, and the Shu army under the city had already been hidden under the car, and the arrows were blocked by the roof board. To the soldiers below, the trebuchet is powerful but limited in accuracy, and it can not cause much damage to these soldiers.

Cao Zhen ordered to switch to rocket shooting. Shen Long was also well-prepared. A layer of wet mud was laid on the roof of the car. The rocket shot and went out immediately, causing Cao Zhen to consume many valuable rockets in vain.

Seeing that the defenders of the city head suffered heavy losses under the attack of the Eight Bull Crossbow and the Catapult, Cao Zhen could only let them go down to the city again, and the Shu army came out of the car to dig the moat again.

The moat was finally dug by the Shu army, and the water inside it flowed into the Jishui along the channel they dug. Then the soldiers carried the bag of soil under the cover of the trebuchet and bed crossbow and poured the soil into the moat, watching the moat gradually getting Filling up, Wancheng is about to lose an important part of its peripheral defense system. Cao Zhen finally ca n’t help it and orders Xu Huang to be killed from the city.

But the signs of the transfer of soldiers and horses in the city have fallen into the eyes of the watchers on the well. They waved the red flag. Ma Dai led a team of elite people to block Xu Huang's way out. The two sides fought not far from the city gate. , Xu Huang returned home in defeat, and even he was almost shot by the arrow shot by the bed crossbow. Fortunately, he escaped his life in a timely manner. He was embarrassed and returned to the city. Even his big axe was thrown out of the city. It was being held up in the hands by Zhao Tong and flaunting his might outside the city.

Cao Zhen discussed with the generals, and finally only came up with a way to attack at night. They planned to exit the city from other gates, and then went outside the south gate. By night cover the trebuchets and wells close to the Shu army, Burn it, so maybe you can keep some more time.

From the other gates, he could indeed escape the gaze of the soldiers on Jingling, but he could n’t escape Shen Long ’s prying eyes. He made plans to make arrangements in the camp; when Xiahou Shang led the soldiers to approach the position, the surrounding suddenly appeared Countless torches, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo, Ma Dai, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Deng Ai and others led the army to kill them, surrounding Xiahou Shangshang.

The sound of shouting and killing lasted only half an hour. The whole army led by Xiahou Shang was wiped out. Even he himself was captured by Ma Daisheng and the Shu army won.

"Xingguo, don't hurry to loose General Xiahou!" Ma Daigang just put Xiahou Shang into his account ~ ~ Shen Long asked Zhang Bao to loosen him, why don't you call someone Zhang Bao, because They are relatives.

Xia Houshang is Xia Houyuan's nephew, Zhang Bao's mother, that is, Zhang Fei's wife, but Xia Houyuan's nephew, was taken by Zhang Fei's captivity as his wife. In terms of seniority, Zhang Fei called out Xia Houyuan's uncle. After Dingjun Mountain was cut by Huang Zhong, Zhang Fei buried Xia Houyuan.

According to this relationship, Zhang Bao also had to call Uncle Xiahou Shangshang, although the two sides were their masters on the battlefield, it was inevitable that the soldiers would face each other, but if that party was captured, it still had to be entertained.

In the future, when Deng Ai destroys Shu, Pang's son Pang will cut off Guan Yu's descendants to avenge his father. Later, Cao Wei decided to harass Zhang Fei's descendants strictly because of this relationship.

"Uncle, my nephew loosened you." Zhang Bao scratched his head embarrassedly, then tied Xiahou Shangsong, and then asked Shen Long how to deal with Xiahoushang.

Shen Long replied, "Mother Ru has followed General Zhang for many years, but she hasn't seen her loved ones for a long time, but now she just sent General Xiahou to Shuzhong to reunite their loved ones."

Zhang Bao readily accepted his orders, quickly arranged a horse and carriage, and sent relatives and family members to send Xia Houshang to Shuzhong. As for whether Xia Houshang will surrender or something else in the future, it depends on Zhang Fei and Liu Bei.

After this battle, Cao Zhen no longer dared to send troops to attack. He could only watch the Shuhan army fill the moat and begin to formally attack the city.

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