All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1716: Cao Wei's fear

Shen Long didn't leave Cao Zhen a breathing opportunity. After the moat was filled, he immediately commanded the army to launch an offensive. Cloud ladders, red cars and other equipment swarmed up and attacked Wancheng under the protection of trebuchets and bed crossbows.

Seeing this, Cao Zhen could no longer ignore the threat of trebuchets and bed crossbows, and immediately ordered Cao Wei soldiers to defend the city, and at the same time ordered the preparation of rolling stones and fire oil to deal with the rushing cars and ladders of the Shu army.

However, before the army had reached the range of Wei Jun, the bed crossbow suddenly lowered the shooting angle and slammed against the city wall. At the beginning, Cao Zhen still had a little trouble to understand his mind. Was Shen Long's brain dizzy and unexpectedly used it? Did the crossbow shoot through the walls of Wancheng? But when he ventured to look under the wall, he was shocked.

When I saw the crossbow volley, the rows of prong arrows were firmly nailed into the city wall, and the siege soldiers could use this to climb up. Cao Zhen understood Shen Long ’s purpose, so he quickly ordered the use of rolling wood. The stone smashed the arrows stuck in the wall.

However, it was too late. As soon as these soldiers lifted the trolling stone, the bed crossbow quickly turned its target and fired at the city head. The accuracy of the bed crossbow was much more reliable than the catapult. Many Cao Weishi pawns were shot by huge arrows. Throughout, the newly-raised rolled wooden stone not only did not break the arrows inserted in the city wall, but accidentally wounded the lives of many friendly forces. In addition, the soldiers who were unfortunately hit by stone bombs, the city of Wancheng suddenly mourned.

At this time, the Shuhan Army had arrived under the city, and Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Guan Suo, Ma Dai, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Deng Ai and others would all lead their troops to attack the city. The siege hammer impacted the gate of Wancheng, or climbed along the cloud ladder to the head of the city, and the martial arts courageous, directly climbed up the arrow inserted on the wall.

In the past, soldiers only had to pay attention to cloud ladders and so on. But now, there are soldiers climbing all over the walls. In a hurry, they do n’t even know how to deal with it, let alone catapults and crossbows. A huge threat, Wei Jun suddenly fell into a panic, even though Cao Zhen couldn't even get rid of several people.

Zhao Tong first killed the head of the city, then protected the passage behind him, brandished a sword to block the soldiers of Cao Wei, and then there were soldiers who climbed the head of the city along the road he opened up, and then Zhao Tong was taken from the soldiers of Cao Wei After grabbing a long gun and wielding it, several Cao Wei soldiers immediately fell under his gun.

Then Ma Dai was unwilling to rush to the city head, Xu Huang saw and hurried to meet, the two battled together, with Xu Huang's containment, the surrounding Cao Wei soldiers hurriedly took the risk of dropping the rolling wood stones, temporarily delayed here Deng Ai climbed up to the city head again, and blocked this side but couldn't block that side. Seeing that there were more and more Shu troops in the city head.

The garrison under the city responded at random, quickly entered through several breakthroughs, and gradually occupied a small section of the wall. Cao Wei soldiers continued to go up the city to step up the reinforcements. The two sides launched a **** battle at the head of the city.

In order to avoid accidental injuries, the trebuchet moved a lot forward, focusing on attacking the rear of Wei Jun, but Jingling was not disturbed by this. They could still accurately attack Weijun at the head of the city, and the bows and crossbows standing above Jingling The hand can also be condescending to shoot the defenders at the head of the city, causing huge damage to Wei Jun.

"Mr. Dudu, the head of the city can't hold it anymore, let's go back quickly!" Guo Huai took a body of blood to Cao Zhen's side. "For today's plan, it is still to preserve the strength of the troops, taking advantage of the fact that the North Gate has not yet been shut by the Shu Army Surround, let's exit the city early! "

"Your Majesty regards me as the governor of the military, and is in charge of military affairs in Runan and Nanyang. There are many soldiers in the city, and there is such a strong city. We have only defended the tenth month and we will be captured by Shen Long. What else can we do? Go see your majesty! "Cao Zhen's eyes were red and his teeth creaked, obviously already angry and ashamed to the extreme.

"Great governor, victory or defeat is a common matter for military strategists. Even if Wancheng is lost, it is not inevitable. It is not too late to gather the troops and retreat in time!" Guo Huai is anxious, not foolish at the moment. At that time, he shouted angrily, "Great Governor, for the hundred thousand soldiers in the city, please make a decision early!"

After all, Cao Zhen is a long-time warlord, and he has not failed before. In the cry of Guo Huai, he finally woke up and quickly took Wang Shuang and others to gather the army while withdrawing the city and then picking up soldiers and horses. The North Gate escaped from the city. Before leaving, he had not forgotten to put a fire on the grain store in the city, lest these grains would be cheaper for Shuhan.

However, I do n’t know if destiny is a coincidence in Han. They just came out of the city not far away. The weather suddenly changed. It rained, and the rain became heavier, which not only slowed down the speed of the Cao Wei army ’s escape, but also directly destroyed the city The fire made Cao Zhen's hard work useless.

Cao Zhen can only pray that the heavy rain will last longer, so that the grain and grass in the city will be moldy and damaged, and the road will slow down the speed of the Shuhan army northward. Unfortunately, he just came up with this idea, and the heavy rain stopped. ~ It seems that this heavy rain was specifically designed to extinguish the fire.

"Poof!" Cao Zhen spurted out a blood of blood, "Fate is not me, fate is not me!" Suddenly fainted, Xu Huang, Guo Huai, etc. will also have a serious face, and their hearts are whispering, is it really that the fate is not on the side of Cao Wei ? In the past, an east wind in Chibi shattered Cao Cao's hegemony, and now such a weird heavy rain has appeared in Wancheng. Does Han Han Jiangshan really have hope? Can Liu Bei imitate Guangwu's precedent and once again resurrect the Han room?

In the large camp outside the city, Shen Long smiled and wanted to set fire to grain? Have you asked me? As long as I am here, unless you have filled the granary with gasoline first, otherwise you do n’t want to burn it; now the fire is wiped out by the heavy rain, Cao Pi levied hundreds of thousands of people to transport to Wan In this city, the grain and grass for Wei Jun's long-term death was cheaper for Shen Long.

"Submit the order, don't chase the enemy, take the preservation of the grain as the supremacy." Shen Long ordered, the heavy rain still caused some impact on the grain and grass, and promptly pick out those grains that have been wetted by the rain. Let it dry so that it does not affect more grain.

As for Cao Zhen, presumably this battle has completely chilled him, and it is no longer enough to worry about in the future.

The news of the fall of Wancheng quickly reached Luoyang. Cao Wei was suddenly shocked. The high wall of Wancheng was thick and there were 100,000 troops in the city. There were also long-term war guards like Cao Zhen, Wenpin, Xu Huang, and Xia Houshang. City, why did it fall so quickly?

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