All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1717: Enter Ruan Shuhan Lin Yuzhou

Recently, Cao Wei received bad news one after another, first Zhuge Liang came out of Qishan, took the flat road from Longyou to Changan, and Sima Yi led the army out of Changan. Originally, he planned to guard against death in danger, so he would retreat after Zhuge Liang ’s grain and grass were exhausted.

However, there was sometimes Xi Liang, general Han De, who was good at using a large axe, and there were thousands of people with improper courage. He led 80,000 soldiers from the Xiqiang roads. Han De did not know that Zhuge Liang was powerful, and he insisted on fighting. Sima Yi persevered and did not listen. he goes.

Han De took four sons and 80,000 Qiang soldiers of the West, took the route to Fengming Mountain, met Shu soldiers, two rounds against each other, Han De took the horse, the four sons were listed on both sides, the eldest son Han Ying, the second son Han Yao, the third son Han Qiong, the four sons of Hanban are all proficient in martial arts, and the bow horse is outstanding. Han De shouted sharply, "The thief of the anti-national, dare to violate my realm!"

Ma Chao was furious, "I haven't been back to Xiliang for a long time, and the Joker who jumped on the beams dared to despise it?" Then he speared his horse, Shan Hande engaged in battle, the eldest son Han Ying, and Yuema Laiying; Under the horse.

The second son, Han Yao, saw that the horse was wielding a sword to fight, Ma Chao played the prestige of the old days, and shook his spirit to face the battle. Han Yao couldn't resist the enemy, the third son Han Qiong, and the Fang Tianji suddenly came to attack, Ma Chao completely Fearless, the marksmanship is not chaotic; the fourth son Han Qi, seeing that the second brother is still in battle, is also arrogantly sending two sun and moon swords to surround Ma Chao.

Ma Chao defeated three generals in the Central Independent War. When he was young, Han Qi was shot and disarmed. Han Qi was unable to save. Han Qi died on the spot. Han Qiong pressed his halberd and took a bow and shoot. Dropped down; Han Qiong was furious, but still came from the side of Tianfang halberd; but was hit by Ma Chaofei hammer in the noodle door, and died.

Han Yao chopped Ma Chao by raising his sword, Ma Chao flashed over the sword, please Shu Yuan's arm to capture Han Yao and return to the battlefield. Fu Longma took the shot and killed him. Han De saw that all four sons were lost to Ma Chao's hands. ; Xiliang Bing knew the name of Ma Chao, and now he sees his bravery as usual, who dares to confront? Ma Chao is everywhere, back and forth, Ma Chao single-handedly, clashes between, as if entering a land of no one.

Zhuge Liang saw Ma Chao winning, commanding Shu soldiers to cover up, Xi Liang soldiers defeated, Han De was captured by Ma Chao again, all Xi Liang soldiers were photographed by Ma Chao Huwei, those who kneel down and begged for descending were countless, and they all said, "Shen Weitian" "General" doesn't stop there.

"Jiu Wen Meng Qi's prestige in Xiliang is unparalleled. It was only today that he knew that Meng Qi's prestige was above the rumors!" When Ma Chao returned to the camp, Zhao Yun praised.

"I don't like defeating Han De, nor do I like to conquer so many soldiers, I only like Meng Qi's heroism as before!" Zhu Geliang looked at Ma Chao, only to see him ruddy, his eyes full of british vitality, that was two years ago That kind of lifelessness, "Meng Qi has made great contributions this time, and Your Majesty must have a reward."

"I followed the prime minister to the north, but not for the sake of a reward, I just wanted to avenge my father's hatred!" This fight also made Ma Chao feel hearty. After many years, he once again saw Wei Teng, Ma Xiu, Ma Tie and others Hope for revenge.

"Meng Qi will be able to get what he wants." Now the Shuhan army is advancing in two ways. It is no longer the independent support of the Shuhan. Zhuge Liang has also seen the hope of his ideal realization.

After a short rest, Zhuge Liang continued to lead the army marching, along the way there were Longyou Qiang tribes admiring Ma Xuewang to vote, and the Shu army became stronger and stronger.

Zhuge Liangxi said, "This time, going north with Meng Qi, it means that I have more than 100,000 elites in Shuhan!" He couldn't help thinking of Shen Long again. If Shen Long had cured Ma Chao's disease, I'm afraid this road will not be so smooth. Right?

On the same day, outside of Tianshui City, Jiang Wei volunteered to contact the Jiang clan in the city and thought that he would respond. Zhuge Liang readily accepted, Jiang Wei arranged properly, the Jiang clan in the city took the county guard, opened the city gate to welcome the army into the city, Shu Han Without hurting his soldiers and soldiers, he won the Tianshui City. Zhuge Liang couldn't help but look at Jiang Wei, "Boyo was very proficient in warfare at a young age. If it takes time, I will have another handsome man in Shuhan!"

Ma Chao also praised Jiang Wei very much. Speaking of Jiang Wei ’s various attacks during his time, Zhu Geliang became more delighted after listening to it. Overjoyed, and quickly gave Zhuge Liang a ritual of apprenticeship, and determined the name of the teacher and apprentice.

Just after getting up, Jiang Wei felt a little regret. If Shen Zifeng was too young, he couldn't pull his face, maybe it would be a good choice to worship him as a teacher.

Cao Pi heard that Zhu Geliang had easily defeated Han De by Ma Chao and Jiang Wei, and after taking down Tianshui, he was furious. He didn't wait for him to discuss the countermeasures, and received news of the fall of Wancheng, so he was full of anger.

Now that the five great strategists Xunyu, Xunyou, Jiaxu, Cheng Yu and Guo Jia of Cao Cao's period all passed away, Cao Pi's servants were led by Sima Yi and Chen Qun, and now Sima Yi went to Chang'an to resist Zhuge Liang, so Chen Qun became Cao Pi's consultation The main object of the call, Chen Qun immediately responded when he asked Cao Pi.

"Your Majesty, Ma Chao is quite prestigious among the Qiang people, but the Qiang tribes are mixed, and there are many grievances with each other. Even if Ma Chao ca n’t let them work together, do n’t worry if there are many Qiang people joining the Shu army ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ and Sima Zhongda makes good use of soldiers, and if he changes like a god, he can certainly stop Zhuge Kongming. "

"Now the person concerned is Shen Zifeng. If he floods Wancheng down or colludes with the big households in the city to seize the city, it is not enough to worry about it; however, this person has attacked and won the Wancheng with a strong division, and Cao Zidan used his troops. The talent, the high walls and thick walls of Wancheng, can only block Shen Zifeng's moon, how can Yuzhou, Xiangcheng, and Yingyang block it later? "Chen Qun is also afraid, such a strong city, such a powerful general, Since he was so relaxed, he was defeated from the front by Shen Long?

Even if you use conspiracy and tricks to win Wancheng, Chen Qun feels better. After all, conspiracy and tricks may still work once or twice. After more than one time, everyone will naturally be wary, but like Shen Long, they are attacking from the front. , It broke the Wancheng, how to deal with it in the future? At least Chen Qun has no good solution.

The group of ministers discussed again and again, and finally could only continue to send reinforcements to Cao Zhen to return to Yuzhou to defend. Sima Yi went to Chang'an and Cao Xiu went to Xuzhou. Even if Cao Pi was temporarily dissatisfied with Cao Zhen, he couldn't find a suitable replacement.

Shen Long stayed in Wancheng for a few days, gathered the grains in the city, appeased the local people, organized them to resume farming, and then continued to lead the army north, crossing Jishui, and even breaking the two small cities of Lushan and the ancient city.

The ancient city was taken by Zhang Bao. After all, this is the place where Zhang Fei had guarded and met Mrs. Xiahou. How could Zhang Bao not work hard?

After winning these two small cities, the army went to the city of Yuzhou.

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