All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1718: Pick up the Imperial Decree

"When I was reading the military book, I saw Sun Zi said: The law of siege is a last resort. You can repair it and build an instrument. It will be completed in three months, and the distance will be three months later. If one third of the soldiers are killed and the city is unstoppable, this attack is also a disaster; I deeply believe that attacking the Jiancheng city will always be difficult to defeat the soldiers, but why is Shen Zifeng attacking the city so easily? "Cao Zhen saw it again in the city head of Yuzhou Shen Long sighed.

Today's situation is similar to the time difference between Wancheng, but at the time, he thought he could hold Shen Long firmly under Wancheng, just as Shen Long blocked him and Cao Pi from Fancheng. Who thought of Shen Long Suddenly, Wancheng was won by a strong frontal attack. Now he will face Shenlong's siege, but Cao Zhen has little confidence to hold it.

It's not long before Shen Long wins Wancheng. After returning to Yuzhou, Cao Zhen summoned Xu Huang, Guo Huai and Wang Shuang daily to resume the battle of the day, but felt that Shen Long was using the upright Although the offense did not seem smart enough, it also gave them the opportunity to take advantage. Even if they tried again, they still failed.

"The defeat of our army is that the equipment is not as good as that of the Shu army. If we can have the slingers and crossbows of the Shu Han, the enemy can be broken!" Guo Huai thought for a long time and only came up with such an unrealistic method.

"I have written your majesty, please send Ma Deheng to come to Yuzhou to help, but Ma Deheng is far away from the wind, even if he immediately leaves, he may be too late!" Cao Zhen smiled bitterly, he knew of course, but the craftsman of Wei Guo did anyway. Can't make such a powerful trebuchet, crossbow, and the last time when rushing out of Wancheng in a hurry, a large number of craftsmen fell into the city, and now even the original trebuchet can't build much.

He pinned all his hopes on Ma Jun, who is best at making machinery in Cao Wei Chao, but now Ma Jun is still in his hometown of Fufeng. I am afraid it will take some time to get to Yuzhou. At that time, Yuzhou might have fallen? And ... and even if Ma Jun comes, can he make these ordnances in a short time?

Cao Zhen has heard Ma Jun restore guide car; improve the operation of the heavy loom; invent the keel water wheel that draws water from the low to the high ground; make a rotary stone machine, which can continuously emit stones, up to hundreds of steps; The wooden original moving wheel is installed under the puppet, and it is called "Water to Hundred Plays" and other legends. It has always regarded Ma Jun as "Luban at that time".

But compared with the Shuhan ordnance that he had seen outside Wancheng before, Cao Zhen was less confident, but hope was better than nothing. Cao Zhen could only order a deputy lieutenant general to lead a team of elite north to meet Ma Jun; I hope Ma Jun will arrive early, even if ... even if Yuzhou can't hold it, there will be Xiangcheng and Yingyang behind it, right?

"This is the state of Yuzhou where your Majesty had served as the state animal husbandry!" Shen Long led the congregation to come to a high place outside the city of Yuzhou to check the layout of the city's defense, but I remembered how Liu Bei took charge of Yuzhou several times.

The first time was that Tao Qian appointed Liu Bei as the history of Yuzhou, gave Liu Beizeng four thousand Dan Yang elite, and sent troops to Xiaopei. On the one hand, he was against Cao Cao. On the other hand, he wanted Liu Bei to attack Yuzhou and make Yuzhou the territory of Tao Qian. .

The second time, Liu Bei went to Xudu to join Cao Cao. Cao Cao gave Liu Beibing horse food and grass, appointed Liu Bei as Yuzhou animal husbandry, Liu Bei returned to Pei Guo to recover his scattered soldiers, and led his soldiers to fight Lu Bu again. Generals Gao Shun and Zhang Liao defeated, and Liu Beibing defeated Cao Cao, and then joined forces with Cao Cao to attack Lu Bu, and finally defeated Lu Bu completely.

The third time was during the battle between Guandu and Yuan Shao and Cao Cao. Liu Bei led a military detour and attacked Cao Cao's rear in the name of Yuan Shao. Liu Bei induced the thieves Gongdu and Liu Pi in Yunan Runan to respond and caused harassment south of Xuchang. Cao Cao general Cai Yang was also beheaded, but Liu Bei was defeated by Cao Ren again, gave up Yuzhou and went to Liu Biao.

Yuzhou is one of Kyushu. It has jurisdiction over Yingchuan County, Chen County, Lu County, Runan County, Qiao County, Yiyang County, Yang'an County, Xiangcheng County, Ruyin County, and Liangguo and Peiguo. Country; located in the Central Plains, with rich land and a large population. At first glance, it seems that as long as it occupies Yuzhou, it is enough to conquer the world.

However, why did Liu Bei not rely on this achievement to achieve hegemony, but instead he was continuously driven out like a dog who lost his family? Shen Long wondered that there may be two reasons.

First, Yuzhou is the center of Kyushu, known as Zhongzhou, the land of the four wars, and most of them are in the plains. There are no dangers to defend. All the east, south, north and south are enemies, and they are not suitable as a foundation for starting.

Secondly, this is a benefit of Fushu in Yuzhou, but it is precisely because of Fushu in Yuzhou, and there are more nobles and nobles here than other places; needless to say, just look at this place in Yingchuan, Xunyu, Xunyou, Guo Jia , Chen Qun, Xi Zhicai, Xu Shu, Zhong Hui, Guo Tu, Xin Ping, Xin Bi, and Sima Yi all of them came from Yingchuan, which can be described as "the world's mourning officials and half Yingchuan".

But counting these people, except for Xu Shu who once worked under Liu Bei for a short time, the remaining one did not turn to Liu Bei; oh, Chen Qun actually did not drive for a period of time when Liu Bei was in Yuzhou ~ www.wuxiaspot .com ~ But after Cao Cao won Yuzhou, Chen Qun's father and son immediately went to see Cao Cao. Cao Cao's name was known for a long time, and then Chen Qun was named as Cao Cao of Sikongxi. From now on, Chen Qun began to sell his life to Cao Cao. , Still assisting Cao Pi until now.

This in the end is why? It ’s not because Cao Cao is a gentry. For the Yingchuan group, they are a natural party with Cao Cao. At the end of the Han dynasty, the majority of the geniuses were Yingan Runan, and the Runan gentry respected the Yuan family. Highly, the soldiers of Yingchuan naturally chose Cao Cao. As for Liu Bei, they were nothing more than a ruined clan.

After welcoming the Emperor Han Xian, Xun Yu introduced a large number of Yingchuan talents to Cao Cao, forming a huge Yingchuan Shizi Group around Cao Cao.

Why did you miss Xu Shu? Because Xu Shu was born in a cold family, and they were not all along. Guo Jia was also born in a cold family, but he had already anticipated the chaos in the late Han Dynasty, he had already started preparations, and had a good relationship with the Yingchuan gentry, so he was only in Zhizhi. After his death, when Cao Cao asked Xunyu who could replace Xi Zhicai, Xunyu did not hesitate to recommend Guo Jia.

Xu Shu surrendered to Liu Bei, but when he thought about it, a lost man surrendered to another lost one; Xu Shu went to Cao Cao's account in the future and was not reused. The romance said that he has been loyal to Liu Bei for the reason, but Shen Long actually felt that he was afraid The exclusion of Yingchuan gentry group is very important.

While Shen Long was observing the situation in Yuzhou, Ma Jun also received the imperial edict and packed up his bags and headed south.

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