All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1719: Going to Yuzhou and getting good again

"Since His Majesty abandoned this place, Yuzhou has not been in battle for many years. Now it seems that this city wall in Yuzhou is not as strong as Wancheng." Shen Long said, pointing at the city wall in Yuzhou. Since Guan Yu took down Fancheng, Wancheng has become On the front line between the battle between Shuhan and Cao Wei, Cao Pi personally enlisted Fancheng and was stationed in Wancheng. Therefore, Wancheng's urban defense has been repaired twice, and its strength has already exceeded that of Yuzhou. In contrast, Yuzhou has many urban defense systems because of long-term peace. Omissions.

"Concurrently, Cao Zhen may have been terrified, and it is not difficult to win Yuzhou; the military division will be invited as the vanguard!" Guan Xing hastened to join the battle, and he didn't get much of the merits in the previous battles. They were all by Zhang Bao, Zhao Tong and Ma Dai. Waiting for someone to take the lead, but some face can not hold, and also worried that Guan Yu will be punished after going back, so determined to make a contribution in Yuzhou.

"Military division, at the end will be willing to make military orders. If he can't win Yuzhou, he will be willing to engage in military law." The rest of Zhang Bao, Deng Ai and others were unwilling to fight.

"No hurry, no hurry, with a certain view, Cao Zidan will certainly not be trapped in the city." Shen Long shook his feather fan, Cao Zhenming knew that Yuzhou could not withstand the attack of the Shu Han army, so in order to gain a slim chance, Is it estimated to be out of town?

After watching the city, Shen Long led the army back to the camp and told the camp to be more alert. At night Cao Zhen sent troops to the city to sneak attack, but was waiting for Shen Long to be in front of him, and the soldiers would be embarrassed and returned.

Went back to repair the whole day, and watched that the siege equipment of the Shuhan Army had to be prepared properly. Cao Zhen had to lead the army out of the city and Shen Long to fight. The two sides opened their positions outside Yuzhou City, and the fight was triggered.

This time, Cao Zhen didn't let anyone go to the battle. Anyway, he certainly won't be able to beat him. Why don't you give it away? Although Wang Shuang may be better than Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and other teenagers, Shen Long is still sitting opposite. At that time, Wang Shuang still has to kneel when he is out of the horse. Instead of leading the army directly, he may have a chance of winning. .

Shen Long ordered people to wave their flags, the rear trebuchet and the crossbow fired at the same time. Shen Long tried to break Cao Wei ’s formation at once. The formation of the field battle was necessitated first. If the formation appeared omissions, the hope of victory was inevitable Greatly reduced.

Several pounds of stone bombs kept falling on the top of Cao Wei's army. Long-handed crossbow arrows could shoot through several Cao Wei soldiers. Under such a fierce attack, Cao Wei's army suddenly panicked.

Cao Zhen couldn't care much now, desperately urged Cao Wei's army to rush into battle. It's not a matter to stand here and be beaten. Only when they are mixed with the Shu Han army can the trebuchet and bed crossbow become useless.

Under the command of Cao Zhen, the elite tiger and leopard riders of the Wei army started to charge. The soldiers and soldiers of the tiger and leopard riders were all one in a hundred. The people who could serve as generals in other army were just ordinary soldiers in the tiger and leopard riders. Since the beginning of its establishment, this army has been firmly in the hands of the Cao family, first Cao Chun, then Cao Xiu, and now Cao Zhen is the leader of the tiger and leopard ride.

This army also made great achievements. In the past, Cao Chun led the army to break Yuan Tan and beheaded him in Nanpi. After that, Cao Chun led the tiger and leopard to defeat Wuhuan, and captured the prisoners. Cao Chun defeated Liu Bei in Changbanpo; in the 16 years of Jian'an, Hubaoqi defeated Ma Chao again; in 23 years in Jian'an, Hubaoqi defeated Zhang Fei and Ma Chao in Xiabian ...

With such elite soldiers, perhaps only the white-eared soldiers of Chen Dao could fight against one another in Shuhan. Previously Cao Zhen could not defend the city, and the tiger and leopard had no use. Now the two armies are fighting outside the city. Finally it comes in handy.

Previously in Wancheng, they fled in embarrassment without taking a single shot, and the tiger and leopard sergeants had suffocated the fire of their stomachs. This time, the battle immediately rushed to the Shu army like a tiger going down the mountain and a leopard coming out of the forest. Long's Chinese Army.

Shen Long's Chinese army stood still, and when the tiger and leopard drove out of sight, the Chinese army suddenly flashed away on both sides, revealing the dense bed crossbows at the rear. It turned out that Shen Long had been prepared for a long time. The tiger and leopard ride over, only listening to the sound of the collapse of the string, and the long gun like Lin shoots directly at the tiger and leopard.

The arrows like a spear directly penetrated the war horse and the knight on the horse. The tiger and leopard ride a chaos. Taking this opportunity, Guan Xing and Guan Suo were killed from the diagonal stabbing, cutting the tiger and leopard riding into three sections.

Cao Zhen was overwhelmed and quickly led his soldiers to rescue him, but was blocked by Ma Dai, Deng Ai and others, so that the reinforcements were unable to rescue. Cao Zhen could only watch Guan Xing and Guan Suo wipe out the tiger and leopard. .

Losing the most elite tiger and leopard riding, the morale of the Wei army was greatly defeated, and the Shu army was defeated. Cao Zhen led the remnant soldiers and fleeed back to the city. The city could not keep it, and this field battle was also defeated. Cao Zhen felt no chance. .

After persevering for more than ten days, Wang Shuang, Xu Huang, Guo Huai and others went out of the city to fight, and were defeated by Shen Long. Seeing that the city head of Yuzhou had been smashed by a trebuchet, the city walls were densely packed with bed crossbow Cao Zhen knew the huge arrow that was launched, and Yuzhou could not hold it.

Cao Zhennai is a famous general of Cao Wei. At this time, he made the only decision he could make, that is, to lead the army to retreat and save his strength for the time being.

He originally wanted to quit Yuzhou while taking advantage of the night ~ ~ Who ever thought his actions fell completely into Shen Long's eyes. As soon as the former army left Yuzhou, Shen Long commanded the army to launch an offensive, and Cao Sergeant wanted to retreat He didn't care about the city at all. Cao Jun suddenly fell into chaos when he fell down.

Pursued all the way, from the time when the sun had just risen to the noon, there were countless dead and injured Cao Weishi on both sides of the road. Finally, after Xu Huang died of his life, Cao Zhen escaped and went straight to Xiangcheng.

Unfortunately, Xu Huang was under siege by Guan Xing and Guan Suo, and was captured alive, Guan Xing laughed, "In the old battle of Fancheng, the uncle did not miss the old sentiment and insisted on killing my father. Today, his nephew cannot be like his uncle. , My nephew sent his uncle to Jingzhou here, so that he can talk to his father, and my father will treat his uncle well! "

He is now proud and satisfied. At that time, Fan Cheng's opponent in the war, Pound was cut off by Guan Yu, captured in the ban, Cao Ren died, and now Xu Huang was also taken down, and the enemies of that day have all been resolved.

"Military division, at the end ... the end will take a Cao Wei official, I don't know ... I don't know how to deal with it, but also ask the military division to show it." At this time, Deng Ai also came to Shen Long with a man dressed as a civilian.

"Dare to ask your lord high name!" Shen Long asked.

"Fufeng Majun!" The person answered.

Shen Long was overjoyed and quickly got up and untied the ropes on Ma Jun ’s body. “I do n’t like getting Yuzhou, but I am happy to meet Mr. De Heng!”

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