All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1721: Shi Xiahou Xu Shuli Wei

"Ma Dai and Deng Ai, each of you leads a soldier and horse to Xiangcheng to do the coercion of Xiangcheng and spy on Yingchuan; remember that only harassment is not allowed to fight the enemy!" Shen Longxian intends to impose some on Cao Weizhong Chen Under pressure, the Shuhan army was about to hit the door of Chen Qun and other officials of Yingchuan Mouchen, and they did not believe that they were not in a hurry.

"The final commander!" Ma Dai and Deng Ai took their orders and they were much more stable than Guan Xing and Zhang Bao. It is more appropriate to take charge of such tasks. If you send Zhang Bao up, maybe this guy will The big event was delayed because of the rise of killing.

"Military division, what about me?" Zhang Bao was really anxious. As soon as he saw Deng Ai and Ma Dai leading the mission, he quickly came out to fight.

"Guanxing and Zhang Bao, you two led the soldiers to the south and traveled along the east bank of Jishui. You won the cities of Anle and Xinye all the way; Zhao Guang and Zhao Tong, you two went to Yiyang and Zaoyang; Guanso , Wang Ji, you two went east to take Ge Po ... "Shen Long kept throwing the arrow, sending most of his elite soldiers.

Although Yuzhou has already won, many small cities in the territory are still in the hands of Cao Wei. Until these instability factors are removed, Shen Long will not easily go north to attack Xiangcheng.

Runan and Nanyang are rich and prosperous areas. These two places have vast fields. Although the farming was delayed because of the war, many local people have fled to Jingzhou, but the foundation is still there. As long as Shenlong takes all these small cities, Ru Nanyang and Nanyang are all owned by the Shu Han. When the time comes, those who fled will return to their hometowns to resume production. Together with the improved seeds provided by Jingzhou and the advanced farming techniques they learned in Jingzhou, they will surely be able to obtain a bumper harvest.

By that time, if the Shuhan had to go northward, there would be no need to transport grain and grass from Jingzhou, and Nanyang and Runan could meet the needs of the army's northward expedition and save money.

All the teenagers were overjoyed, but this was the opportunity to lead the soldiers to fight alone. He quickly took the order and went down to rectify the soldiers and horses. He left Yuzhou that day and went to execute the order.

Shen Long stayed in the city of Yuzhou, while restoring the order in the city, while writing notes, asking Liu Bei to select capable personnel from Shu to come to Runan and Nanyang as local officials. Those young talents who had been selected through the imperial examination passed a period of time. Many exercises have accumulated a lot of experience, and it is just right for them to serve as county magistrates in these places.

Well, by the way, Liu Bei can also have another imperial examination. The style of literature in Nanyang and Runan is quite prosperous. There are many people who study, and they must be given a promotion rank, so that they and their families will really recognize the rule of Shuhan. As for those local family tyrants, they will definitely resent the imperial examination, but just like Shen Long said before, how many family tyrants are there in the whole world? How many are there? As long as the Hanmen all go to Shuhan, how many storms can these family giants turn over?

Moreover, the wealthy family of Runan family had already suffered a huge blow when Yuan Shao and Yuan Shu were destroyed. They have n’t gasped in these years. They can only watch the Yingchuan nobles in the Cao Wei court, maybe they will Arrange the junior juniors to go to Chengdu to participate in the Imperial Examination, anyway, it is better to have officials than no officials?

Hearing the fall of Yuzhou, after the Shuhan Army approached Yingchuan, the Yingchuan Shizi Group suddenly fry pans. They all rushed to Chen Qunfu and urged Chen Qun to persuade Cao Pi to send a large army south, blocking the Shuhan Army in Yingchuan outer.

People are selfish. The fall of Wancheng and Yuzhou makes them nervous, but there is no immediate hatred, but Yingchuan is different. Their families are all in Yingchuan. If Yingchuan is broken, their family, their family All of his wealth fell into the hands of Shu Han, which is absolutely unacceptable.

"Now Shen Zifeng is in a magnificent manner, even the generals such as Cao Zidan have lost one after another. They have successively lost the two strong cities of Wancheng and Yuzhou. Wen Zhongye, Yu Wenze, Xu Gongming, Xia Hou Boren and others all fell into the hands of Shuhan, even Luoyang has a large army, but who can be sent as a general? "Chen Qun spread his hand.

Cao Wei is now also facing the problem of lack of talents. Sima Yi and Cao Xiu, who can play in the North Korea, are in Changan and Xuzhou. Cao Zhen has no substitute. Fortunately, although Cao Zhen has lost again and again, he has not fallen into Shen Long ’s hands. ; But Cao Zhen can't fight alone, and he must have enough backbone generals, but so many people are captured by Shu Han, and they can't fill it for a while.

"Situ Wang Lang Wenwu Shuangquan, or he can lead the army to the south and assist Cao Zhen." Some people thought for a long time, and finally managed to find a character.

"Sect Cao Zun, general Zhu Zanying martial arts warriors, or may be able to go south with Wang Lang." Another person was found in Cao Wei Dynasty.

Then someone thought of another idea, "Shen Zifeng sent an emissary to Beijing before, saying that he would exchange the captain of Cao Zhen's captured patriarch to the family of Ma Jun in the matter. We may exchange it again with one or two generals, so it can be solved. Lack of general difficulties. "

"Will Shen Zifeng go back to the mountains?" Chen Qun didn't believe it, but it didn't hurt to try it out, so he sent a messenger after playing Ming Cao Pi ~ ~ The messenger arrived in Yuzhou in a few days. Seeing that Yuzhou had resumed orderly, and the land outside the city had begun to resume cultivation, the messenger couldn't help but be shocked, and quickly asked Shen Long to explain his intention.

Shen Long thought for a moment and said, "This is not impossible, but who are you going to use to change? My Shuhan did not have a general in your hands!"

These words made the messenger blush suddenly, yeah, after the battle was defeated, Cao Wei's generals fell into the hands of Shu Han, but they did not catch a famous Shu Han general.

"Oh, by the way, Xu Yuanzhi seems to be still in Luoyang. Since Xinye left, my master missed Xu Yuanzhi for a long time. If he waited to send Xu Yuanzhi's family to Jingzhou, I might persuade your majesty to put back a general!" Shen Long thought of Xu Shu again. Xu Shu still has some abilities, and he still has such a relationship with Liu Bei. So instead of letting him spend the rest of his life in Cao Wei, it is better to let him come to Shuhan to play the heat.

The messenger immediately sent the message back to Luoyang, Chen Qun and others began to be embarrassed, they also knew the ability of Xu Shu. Putting such a person to Shu Han, Shu Han must be more powerful, but now the Shu army has almost hit Yingchuan, now Without too much care, after playing Ming Cao Pi, Xu Shu's family was sent to Yuzhou and replaced by a Cao Wei general.

This general is not Xu Huang nor a civil servant, nor is it a ban that Cao Pi hates, but Xia Houshang who is far away in Chengdu. As for the reason, who makes his family name Xia Hou, this is a relative of the Cao family. For whom?

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