All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1722: Missing the old love Shi Meng

The news was sent back to Cao Wei, and the generals in the army were very emotional, "Yu Wen is nothing but Wen Zhongye and Xu Gongming have never returned, their merits and talents are all above Xiahou Boren, why not replace them but return them Xiahou Boren? "

"Chen Changwen's Ninth Grade Central System, a certain family thinks it is a matter of civil servants, we military commanders don't need to bother too much, we can still beat a wealth of wealth with the swords and guns in our hands. Gongming's great achievements will not change his own safety! "Although these people will not be in surrender to Shuhan, there must be someone who will not work hard for Cao Wei like before.

Some people even thought of Cao Zhang, "If Ren Chengwang succeeds to the throne, this will not happen!"

"Shen Yan! Shen Yan!" Someone covered his mouth now. Cao Zhang had just died of illness in Luoyang. It can be said that he died unclearly. You are still saying Cao Zhang in the army now. Is it?

Compared to this, Yuzhou was a mirth here. In addition to Xu Shu, Meng Jianmeng Gongwei and Shi Taoshi Guangyuan, and four friends of Zhuge in the past, Cui Jun and Cui Zhouping were not present.

In the past, Zhuge Liang evaluated Cui Zhouping, Shi Guangyuan, and Meng Gongwei, "Qing and other three people's advancement, the official position can be assassinated, county guard", saying that they are also a state talent.

Shi Guangyuan is now the captain of the Codex Agricultural School. Yuzhou happened to be in Nanan during World War I. Zhao Guang and Zhao Tong led the army to take him captive and sent him to Yuzhou immediately after hearing his name.

Meng Gongwei was originally from Runan, and now he just happened to be at home. Shen Long was invited to Fuzhong. Watching Shen Long think of the records in the historical materials, Zhuge Liang led the army out of Longyou. Wen Shitao and Xu Shushi made such a sigh. , "Weishuo Toshixie! He Bi who do not care about it?"

Means, does Cao Wei really have so many talents? Even talents like Xu Yuanzhi and Shi Guangyuan are not reused? Now that they have come to Shuhan, it is finally a useful place.

Xu Shu, Shi Tao, and Meng Jian were drinking in the garden and talked about the past with Zhuge Liang. "Unfortunately, Kong Ming is not here today, otherwise he must drink a few more cups!"

Shen Long interjected in a timely manner, "Prince Zhuge has almost realized his wish while in Longzhong. The three of them cannot be reused under the account of Cao Wei. Now they can finally show their talents and get what they want! Now Yuzhou and Wancheng are reinstated, You are lacking such talents to deal with government affairs. "The time for those young talents selected by the Imperial Examination was too short to let them know that the county is enough, but the county guards are not what they can afford.

Meng Gongwei and Shi Guangyuan, however, personally commented that Zhuge Liang had the talent of a state, although it was far inferior to Zhuge Liang, it was absolutely enough for them to manage Runan and Nanyang; and they were both Yingchuan and Runan. People are extremely familiar with the situation of Runan and Nanyang, and they are indeed the best candidates for these two counties.

"If the two are willing, I would like to write to Your Majesty, and enclose the two as Runan Taishou and Nanyang Taishou. In this way, they can not only benefit the village, but also accomplish some merits. Isn't it beautiful?" Shi Guangyuan also served as the captain of Dian Nong, It would be perfectly appropriate for him to be responsible for local production recovery.

After hearing that Xia Houshang was replaced, the sentiment sentiment changed greatly, and the hope of persuading him to surrender was greatly increased. When he was also allowed to lead his soldiers in the local Tuntian, Runan and Nanyang could be quickly digested by Shuhan.

"The two of them can be too guarded, and Shu is in any position?" Xu Shu joked, he also did not expect that he is old and old, but still have the opportunity to re-appear talent, already a little can't wait to become an official.

"Mr. Yuan Zhi is an old man of His Majesty, and as long as he can arrange, Long has ordered people to prepare a horse and carriage, and is ready to send Mr. Yuan Zhi to Chengdu. It is expected that His Majesty will be reused." After Shen Long and Zhu Geliang left Chengdu, Chengdu was young With a clerk who presided over the overall situation, Xu Shu was just right to go to Chengdu. Liu Bei trusted him and Zhang Fei served him. Jian Yong, Sun Qian and others also knew him well, and they can fully show their abilities and exert their abilities.

If this is the case, even if Dongwu suddenly changed his mind and attacked the Shuhan from outside Jingzhou, he would n’t be afraid of the lack of doppelganger. Even if he was in Yuzhou and Zhuge Liang was in Longyou, there would still be Xu Shu in the middle of Shu who could lead troops to the army. Xu Shu and Zhang Fei partnered to keep Dongwu back and forth.

"I also miss Xuan De Gong's hard work!" Xu Shu started worrying about the Shu Han before he officially took office, he asked Shen Long, "Zi Fengfeng is like breaking through the bamboo towns of Wancheng, Yuzhou, Nanyang and Runan are all owned by the Shuhan. How does Zifeng plan to respond next? Will he continue to attack Yingchuan northward? "

Shen Long shook his head, "Otherwise, the Runan and Nanyang complexes have not yet been completely stabilized. In addition, the two counties have been continually in war, and there are many fields that have been deserted. If they go north to crusade, they may cause chaos in the rear; Just go to the north of Yuzhou, and go north after the Runan and Nanyang are properly managed by Mr. Guangyuan and Mr. Gongwei! "

This is not the situation when Zhuge Liang was out of Qishan. At that time, the Shu Kingdom was the weakest among the three kingdoms of Wei, Shu and Wu. If Cao Wei was allowed to develop, the Shu Kingdom would have to wait to die; .com ~ There are also two wealthy places in the world, Nanyang and Runan. Zhuge Liang also recovered a lot of sites in Longyou, so there is no need to rush to attack.

Can slowly digest these newly occupied lands, and when these lands have been digested and can provide supplies for the crusade against Cao Wei, they can take down Xu Xu, Luoyang, and Chang'an, and bury Cao Wei completely.

"Although Zifeng is young, he can be so stable, so he can rest assured to go to Chengdu to see Xuande Gong!" Xu Shu praised him. He was originally worried that Shen Long was too young and had such a big merit In front of me, I am afraid that I will go ahead and attack the Yingchuan, Xudu, and North until Nanyang and Runan have finished digesting.

Yingchuan and Xudu were the base camps of Cao Wei. Although Cao Wei suffered successive losses, he was not completely defeated. On the contrary, the longer and longer the front line of Shu Han, the supply to the rear was a huge test. Runan and Nanyang certainly cannot be guaranteed.

With such worries, Xu Shu actively asked Shen Long, but heard Shen Long thought of this, so he was completely relieved, he knew there, Shen Long only looked young, and his experience in fighting and handling government affairs was more abundant than him. I don't know where I went, why can't I even think of this?

Xu Shu took the initiative to help Shen Long convince Meng Gongwei and Shi Guangyuan to accept the appointment, and then went to Chengdu to leave.

It was at this time that Shen Long also received news that Cao Wei had sent troops to the south.

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