All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1723: Shen Zifeng scolds dead Wang Lang

Situ Wang Lang, Sect Emperor Cao Zun, and Dang Kou General Zhu Zan led a hundred thousand troops out of Luoyang, went south to support Cao Zhen? After receiving this news, Shen Long was stunned for a while. Why, Wang Situ, why didn't you go to Zhuge Liang? Why did you come to me?

But come here, we are not afraid, he Zhuge Liang is eloquent, but I also studied in Zuan, although it is not as good as Zuan ’s liberal arts champion, it ’s okay to hang Wang Situ. .

"The Deng Ai and Ma Dai were ordered to temporarily stop harassment and return to the camp when I led the soldiers to the north." Shen Long immediately issued an order to allow Shi Guangyuan and Meng Gongwei to calmly manage Runan and Nanyang, and lead the people of the two places to resume production. Then he led the army north.

"The soldiers can rest assured that with the improved varieties of Jingzhou, the farming equipment designed by Ma Sikong, as well as the old farmers returning from Jingzhou, I will surely make Runan and Nanyang better than ever!" Shi Guangyuan and Meng Gongwei immediately promised what Shen Long took Things have been arranged, they just need to execute, if they can't do well, how can they qualify as Zhuge Liang's friends?

Shen Long then led the army out of Yuzhou, passed through the ancient city, bypassed Yecheng and arrived outside Xiangcheng. Cao Zhen originally planned to keep the door closed and continue to consume the grain of the Shu army, and then sent people to contact the Nanyang and Runan clan to make them chaotic in the rear. , Forcing Shen Long to withdraw his troops; but Wang Lang did not experience Shen Long ’s power, but took the initiative to fight.

Wang Lang was very confident in his eloquence. "In the coming days, the team can be strengthened and the banner displayed. The old man came out and used only a word to discipline the Shenlong arched hand, and the Shu soldiers retreated without fighting."

Cao Zhen thought that there was no good way anyway, so let Wang Lang try it. It would be a big deal to make the city head more alert, and wait for Wang Lang to fail to take his troops back to the city.

The next day, the two armies met and lined up in Xiangcheng. Wei Bing looked very magnificent, very different from the previous one; the troop horns of the three armies were gone, and Situ Wanglang took the horse out. The deputy governor Guo Huai, the two pioneers suppressed the position, and before the spy horse went out of the army, he yelled, "Please answer the leader!"

Immediately after the opening of the Shubingmen Banner, Deng Ai and Ma Dai came out on the left and right sides, and the next team was divided. Under the door flag, a white horse in the center, Shen Longduan sat on the horse, and the Lun fan was floating. When he came out, Shen Long saw the white-bearded old man among the Wei Jun at a glance, and the name of the book on the banner: Military division, Situ Wang Lang.

Thinking of the video of station B for a while, he couldn't help but laugh, and Deng Ai asked curiously, "Why did the military division laugh?" Frightened Shen Long to watch the left and right, afraid to kill an ambush.

After confirming that there was no ambush, Shen Long said, "Jiu Wen Wang Situ has sharp teeth and sharp lips. Today I want to give him a good look." Then he immediately greeted Wang Lang.

Wang Langdao said, "Jiu Wen Zifeng's famous name, fortunately for a while, since the public knows the destiny and the current affairs, why is there an unknown soldier?"

Shen Long replied, "Cao thief steals artifacts, I am insulting thieves, what is nameless?"

Wang Lang immediately began his performance, "The number of days has changed, the artifacts are easier, and those who have virtue have this natural reason; since the Huan and Ling, the yellow towel has advocated chaos and the world has contended; it has fallen to Chuping and Jian'an. At the age of year, Dong Zhuo rebelled, and Bog succeeded in abuse; Yuan Shuyu was named Yu Shouchun, Yuan Shao said he was superior to Ye Tu; Liu Biao occupied Jingzhou, and Lu Buhu swallowed Xujun; thieves swarmed, raped the eagle, and she was in danger of exhausting eggs, and souls There is a hurry. "

"My great ancestor Wu Emperor, cleared the six-health swept across the eight wastelands; the people of the people loved it, and the four sides looked up to Germany. It was not the power to take it, but the fate of the fate. The ancestor Wendi, the Divine Prophet, used the great unification, Yingtianhe Man, Fa Yao Chan Shun, who lives in China, is not in the heart of the heavens and people? Is it true that the talents and talents of the public are greater than the control and joy, and what is the strong desire to act against the heavens and the human nature? The ancients said: 'Shuntian is prosperous, and those who are against the heavens die.' Today I am a great Wei with a million, a good member of thousands. Forgive the rot of the grass, how can it be the heart of the heavenly heart? Gong Gong can pour out the armor, Eli Lilly Go down, do not lose the position of Hou Hou. Guo'an Minle, wouldn't it be beautiful! "

Shen Long laughed and thought he could hear something new, but the result was the same, "I thought the old veteran of the Han dynasty must have a high opinion, how can I expect this scornful word! I have a word, the army listens quietly: old days In the world of Huan and Ling, the tombs of the Han dynasty replaced the eunuchs; the chaos of the country was chaotic, and the Quartet was harassed. After the yellow towel, Dong Zhuo, Bo, and others rose one after another, relocating the Han Emperor, and brutal spirits. Officials, between the palace and the palace, the beasts eat the food; the wolf-hearted dogs, those who are rolling in the road, and the slaves who are slaves to the knees, are all in charge of politics. So that the Jijiu ruins are painted with charcoal. "

"We always know what you are doing: living on the coast of the East China Sea, filial piety first entered the ranks; Li He Kuangjun auxiliary country, An Han Xing Liu; when to fight against the rebel thief, accomplice usurped the throne! Xun Yu has not yet seen Cao thief usurped, only to see Cao Thief suffered from Jiuxi, and sincerely regretted taking the poison to kill himself; Ru is Xiaolian, he should be filial and honorable, and honest and upright! "

"Ranru sits and looks at the king for being humiliated by Cao Thief and does not stand up for filial piety; to enjoy the richness given by Cao Thief is for incorruptibility, so unkind and filial, incorruptible and unrighteous, shameless and shameful, criminals and terrible The people of the world, willing to eat ru meat! "

"Fortunately, the gods are always here, and my lord inherits Xichuan; I am under the will of His Majesty ~ ~ Before he was in the army, An Dang arrogantly called the number of days! Hao's first man! Cang bearded old thief! You will be under the Nine Springs today, how can you see the twenty-four emperors! The old thief retreats! ! "

This is a good curse. Shen Long said it with the rhythm of RAP's speed, and his voice was fast and strong. Wang Lang tried to rebut several times but could not find the opportunity to intervene. He could only listen hard, and the more he listened, the more he heard. Angry; Wang Lang had never been to Zuan, where he could bear this. As soon as he heard it, he was full of chest, yelled, and died under the horse.

Shen Long pointed to Cao Zhen again, "Cao Zidan has repeatedly lost to my hand, and dare to call him a famous person in the world? Even if you don't spare your own life, you should think about the soldiers under your hands. I don't want to fight with you today. You and Take the corpse of the shameless man back and fight with Seoul again in the future! "

Cao Zhen was so suffocated by Shen Long that he wished to step forward immediately to cut off his head, but he could not beat it again, and could only swallow this breath without saying a word, letting him step forward to make Wang Lang jewelry, and then rate The army returned to the city, found a good coffin for Wang Lang to contain, and ordered people to return to Luoyang.

Returning to the camp, Deng Ai and others will congratulate Shen Long. Today, they scolded a veteran Cao Wei. It is easy to kill people on the battlefield, but it is rare to scold them to death.

Shen Long felt a little regret, hey, this time without a helper coming in, or let her take this scene and wait for her to appreciate it slowly afterwards, must it be fun?

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