All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1724: Zhuge Liangping Xiqiang

Cao Zhen retreated, Shen Long did not catch up, so he led the army back to the camp and couldn't stay out. After a few days, he sent Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Guan Suo, Ma Dai, Deng Ai, Wang Ji and others Take turns to lead soldiers to fight.

Cao Zhen didn't know where to go, so he had to let Zhu Zan, Wang Shuang, Guo Huai, and others out of town to play against each other. The two sides played a lot in Xiangcheng, but the results were not much; Shen Long didn't mean to win Xiangcheng immediately. Cao Zhen also failed to defeat the Shu Army in the field, and the two sides stalemate.

“It ’s so good, I ’ll wait for all the daily battles, and do n’t need to worry, just continue to rotate out of the camp challenge.” Shen Long is very satisfied with this. The most lacking of these Shu Han youngsters is combat experience, now under the protection of the army Taking turns to go to battle every day, they still face opponents like Guo Huai and Zhu Zan, and their growth must be fast.

After each war, Shen Long will summon them together, let them analyze the gains and losses of the battle first, and then other teenagers will comment in turn, and finally Shen Long concludes that he actually regarded the battlefield as a classroom and Cao Zhen as a sharpener. stone.

There are also those who do n’t understand. For example, Zhang Bao asked Shen Long why he did n’t chase after the victory. He won Yingchuan in one fell swoop, and Shen Long repeated what he said to Xu Shu. Cao Wei was several times larger than Shu Han after all. It is not realistic to win, and now it occupies Nanyang and Runan. The strategic goal of the Northern Expedition has been achieved.

Well, the most important task now is to digest Runan and Nanyang as soon as possible, while at the same time stopping the border of Yingchuan and continuing to consume Cao Wei ’s strength, losing the two grain producing areas of Runan and Nanyang, Cao Wei wants to supply the army to go out, just Being able to mobilize grain and grass from other places, Shen Long continued to exert pressure on them, and they did not dare to let Cao Zhen and others withdraw. Since then, the continuous supply of grain and grass will make Cao Wei continue to lose power.

Looking back at Shenlong, it is much more convenient to transport grain from Jingzhou through Xiangjiang and Jishui than Cao Wei. Jingzhou has reclaimed land year after year and has adopted more advanced farming techniques than Cao Wei. The output is far superior to Cao Wei. Don't suffer; Shen Long intends to consume Cao Wei with national strength, unless they can defeat Shen Long head-on, otherwise they can only suffer.

On this day, Guan Ping sent grain and grass from Jingzhou, and Shen Long commanded, "Qianfan even went to Wancheng and Yuzhou. The grain and grass in the city were all owned by me and enough to supply the army for several months, but this batch of grain and grass was temporarily used. If not, let General Guan transport the grain and grass through Han water to Hanzhong for the military division to use! "

This is another benefit of Shuhan still occupying Jingzhou. Hanshui flows into Xiangjiang in Xiangyang, and Xiangjiang is within Jingzhou. Through the convenient water transportation of Xiangjiang and Hanshui, the grains and grasses of Jingzhou can be more conveniently sent to Hanzhong To support Zhuge Liang ’s army in Longyou, which is much more convenient than delivering grain and grass from Chengdu to Zhuge Liang.

From Chengdu to Tianshui, although there is also internal water in the middle, the internal water flows through the mountains, and the water flow capacity is far less than that of the Han River. Many places have to transport grain and grass through the steep mountain roads, even if Zhuge Liang will make wooden cattle and floating horses. Hanzhong is different. The Hanjiang River is the largest tributary of the Yangtze River. With plenty of water, a fleet of ships can transport a large amount of grain to the vicinity of Minu. From Minu to the west and north, you can reach Tianshui. Great savings.

Guan Ping ordered to return to Guan Yu, Guan Yu immediately wrote to Liu Bei, and then ordered Guan Ping to send the grain and grass to Zhuge Liang through the waterway; Shen Long could only provide advice on this matter, and he could not do it directly by himself. It is more suitable for Guan Yu to do it than he does.

All the way up the river, he arrived in Hanzhong several days later, and landed from Hanzhong. He sent grain and grass to Zhuge Liang all the way. Zhuge Liang was overjoyed when he saw the grain coming. "Frankly, it has made great achievements. At this point, the military's heart is already unstable. Seeing this, morale must be greatly boosted. "

Then immediately ordered people to receive and distribute the grain and grass. The Shu army camp was suddenly full of joy. After the arrangement, Zhu Geliang hosted a banquet to treat Guan Ping. Ma Chao, Zhao Yun, Jiang Wei, Wei Yan and others all gathered in the account and Ma Chao asked. After Shen Long's battle situation heard that Nanyang and Runan had already gone down, Ma Chao praised, "Zifeng's marching into the speed of speed, but we are all compared."

Zhao Yun smiled, "But it is also the credit of the younger generation, I should be happy to be a father and brother." His son, Ma Chao's younger brother is still playing under Shen Long, "not to mention the fact that Longxi is now regaining the majority, but I have also waited Don't lose to him! "

This is also one of the reasons why Shen Long appointed Ma Dai, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong and others. This kind of work is inevitable, but are you always embarrassed to fight for work with your brother and children? This allows relative solidarity within the Shu State.

After re-supplying grain and grass, Zhuge Liang's army continued eastward to Chang'an. Previously, Han De had a disastrous defeat. Sima Yi again paid a lot of money to move Qiang Wang Cheriji.

After hearing that the juniors have been in the next two counties, Ma Chao, Zhao Yun and others are eager to fight. Now that someone is coming to the door, the two of them will not be polite, and they will lead the elite to the array ~ ~ Marshal, Ma Chaohuo captured Yadan prime minister, Qiang Wang Cheriji fled defeated, Ma Chao played the banner to gather the defeated soldiers, and the Qiang soldiers surrendered.

Zhuge Liang then gave a wine shock, and comforted Yadan with good words. Yadan deeply felt his virtue. Zhuge Liang said, "My Lord is the Emperor of the Great Han Dynasty, I ordered my thief this time, how can I help the rebellion? I let you go back today, saying and Lord Ru: My country and Er are neighbors. It is good to form an alliance forever. Do n’t listen to the anti-thief. ”Then return the Qiang soldiers and horse and horse equipment to Yadan and return them to the country.

Cherrige became well-connected with the Shu Han. Not only did he not attack the Shu Army, but also exchanged cattle, sheep, horses and horses for silk salt and other things in the Shu Army, so that the Shu Army's strength soared, and sent a guide to lead Zhuge Liang.

After the Qiang people settled down, Zhuge Liang continued to lead the army along the Weishui east, passing Chencang to Wuzhangyuan. Seeing Chang'an in sight, Zhao Yun, Ma Chao and other people became more and more energetic, and they took down the support wind in one go, and Sima Yi suddenly became nervous.

However, Zhuge Liang did not take the opportunity to attack Chang'an. Instead, he stopped at Fufeng. While sending Zhao Yun, Wei Yan and others to harass Chang'an, Ma Chao continued to recruit the Qiang tribe, while he began to resume farming in Longyou.

Asked everyone, Zhuge Liang replied, "Sima Yi is a wise man, and Chang'an is the old capital of my great Han. The city has thick walls and can't be taken lightly, so don't be in a hurry."

He also had the same meaning with Shen Long. Now that the national strength of the Shu Kingdom is gradually prevailing, then use the national strength to consume Cao Wei!

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