All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1726: Lu Boyan invades Jingzhou

Sun Quan sent the messenger and asked how the officials should deal with it. Lu Xun thought for a moment, "Cao Wei was lured by the land of Jingzhou and Runan, but he was deliberately tentative; while Jingzhou and Runan were in Shu, then Chibi, Cangsang, and Chibi were unsafe. , Chai Sang Nan'an and Jian Ye are under the threat of Shuhan, but this is very bad for Jiangdong. "

After taking Ruan, Shuhan controlled the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, and the water warfare from downstream to downstream must be superior to upstream. From then on, Soochow fell completely into competition with Shuhan and was in a very strategic disadvantageous situation. This point, but anyone who understands the strategy can see it clearly, not to mention a famous general like Lu Xun?

"I heard that Guan Yu was building warships and training naval forces in Jingzhou. If he hadn't coveted Jiangdong, why did he do so?" Xu Sheng said that this was also obvious, and the Northern Expedition Cao Wei used the naval forces? If Guan Yu had no idea about Jiang Dong, what would he do to train the naval forces? It must have come to Soochow.

"The art of war is clear: to the people, not to the people, if we wait for the success of the Shuhan naval forces, then I will be in danger in the sixty-eight counties and eighty-one states in Jiangdong." Ding Feng also echoed that Dongwu grew up in the navy and was most afraid of navy. Jingzhou originally had the foundation that Liu Biao left back then. There are quite a few craftsmen who are proficient in shipbuilding, and there is no shortage of naval talents. If Guan Yu were to train an elite sailor, Dongwu would be bad.

"So, must we agree with Cao Wei's envoy that Lian Wei has attacked Shu?" Seeing all the generals responded, Sun Quan couldn't help but secretly rejoiced in his heart and looked forward to winning himself as soon as possible to become king.

"Princess, Jiangdong I had previously accepted the Shu Han seal, and established a covenant, if at this time the alliance, fearing that everyone would laugh." Zhang Zhao expressed his opposition from a moral point of view.

However, although morality is important, Jiangdong ’s safety is even more important. After some debate, Zhang Zhaozheng, but Lu Xun and others, can only suggest, "If the protagonist is afraid of the Jingzhou naval master, he can order people to go to Jingzhou, let Guan Yu burn the ship and disband. Sailor, if he is willing to agree, then Jiangdong is still willing to abide by the covenant. "

"So Guan Yunchang certainly does not agree, and will also shock the Shu Han." Lu Xun scoffed at this, Guan Yu began to build ships and train troops, how could you give up your hard work because of a word?

Zhang Zhao insisted on insisting that Gu Yong and others were also on the sidelines. Finally, Sun Quan used Zhuge Jin as an emissary to go to Jingzhou, but it was only for Zhuge Jin to try one or two.

Zhuge Jin arrived in Jingzhou. After seeing Guan Yu, he first congratulated the successive victory of Shu Han. He also tried to provoke the relationship between Guan Yu and Shen Long and Zhu Geliang. He said that such a war should be ruled by a general like Guan Yu. Why? But sent such a yellow mouth child Shen Long.

Guan Yu did not care, not to mention that Guan Xing, Guan Suo and others were all playing under Shen Long. Shen Long had saved his life before, saying that Shen Long had won the battle, and Guan Yu was also in Jingzhou and Ma Liangxi. After a detailed analysis, he was also amazed by Shen Long's methods. He said that if he is handsome, he certainly cannot defeat Cao Zhen so easily.

Guan Yu is proud, but others still admire the people who really have the ability. Shen Long has won the respect of Guan Yu with his own record, making him willing to reassure the rear and provide support for himself, but Zhu Gejin's remarks fell. When he was empty, he was turned back by Guan Yu. Look at your brother Zhuge Liang's right and left. What did you do in Dongwu? Follow Lu Xun and go north to attack Cao Xiu, but they are defeated by Cao Xiu one after another. Don't you feel ashamed?

Zhuge Jin was blushed, and Zhiwu Wuwu was speechless. He had to borrow alcohol to cover up his embarrassment, and then quickly changed the subject. After the embarrassment passed, Zhugejin secretly tried to test Guan Yu's shipbuilding and training of sailors Purpose comes.

Guan Yu said that this naval force was trained to **** the grain fleet, the main purpose of which was to prevent Cao Wei from attacking his fleet to convey grain and grass to Zhuge Liang and Shen Long. There was absolutely no meaning against Soochow.

Zhuge Jin didn't take it for granted. Now Jishui and Hanjiang are all under the control of Shuhan. Even if Cao Wei has a navy, he can't enter Jishui and Hanjiang. Who are you targeting for a sailor fleet of this size? Not clear yet?

Since Guan Yu did not speak clearly, his purpose was self-evident. Zhu Gejin immediately left and reported the news to Sun Quan; and Guan Yu also passed Zhu Gejin to Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang and Shen Long.

Shen Long smiled after receiving the letter from Guan Yu in Xiangcheng, "Blank is watching me win the Shuhan one after another, so I feel uneasy; maybe in a few days, Lu Xun should return from Xuzhou to Lukou, ready to fight the army Attacked Jingzhou. "

Shen Long understands this very well. Even if you switch him to Sun Quan ’s position and see that Shuhan occupies both sides of the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, still building warships and practicing sailors, you will feel worried and will consider preemption.

"Frankly, how exactly did the Jingzhou naval practitioners practice? Maybe a battle with Lu Xun?" Shen Long asked.

"Qijun division, Jingzhou craftsmen were shocked by the drawings and warship models given by the division and Sikong. After the warship was built and tested, it was far more than the warship of Dongwu!" Guan Ping immediately replied ~ ~ Since the mission is to unify the world's Zhongxing Han room, how could Shen Long have no plans to deal with Soochow? He had previously redesigned the warship, let the shipbuilding craftsmen in Jingzhou start to build the warship, and Guan Yu began to train the naval forces; after Ma Jun returned to Shuhan, he improved it according to the existing conditions, so that the shipbuilders in Jingzhou could be faster and more Well these new battleships are made.

Until now, the Jingzhou naval division has taken shape, and its combat power is far superior to that of the Jingzhou navy under Liu Biao. With these warships that are faster, stronger, and more powerful than Soochow, the Jingzhou navy is enough to fight Lu Xun.

After returning to Soochow, Zhu Gejin told Sun Quan and Lu Xun what he had seen in Jingzhou, "Guan Yu was practicing the sailor day and night above the Yangtze River, in my view, the warship of Jingzhou was faster than Jiangdong in this battle. The outcome is still unknown! "

"Tzuyu filtered, the water war is not just more and faster than the warships of others. If so, it was Cao Cao who won the battle at Chibi in the past! Even if there are better warships in Jingzhou, the generals of the army still use me Jiangdong is supreme! "Lu Xun is full of confidence in his ability in water warfare.

Sun Quan immediately ordered Jiangdong Marine Division to be under the command of Lu Xun. Lu Xun rectified his troops and took countless warships with Ding Feng and Xu Sheng to the north. The army pointed directly to Jingzhou where Guan Yu was located.

At the same time, Cao Zhen also received news that he tried to attack Shen Long after the army in the city. He must drag Shen Long here so that he cannot go south.

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