All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1727: Yu Wenze defeated Dong Wu

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The military division, Cao Zhen went south and Lu Xun westward. Now the enemy is in the back. The situation is not good. Will we return to Yuzhou for the time being? We will defend Cao Zhen according to the city. "Ma Ma quickly asked.

"You don't have to worry about it, the generals in Jingzhou are enough to resist Lu Xun; now Cao Zhen has made the army to go south, but it is a rare opportunity, and he just took advantage of this opportunity to defeat him." Shen Long shook his feather fan lightly, as if Zhi Zhu was holding.

"General Guan is of course heroic, but water warfare is not the commander of General Guan. How can he block Lu Xun?" Ma Dang still puzzled. Although Guan Yu also had the experience of leading the navy, he has been training for Shuhan for so many years in Jingzhou. The task of managing the navy seems to be inferior to that of a general like Lu Xun who is known for his water warfare.

"And General Guan also has to manage a lot of affairs in Jingzhou, delivering grain and grass for the military division and the prime minister. I am afraid that he can't lead the army of the naval division to fight?" And Guan Yu is no longer a simple general.

"Although General Guan can't fight, it doesn't mean that I have no one in Jingzhou. There is a general sailor in Jingzhou. If he is led by him to fight against Lu Xun, General Guan and I can rest assured." Lack of talent? Some do n’t exist, some are the right people.

Ok? Who is the one? Ma Deng quickly helped the generals of Jingzhou up and down. Neither Mi Fang nor Fu Shiren seemed to be able to shoulder the important task of confronting Lu Xun, and he was temporarily lost in confusion.

At this moment, Guan Yu was also seeing off the army at the pier. He stood in front of a strong-faced general and arched his hand. "Wen Ze, Guan Mou is waiting for Wen to win!"

This person was no one else. It was Wei Guoda, who had been taken down to Shuhan during the Seventh Army of Guan Yu and was under imprisonment. When he was imprisoned under Cao Cao, he served as the admiral of the navy. Zhuge Liang and Zhou Yu, but that is because Zhuge Liang opened the hook, but it is not because of incompetent strength.

Although he had surrendered Guan Yu after being banned from captivity, he refused to fight for the leader of the Shu Han, and Guan Yu did not force him, so he led the surrendered Wei sergeant in Tuntian, Jingzhou.

Then Shen Long sent a message that someone from Wei Guolai told Yu Ban that Cao Cao lamented for a long time after learning that the ban was defeated and said, "Yu Ban has known me for 30 years. How can he face a dangerous situation, it is not as good as Pound ! "

At this time, Yu Ban was guilty for a long time, but soon after another news made Yu Ban angry, and then turned against Cao Wei. Cao Pi, while building Cao Cao's tomb, ordered people to paint Guan Yu Zhanke, Pound angry, and surrender to the ban. This was a shame and disgrace for Yu Ban, so he officially surrendered to Shu Han and assisted Guan Yu in training the navy.

With the help of Yu Ban, Guan Yu can be said to be even more powerful. He generously handed over the Jingzhou Navy to Yu Ban, and Yu Ban did not live up to Guan Yu ’s expectations. He quickly figured out the performance of these new warships and worked out a series of functions that can play this role. A tactic of combat effectiveness.

Earlier, because of concerns that the banned family was still in Cao Wei, Jingzhou had concealed the news until Shen Long took the opportunity of redeeming Xia Houshang and others by Cao Wei and exchanged Yu ban's family for the last time. Appearance; Ma Deng was sent by Shen Long to Chengdu to report to Liu Bei, so he didn't know about it yet.

"Thank you, prince, this battle will definitely be a victory!" After Yu Ban took a stride and did not return to the boat, a moment later, the Shuhan warship sailed thousands of feet, covering the river in front of Guan Yu, and facing the mighty Go to the parade.

Seeing the attack of the Shuhan warships from afar, Lu Xun did not worry and rejoice. "If they can't avoid the war, they will be killed from the rear when I attack Jingzhou, and I will not be able to deal with the Shu army on the ground. Now they dare Taking the initiative to fight, this time let them know that our Jiangdong naval masters are great! "Lu Xun felt that above the Yangtze River, the Dongwu Marines were invincible.

"Wansheng! Wansheng! Wansheng!" The Soochow Shuijun shouted in unison. Many wars such as the battle of the Red Cliff in the past proved this point, and they were also full of confidence in winning.

"Send a few boats to investigate the news, report how many warships the enemy has, and who will report the investigation clearly!" Lu Xun immediately issued an order, and a few leaves of the light boat greeted the Shuhan Fleet like an arrow.

Shortly afterwards, the spies came back and reported to Lu Xun, Ding Feng, Xu Sheng and others, "Qi Dadu, the Shuhan warship has dozens of ships and dozens of ships, and the rest of the ships are countless in number, with a force of not less than 50,000; the largest warship is hung on The name of the banner, the leader of the distant view seems to be Cao Wei's admiral in the old battle of Chibi! "

"Oh? Yu Ban?" Lu Xun was shocked in his heart. He thought that there was no good general in Shuhan ~ ~ Who would have forgotten that Shun completely surrendered to Shu Han, so I am afraid it will be a bit difficult to deal with.

However, Xu Sheng, Ding Feng and others did not take it for granted, "It's just a defeat of the men, Metropolitan Governor, someone please be the pioneer, break the thief for the Metropolitan Governor!"

Lu Xun was relieved, and then the younger Ding Feng was the vanguard, leading the fleet to meet him and wage a decisive battle against the ban in the middle of the Yangtze River.

Yu Ban ’s army is strict and he likes to use strict military laws to restrain his subordinates. This makes it difficult for Yu Ban to really get the military heart, but it can make the whole army uniform and act according to the order.

After colliding with the Soochow Fleet, Yu was impatient and took advantage of the superiority of the upper reaches and battleships to compete with Lu Xun. Using the long-range weapons such as bed crossbows and scorpion crossbows to launch outside the arrow range of the Soochow Marines Rockets and fire bombs came to attack Ding Feng.

Ding Feng has been fighting on the Yangtze River for many years. He has never encountered such an opponent. He did not know how to deal with it at the same time, and he was slow to board the ship against the current. He had lost more than half of the Shuhan fleet before he had to return to the downstream.

Lu Xun deliberately put on a retreat and wanted to lure the ban to chase and then annihilate. However, Yu Ban ’s character was stable and not greedy, and he still led the army to overwhelm. He let Lu Xun ’s plan fall through and he could only regroup. Resist the ban.

However, Lu Xun has all kinds of means, and it is useless to meet strict banned soldiers. The more important thing is that the Shuhan warships rely on long-range weapons to cause fatal damage to the Soochow fleet, and Soochow naval divisions often need to be close to the enemy to deploy. Attacking, under such circumstances, even Lu Xun and Lu Boyan could not return to the sky.

I can only watch the huge rockets and kerosene bombs launched by the Shuhan warships continue to fall on their own ships. One Dongwu warship fired and burned and then sank to the bottom of the river.

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