All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1728: Fighting Chibi Soochow Summing

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In the face of absolute strength, the effect of conspiracy and tricks is extremely limited; Shen Long was a man who had been the king of the Seven Seas, the warship he built, and the matching bed crossbow, scorpion crossbow and other weapons, and the use of Dongwu The battleship has already been crushed by generations, and even if Lu Xun ca n’t resist it, he can only lose all the way.

Yu Ban chased down the river, chasing from Jiangling to Baling, and then from Baling to Chibi, until the rockets and fire bombs were almost consumed, and then stopped the pursuit, waiting for Guan Yu to send supplies.

Lu Xun returned to Jiangxia to rest and recuperate. After this battle, the sailors who survived in Soochow suffered more than half of their losses, while the Shuhan sailors led by the imprisonment had little damage and remained intact.

Lu Xun saw the defeated soldiers in Jiangxia, and the tears and tears could not help but burst into tears. "I was kind to Wu Wang, and I had a very special encounter, which made my governors defeated by the Yangtze River, and was defeated by Yu Ban. What do I have to go back to Jianye to see King Wu? what!"

Ding Feng and Xu Sheng are also speechless. They haven't tasted a defeat in the Yangtze River for more than ten years. They don't want to lose so badly in the forbidden hands this time. They don't even see the chance of winning. Why do they feel so bad?

"When Zhou Gongjin talked and laughed, the flickering smoke disappeared, and Lu Zijing scolded Guan Yu and retreated to the Shu army. Why did he come to me, but he suffered a series of defeats, the land battle lost to Cao Xiu, the water battle was defeated by the ban, could it be that my Lu Boyan was really inferior What? "The battle was so bad that Lu Xun had doubts about his ability.

Otherwise, why did Zhou Wu and Lu Su have two governors in power when Dongwu flourished, and it was so difficult after their turn to succeed? Losing to Cao Xiu can also be said that Soochow is not used to fighting, but what else can he say to lose to the ban?

"Dadu, this is not a crime of war! Even if Zhou Gongjin is resurrected, such a warship may be difficult to resist when Lu Zijing is alive!" Ding Feng and Xu Sheng quickly persuaded, "Dadu, will brave the soldiers, You are now shouldering heavy responsibilities, and you must not reveal your decadence a little bit. If not, the army will be distracted and you will not be able to manage it. "

In the end, Lu Xun was very human. Ding Feng and Xu Sheng only persuaded a few words. Lu Xun immediately returned to normal and thanked the two. "If it is not typical of Wenxiang and Cheng Yuan, it is almost impossible to make a big mistake."

"This is not the time for decadence. After the ban was won and the strength was not lost, it will continue to threaten Jiang Xia down the river. If Jiang Xia is down, Chai Sang will be in danger. If Chai Sang is unstable, Jian Ye will be shaken. I have to think of a way to be banned in the west of Chibi. "Ding Feng said for a while when he was sad.

When they first went out, they thought about winning Jingzhou in one go, and defeating Shen Long with Cao Zhen in the north and south. In this way, Jingzhou and Runan were all owned by Dongwu, and Jiangdong could increase its strength. It is not impossible to win the world in the future; However, this was the first battle, they not only lost the possibility of entering Jingzhou, but even Jiang Xia was threatened.

"The warships of Shuhan are difficult to defeat. What's the good plan for Wenxiang and Chengyuan?" Lu Xun asked quickly, yeah, the battle is not over yet.

"For today's sake, I am afraid that water warfare will be difficult to resist; if we send soldiers and horses to attack Chibi from the shore, and if we can burn down our fleet while we are at the forbidden mooring of Chibi, we will be defeated and defeated! Dare to enter the army easily. "Xu Sheng thought of a way.

Yu Ban's fleet is invincible on the Yangtze River, but can't the fleet stay on the Yangtze River? You always have to moor up to shore to replenish your supplies and repair the soldiers, and the ports near Chibi are within the attack range of Soochow Infantry. We wo n’t win you on the water, and you ’re forced to stop and repair. Do you have to retreat? Anymore?

"It's still possible to resist one or two." Lu Xun nodded and praised, but then a new problem came up when he thought about it. All the soldiers led by the ban are sailors, and indeed it is not necessarily possible to win the infantry of Dongwu, but Guan Yu is still there. In Jingzhou, if he leads an army to attack Chibi, who can resist the entire Soochow?

"It seems that this time it is unwise to attack Wei together!" Lu Xun began to regret it, and then felt congested again, why do we not win the fight whether we attacked Wei or Lianshu?

Think again, Lu Xun's worries gradually subsided. Shuhan is now not just fighting Dongwu. Their main opponent must be Cao Wei. At this time, whether it is Liu Bei, Zhuge Liang or Shen Long, Guan Yu is definitely not willing to fight Dong. Wu impressed Gan Ge, so Lu Xun immediately had a countermeasure.

Lu Xun immediately mobilized the soldiers and horses in Jiangxia, Changsha and other places, and displayed a posture of fighting against Yu Ban. On the other side, he quickly sent a letter to Sun Quan and asked him to send a messenger to Chengdu to ask the Shu Han for peace.

Sun Quan was terrified after hearing Lu Xun's fiasco. He quickly dispatched Zhang Wen to Shuzhong for peace. After Zhang Wen arrived in Chengdu ~ ~, he went to the temple and blamed the Shu Han Alliance. Lu Xun only led the army to inspect the Yangtze River. Why? Yu Ban leads the army to attack? Then he asked Yu Ban to return to Jingzhou, and Shuhan compensated Dongwu for the loss, otherwise Jiangdong would fight against Shuhan with a large army.

Xu Shu laughed, "According to the covenant, Lu Bo reasoned to attack Cao Xiu in Xuzhou, why did he go to Jingzhou? Isn't it the Sun Quan? The Sun Quan was first enshrined by my master, and later concluded a covenant to discuss Cao thief, now Actually betraying the covenant and violating me Jingzhou! It is really betraying faith. "

"Shu is new to Chengdu, but he hasn't made any achievements yet. Now he's about to ask His Majesty and lead his army south to conquer Jiangdong to make merits of size!" Isn't it to scare people? Who is afraid of who? Xu Shu immediately put on a posture to fight.

Not only did Zhang Wen not scare Liu Bei, but he was shocked by Xu Shu. At the moment, Yu Luxun could n’t bear it anymore. Souk master of Soochow lost more than half of his elite. If another Xu Shun came, let ’s say Jiang Xia could n’t help it. Are you going to fall? He quickly changed the deputy rhetoric, even saying that the misunderstanding was not enough.

Xu Shu didn't even think about attacking Dongwu. He knew that the strength of Shuhan is not strong enough to fight against Cao Wei and Dongwu at the same time. The focus is still on digesting the new land of Runan, Nanyang and Longyou, so he threatened Zhang After a while, Wen retreated.

Then Liu Bei came on stage, starting from the eighteenth princes discussing Dong with Sun Jian, and said that Sun Quan was sealed as Wu Wang. He recalled his friendship with the three generations of the Sun family, and then forgave Sun Quan. Returning to Jingzhou, Lu Xun also returned to Jianye with his defeated soldiers.

Before leaving, Lu Xun built a wooden pile iron chain in Chibi, using the method of ironing the Hengjiang, cutting off the road south of the forbidden army, but also preventing them from going north to attack Jingzhou.

In the north, Shen Long and Cao Zhen's battle have also been divided.

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