All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1729: Shen Long farming Cao Pi returns to heaven

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Hearing that Cao Zhen made a big attack on the same day, Shen Long immediately led the soldiers and horses back to Yuzhou, and arranged for Guan Su, Ma Dai, Deng Ai and others to take turns in response, making it difficult for Cao Zhen to find a good opportunity; Soochow drove the Shuhan out of Runan and Nanyang, so he did not greedy, but he followed Shen Long to the city of Yuzhou.

Arriving in the city of Yuzhou, Shen Long let the city head still hang his own Shenzi banner, but he came out of the south gate with a team of soldiers and horses. After being discovered by Cao Zhen spies, Cao Zhen was overjoyed, "Shen Zifeng will lead the army to rescue Jingzhou! "

Then he commanded the army to launch an offensive quickly. Shen Long couldn't beat him, could he still beat Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and Deng Ai? However, when Shen Long left, he had already decided that he would not let them lead the army to fight, but relying on the city ’s high walls to resist Cao Zhen ’s attack. Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Deng Ai, and others strictly abided by Shen Long ’s orders, no matter how Cao Zhen screamed. Play.

Cao Zhen did not carry siege equipment, and the army lacked craftsmen. He could only use ants to attach siege means, but how could such a small means win a big city like Yuzhou? After frustrating and exhausting again, after several successive failures, Cao Wei's army left countless corpses under the Yuzhou city, and the soldiers did not intend to attack the city.

Seeing this situation, Cao Zhen had to think of other ways. "Yuzhou won easily, but Shen Zifeng could not easily escape. If he defeated Lu Xun and returned to Yuzhou, the previous arrangements would be abandoned!" Yes, with Shen Zifeng's ability It is estimated that it would not take much time to defeat Lu Xun. If he had not won Yuzhou before returning, it would be a waste of effort.

He knew there that he didn't need Shen Long to get out of the horse, not even Guan Yu, and Yu Xun had to solve Lu Xun by forbidden to bring a brand-new Shuhan Navy.

Fortunately, Yuzhou was located on a plain and the roads were accessible, so Cao Zhen made arrangements, leaving Guo Huai and Zhu Zan to lead the army to continue to surround Yuzhou, so that the defenders in the city could not get out, and he took Wang Shuang and a large number of soldiers to bypass Yuzhou to continue Chase Shen Long.

All the way from the ancient city to Lushan, Shen Long has led the army through Jishui and headed towards Wancheng. They walked too hastily, and even the pontoon above Jishui did not have time to be demolished; Cao Zhen immediately sent people to check to make sure that Shen Long did not work on the pontoon and immediately commanded the army to cross the river.

"Haha, Shen Zifeng's situation is so hasty, it seems that Lu Boyan has already hit Jingzhou!" Cao Zhen laughed, and finally he was able to give a bad breath this time.

"In terms of fighting, Dongwu is far less than Shuhan, but when it comes to water warfare, Dongwu is the first!" Wang Shuang thought it was true, and the name of Dongwu Shuijun was still very loud.

More than half of the army crossed the river, and the sound of thunder suddenly came from the upstream. A turbid water rushed towards Cao Zhen's army with a tremendous wave. Cao Zhen couldn't help but be overwhelmed. "Well, this time it was Shen Zifeng's strategy!"

This must have been Shen Long ’s advancement of building embankments to block the water in advance. When Cao Wei ’s army passed, the emperor decided to release the water. Cao really should n’t think of it; it ’s just that Shen Long ’s use of troops has always been quite satisfactory, purely by strength. Cao Zhen was so used to it that he completely forgot that Shen Long would still use this possibility, and he fell into the trap.

The flood was mixed with branches of soil and hit the pontoon, and the pontoon was washed into two pieces in a moment. Countless Wei sergeants crossing the river were suddenly swept away by the flood. This is not the most important thing. What is more terrible is that Cao Zhen ’s army was cut off from it. Can't echo from beginning to end.

"Haha, Shen has been waiting for the Metropolitan Governor for a long time!" A sudden laugh came from across the river. Shen Long's silver gun and white robe appeared in front of Cao Wei's army, and Zema killed them with a gun.

At this time, Wang Shuang was commanding the former army. Seeing Shen Long dressed like this, he couldn't help but remember the glorious record of fighting for the eight generals under Fan Cheng and slashing Xu Chu in the past. Former general, how can we retreat at this juncture? So he could only grind his teeth and raised his sixty kilogram machete to greet him, "Shen Zifeng was so mad, I came to fight!"

It is a pity that although Wang Shuang can be called a brave general, if he was born earlier, his reputation should not be under Huaxiong, Yan Liang, etc. However, he now encounters Shen Long, who is enough to hang Lu Bu, and the two sides are fighting less than three. In the round, Wang Shuang was stabbed by Shen Long, and was killed in battle.

Suddenly attacked by the flood, and then lost the former army general, the former army of Cao Wei was suddenly demoralized, led by Shen Long and several people in and out, dispersed the situation of the army of Cao Wei, divided and surrounded, seeing no hope of victory, no escape Many soldiers pleaded on their knees, and this scene saw Cao Zhen's eyes cracking, but there was no way to do it.

"Dadu, you have to make a decision early!" Someone beside reminded ~ ~ In a moment, the army lost more than half, and the flood gradually calmed down. If Shen Long killed Jishui, they would be bad. Too.

"Go!" Cao Zhen gritted his teeth and jumped out a word. If he didn't go at this time, it would be too late. He could only give up the former army and fled with the rest of the army.

When he was under the city of Yuzhou, he hurriedly greeted Guo Huai to retreat together. It was all at this stage. Cao Zhen could not understand that Lu Xun certainly did not cause any trouble for Jingzhou, but Shen Long just calculated it.

Sure enough, he had just left his forefoot, Guan Xing, Zhang Bao and others were killed. He chased and drove Cao Zhen back to Xiangcheng all the way. This time, he did not achieve any results, but he lost tens of thousands of soldiers and horses. In Cao Zhen's heart, depression was extremely extreme.

Later, the news that Lu Xun was defeated by Yu Ban also spread. Cao Zhen could only stay in Xiangcheng every day and pray to the gods and gods that Liu Bei would return to heaven as soon as possible, so that Cao Wei could be relieved from the pressure.

In this battle, Shen Long won tens of thousands of captives, but it was just used in the Tuntian of Nanan and Nanyang. The civil servants have now returned, although they do not want to continue to lead the army, they can reclaim the land, repair the water conservancy, and benefit the village. He was still very willing, so these captives, under the leadership of Wenpin, Meng Jian, Shi Tao and others, began to resume production in Runan and Nanyang according to the plan drawn up by Shen Long.

With the improved varieties supplied by Jingzhou, a large number of agricultural tools built by Ma Jun and others, and the instructions from the old farmers returning from Jingzhou, Nanyang and Runan regained their vitality. After the first crops were harvested, Shen Long had the final say. Enough to support the use of his army, Jingzhou ’s food can be used to support Zhuge Liang, so that he can spend it comfortably in Chang’an and Sima Yi.

At this time, a shocking news came from Luoyang, Cao Pi did not wait until Liu Bei died, but instead he hung up first.

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