All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1730: Cao Rui succeeds Wei Guo

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In May of the seventh year of Huang Chu, Cao Pi was infected with a cold disease and could not be cured. He wanted to summon Cao Zhen, a general in the army, Chen Qun, a general in the town, and Sima Yi, a general in the army, to enter the palace to explain the matter. Cao Zhen sat in Yingchuan to guard against Shenlong North, neither of which could be reached. Only Chen Qun was still in Luoyang.

After Chen Qun entered the palace, Cao Pi called Cao Ruizhi and pointed to Cao Rui to say to Chen Qun, "Today I am sick and cannot be revived; this child is young, Qing and Sima Zhongda and Cao Zidan are good friends. Bear my heart. "

Chen Qun knelt and cried, "Why does your majesty say this? The minister is willing to do his utmost to take care of your majesty to the end of life."

Cao Pi said, "This year's Xuchang gate collapsed without cause, which is a sign of ominousness. I know that I will die." In the face of the truth, Cao Xiu, the general of the East Guard, greeted the general Cao Xiu in the palace.

Cao Pizhao said, "Qing and other ministers who are pillars of the country, if we can help my son with my heart, I will die!" Yan said, falling into tears, he was forty years old, and was in office for seven years.

So Chen Qun, Cao Xiu, etc., while mourning, while sending messages that Sima Yi and Cao Zhen jointly supported Cao Rui as Emperor Wei, posthumous father Pi as Emperor Wen, posthumous Zhen Zhen as Empress Wen Zhao, Feng Zhongyou as Tai Fu, Cao Zhen For the general, Cao Xiu is the chief Sima, Hua Xin is the second lieutenant, Chen Qun is the general, Sima Yi is the general Qi, and the rest of the civil and military bureaucrats each give gifts to amnesty the world.

There were detailed news reports to Yuzhou and Longyou. Zhuge Liang and Shen Long were overjoyed. Cao Pi was less powerful than Cao Cao. Cao Rui was young. If the peace was safe in peacetime, then this time was a troubled time. The young master ascended the throne. Then he rectified his troops and prepared to continue to attack Chang'an and Yingchuan.

Ma Deng said, "Cao Rui's son is not a concern, but Cao Zhen's repeated defeats but his perseverance, Sima Yi's strategist; if the two can be cut off, Cao Wei will be able to go down; why not send people to Luoyang and Ye Jun When they were there, they spread rumors and said that they were against each other; they even acted as Sima Yi and Cao Zhen's posters on the world and posted them everywhere, making Cao Rui suspicious and inevitably kill this person. "

Shen Long then ordered Ma Dun to make a notice, and it was ready in a moment. The text said, "Ma Qi, General of General Qiu Qi, Yong, Liang, etc., Sima Yi, General of Chinese General, Nanyang, Runan, etc. Announce the world: Emperor Xi Taizu Wu, founded the foundation, originally wanted to establish Prince Chen Si as the master of the society; unfortunately, the intersection of adultery, the age-old Qian Qianlong, the emperor's grandson Cao Rui, Su Wudexing, arrogant self-esteem, negative ancestor As for the last meaning, I should follow the people of Tianshun and Keri Xingshi to comfort the hopes of all peoples. It is advisable to return to the new king every day. If you do n’t follow them, destroy the Nine Clan! First of all, I want to know. "

Shen Longdao said, "In the past, Cao Cao once said: Sima Yiying regards the wolf as a guardian, and cannot pay military power, and it will be a disaster for the country for a long time; Cao Weiqun may suspect that Sima Yi posted this notice; however, Cao Zidan is a member of the Cao family and has never been loyal. Second, if it is written like this, it is not appropriate. If it is to write another notice, saying that Cao Pi Gong Wei angered Cao Rui. "

After being reminded by Shen Long, Ma Deng wrote another notice, "Cao Zhen, the general of the Chinese army generals Nanyang and Runan, would like to inform the world with faith: Cao Rui ’s mother, the Zhen family, and the wife of Yuan Xi, the prince of Youzhou. Also, there are many complaints after being included in the first queen ’s palace, and he also used the technique of night town to be a Tongmu puppet. When he wrote the emperor, he cursed the emperor.

"The first emperor gave the death to Zhen Clan, and Rui Rui was a plain prince. He wanted to make King Zhaozhao Cao Li the heir. I and General Sima Yi, Tai Wei Hua Xin, Sima Caoxiu, and Si Kong Chenqun should all do it; Ran Wu et al. The leader was outside, the first emperor collapsed in Luoyang, and Rui was ascended to the throne as emperor, and we all refused to accept it. When the leader went to Luoluo, reestablished the new lord, and announced that to the day, each should return to the new monarch. ! I want to hear about it first.

"That's fine! Or maybe write another notice of Cao Zhang's old ministry, saying that Huang Xu'er was killed by Cao Pi's embarrassment, wanting to start a soldier's revenge for Huang Xu'er, making Cao Kai, the son of Huang Xuer, the emperor, and Cao Kai's mother Sun Jian My nephew, Sun Ben, said that Soochow would also like to lead his soldiers to the north to help. "Since it is a rumor, let me put a few more.

Sima Yi then looked at the wolf again, and that was an outsider. Although Chen Siwang and Cao Zhi were outstanding, they had no foundation in the army. Such people said that if they want to rebel, Cao Weiqunchen is not afraid; Cao Li and Cao Kaike are not. Just the same, Cao Li was already very popular with Cao Pi. How could Cao Rui not guard against him? Cao Kai has Cao Zhang ’s legacy, and there are many old soldiers in the army. These two men will stand up and worry about Cao Rui, and then pull in Cao Xiu, Chen Qun and other people. In this case, he will doubt Cao Pi ’s minister for his own life. .

Moreover, the fact that Zhen Mi was condemned to death by Cao Pi was the means of Cao Rui ’s adoptive mother, Queen Guo. The so-called Tongmu puppets were ordered by the Queen Guo to be stolen and framed. After that, Cao Rui and Queen Guo were mostly angry, and only later began to serve Guo respectfully. Queen ~ ~ Every morning and evening, I go to the Queen's Palace to settle down and ask for my peace. Queen Guo also has a love for Cao Rui because he has no children. Cao Rui can ascend the throne. rely.

Shen Long asked Ma Dun to point this out in the notice. Cao Rui and Empress Guo inevitably have gaps in their hearts, so it is even more difficult for Cao Rui to control the situation of Cao Wei.

Ma Dengwen's obedience, "The military master is superior to others, far superior to me, so Cao Wei is bound to be in chaos."

Shen Long then sent a letter to Soochow and asked Lu Xun and others to march northward. Although they did not carry the banner of Cao Kai, as long as they saw Soochow's army heading north, Cao Weiqunchen would certainly have an association.

But it said that in Luoyang City, various notices appeared one after another within a few days. The words were horrifying. Cao Rui and Cao Weiqun were all frightened and quickly gathered in the palace to discuss. Tai Wei Hua Xin played, "Sima Yi hoarded heavy soldiers in Chang'an, but Never going out of the city to fight Zhuge Liang, it must be a ambition. Emperor Wu, the emperor, said: "Sima Yiying regards the wolf as a guard, and cannot pay military power; for a long time, it will be a disaster for the country. Chuzhe. "

Cao Shuang, the son of Cao Zhen, knelt on his knees and cried, "Your Majesty Mingjian, my father has always been loyal and sincere, this must be Shen Long's alienation!"

Cao Rui made words to appease, and then remembered that Cao Pi loved Cao Li in the past, and that his biological mother was killed by Queen Guo.

Not knowing that the person who sent the wine had not yet left the palace, the news spread in the middle of Beijing. For a time, there was a big uproar in Beijing, Cao Lifei ran into the palace and wept. From the sudden death of his brother Guo Biao, Queen Guo was very sad, and she was also suspicious of Cao Rui.

Sima Yi, Cao Zhen, etc. have successively written to show innocence, but they are uneasy in their hearts. Now that Cao Wei is chaotic, if the Shuhan attack is a big attack, can it be stopped?

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