All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1731: Take Changan Shuhan to Capital

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After receiving the letter from Sima Yi and Cao Zhen, Cao Rui summoned the ministers of the cluster to discuss that Tai Wei Huaxin has always been vigilant against Sima Yi, so it is proposed that at this juncture, if it is not appropriate to continue to let Sima Yi lead the troops outside, it is better to call Sima Yi Cao Rui moved with another placement.

However, Cao Xiu said that Zhuge Liang's soldiers are now in Chang'an and staring at the tiger. Who can resist Zhuge Liang if Sima Yi leaves? The hall was noisy again; because of Cao Li and Cao Kai's affairs, Cao Rui was suspicious. Everyone was like an anti-thief. His heart was full of traitors who wanted to harm me, so he listened to Hua Xin's suggestion and not only took Sima Yi Recall, even Cao Zhen was called back.

As for the positions left by Sima Yi and Cao Zhen, the sons of Generals Xia Hou Dun, Shima Xia Hou Xing and Xia Hou Shang took over. Zhu Geliang heard Sima Yi returning to Beijing and Xia Hou Xing went to Chang'an to laugh, and said, "Shen Zifeng's great plan, Xia Hou Xing Nai The children of Jiaoliang are cowardly, so Chang'an can be broken! "

Shen Long was also very happy. "Is Cao Zhen comparable to Xiahou Shang? Although Cao Zhen has been defeated many times, he can still save his own life. Xia Houshang has already been captured by us once. Do we have to send it to the door for the second time?"

"If I hold it again, I will definitely let him live in Shuzhong. The mother misses him in the letter!" Zhang Bao laughed, and he could meet his uncle again this time, so he must be entertained. .

"Runan and Nanyang are familiar, the people's vitality has been restored, and I feel the graciousness of His Majesty, so I already have the conditions to go northward again. I will write to Your Majesty and use my army to go northward. This time I will break through Yingchuan and go straight to Xuchang!" After more than a year of rest and recuperation, coupled with the efforts of Wenpin, Meng Jian, Shi Tao, etc., the situation in Runan and Nanyang is very good. The granaries in various places are piled up like a mountain, and the people are all grateful. There is no need to worry about the instability of the rear.

Zhuge Liang's situation is also similar to Shen Long. Although Longyou's land is not as fertile as Runan and Nanyang, he has also made great achievements in Longtian's Tuntian, and has also gathered people's hearts on a large scale. As long as they can make them full, they will be willing to support, so Shuhan ’s rule in Longyou has been settled, and he can attack Changan in a big way.

The two of them wrote to Liu Bei at the same time, and Liu Bei immediately called the group officials to ask, Xu Shu said that now Runan, Nanyang, Longyou have enough food, even if the army is on the expedition, do not use to transport grain and grass from the Shu, even if the army is on the expedition, it does not need to consume too much national power. At the same time, Cao Wei's internal changes, the change of positions is a taboo for the military, is a good opportunity to attack.

Liu Bei heard that he was overjoyed. He quickly wrote a letter to Shen Long and Zhuge Liang, and added reinforcements from Shu, so that they could rest assured that the North Expedition, Zhuge Liang and Shen Long immediately launched an attack.

Xia Houming didn't use a military strategy, but he preferred to run a family business, as well as greed, so after Changan, he sent people to contact the Shu army in private to buy snow salt, Shu Jin, paper, books and other things sold to the territory of Wei, or to collect Song Ji is a beautiful concubine, playing all day in the house.

Hearing that Zhuge Liang was approaching by force, Xia Houming was at a loss and was defeated by Zhuge Liang. He won Chang'an without much effort. Xia Houming escaped in a daunting state, but he dared not return to Luoyang. Hu.

After entering the city, Zhuge Liang was quite moved, "If Sima Zhongda is still in Chang'an, when can I recover the old capital of the Han Dynasty? Cao Wei put the big talents like Sima Zhongda and Cao Zidan not in use, but let Xia Hou Zilin like Gao Liangzi. In charge of the army, the foundation created by Cao Mengde and Cao Ziheng's father and son must be destroyed by Cao Rui! "

"Senior Prime Minister, Chang'an is back now, when your majesty is invited to return to the old capital to show the legitimacy of the Great Han!" Zhao Yun suggested that Chang'an has always been the capital city of the Han since the Han ancestors settled here, although Liu Xiu Jianguo was renamed Changan Xijing, but when Han Xian Emperor, moved back to Chang'an, so Chang'an's legitimacy as the capital city of the Han Dynasty is unquestionable.

If Liu Bei led the Shuhan court from Chengdu to Chang'an, he could declare to the world that the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty is still there, which is a huge blow to Cao Wei and a great deterrent to Soochow. The political significance of this is self-evident.

"This is a great discussion, but now Chang'an is broken and the palace is completely destroyed. How can I let His Majesty live?" Zhu Geliang hesitated a little. Chang'an was not scourgeable by Dong Zhuo. Since then, no one has repaired and rebuilt. Now that Cao Wei has not been completely defeated, At this time, it is not appropriate to work hard to build Miyagi.

"Don't worry about the prime minister, Your Majesty has never liked luxury, and will never take this as a year." Jian Yong, who came to Chang'an to send a letter to Liu Bei, smiled. He was also very supportive of Chang'an. They all followed Liu Bei. What is the purpose of running away ~ ~? Haven't you made meritorious achievements and achieved high positions?

Is being an official in Shu and being an official in Chang'an a concept? In Shu you are just a subordinate under the influence of one side, but in Chang'an, it is a great minister in the whole world. Compared with this glory, what is the point of a broken palace and a ruined mansion? Besides, this kind of ruin will not always be like this? After the reign of the world, what can we do to rebuild Changan?

It ’s definitely not the same person as Jan Yong. Xu Jing, Qiao Zhou and Xu Shu must be the same. Zhu Geliang saw that everyone would show his approval, so he made up his mind, "That's it, after I left Tongguan, I wrote to Your Majesty, please His Majesty Chang'an!"

"We will be the vanguard at the end." Zhao Yun immediately asked him to know that Tongguan was the gateway to Chang'an. Only after Tongguan was taken down would Changan's safety be guaranteed. Otherwise, if Liu Bei just arrived in Chang'an, Cao Wei would overwhelm the army. Suitable.

After taking Chang'an, the morale of the Shu Han was upright. On the other hand, Cao Wei and Xia Houming rushed away, so that Tongguan will not know what to do at all, so the Xiongguan in the world did not hold it and was won by Zhao Yun.

Zhuge Liang also quickly ordered his soldiers to clean Chang'an and sent Jan Yong back to Chengdu, inviting Liu Bei to come to Chang'an with Shuhan's civil and military officials. After receiving the news from Chang'an Guangfu, Liu Bei burst into tears and immediately led his ministers to worship the emperors Today, he finally believes that Hanjiang Jiangshan Zhongxing is promising.

When the news reached Luoyang, Cao Wei was shocked from top to bottom. This was not only the reason why Xia Houming lost his soldiers, but also the huge city of Chang'an fell into the hands of Shu Han, so they were extremely passive.

Before Cao Rui, Chen Qun, and Hua Xin discussed the result, another bad news came again, and Shen Long's army also won.

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