All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1732: Cao Wei shocked Xu Xu

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After Sima Yi left, Zhuge Liang went to Chang'an and Tongguan, and Shen Long didn't let much. Since Cao Zhen returned to Luoyang, Xia Houshang kept the Xiangcheng and led the army of Cao Wei, he immediately waved his army and launched an attack.

"Xiahou Shang is certainly better than Xia Houming, but it's far worse than Cao Zidan! And he was previously captured by me and other people, and he must be worried." Shen Long laughed.

The facts were as Shen Long expected. After the Shuhan army came to Xiangcheng, no matter how Shen Long sent people to fight, Xia Houshang couldn't make it out of the shrunken city, and Shen Long immediately commanded the army to attack.

For more than a year, with the help of Ma Jun, Shen Long made another transformation of various siege equipment. The craftsmen of Shuhan became more proficient, and Xiahou Shang was useless. At that time, the wells and trebuchets outside the city stood up one after another and violently attacked Xiangcheng City.

Stone bullets and crossbow arrows hit Xiangcheng like raindrops, but Cao Wei soldiers could only be beaten passively. In just one or two years, they were still unable to manufacture weapons comparable to the power of Shu Han; although they sent a lot of detailed work Come to investigate, but how can these things be figured out in a short time?

If Ma Jun is still in Cao Wei, there may be such a possibility, but now Ma Jun is already the master of Shuhan, and he is currently busy building various instruments for Shuhan; Cao Wei is now implementing the Jiupin Zhongzheng system, selecting talents If you look at it more often, how can officials from large families come to focus on it?

In less than half a day, Xiangcheng ’s head was smashed by the Shu army, Cao Weishi suffered heavy losses, and the walls were densely packed with huge arrows; then it was the turn of the ladder to appear, and a ladder was placed At the head of Xiangcheng, a famous Shuhan soldier led by Guan Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Deng Ai, Ma Dai, Guan Suo, etc., followed the ladder and the crossbow arrows inserted on the wall. Xiangcheng climbed to the head.

Under the city wall and above the well stop, Shen Long commanded the soldiers holding the arms of the gods to suppress the city head, so that the city head guard could not attack the soldiers who climbed the city. When the arrow rain stopped, Guan Xing Waiting for the elite soldiers to climb to the top of the city, seeing that Xiangcheng was unbearable, Xiahou Shang immediately led the army to escape from the north gate.

Shen Long left some soldiers and horses to continue to clear the remaining enemies in the city. He himself led the soldiers and pursued all the way. Xia Houshang just entered Yingyang, and before he could close the gate, he was killed by Shen Long. The method breathed a little in Yingyang, and passed directly through the city, and continued to escape to Xu Du.

This time, he couldn't run fast. Not long after he came out of Ying Yang, he was caught up by a black-faced big man, Zhang Bao waved Zhang Ba snake spear and shouted behind Xia Houshang, "Uncle, why don't you be so hasty and follow Let me go back to the camp and drink a few drinks! "

Xia Houshang was even more terrified when he heard it. He didn't want to be a captive for the second time. He quickly slammed his BMW and wanted to run faster. Unfortunately, the horse was exhausted all the way. He was so exhausted. Accelerate the horse speed, but instead stumbled to the ground, directly throwing Xia Houshang off the horse.

Xia Houshang's personal soldiers had dispersed during the escape. Cao Weishi, who was beside him, saw that the Shu army was chasing after him. Where did he dare to stop and save Xia Houshang? Or did Zhang Bao speed up the horse and rushed Xia Houshang up before he was trampled to death by the chaotic horse and lay flat on his horse's back, complacent, "Uncle, they are all a family, why should they be so stern?"

Xia Houshang was ashamed of death, but he was reluctant to commit suicide. He could only squeeze out a smile, "Some is just ... I just don't like the water and soil in Shu. Nie Er still wants to beg, let me go back!"

"Uncle don't need to worry." Zhang Bao laughed, "I'm going to take Luoyang to take a break this time, then my father and father will come to Luoyang and uncle to reunite. When the two of us get together and drink together, will we? Not beautiful? "

what? You still have to hit Luoyang. Isn't that why my whole family will be caught by you? Xia Houshang fell into a slack for a while. When he woke up, he was already in Yingyang. Now the city is full of soldiers from the Shu army. Seeing the high morale and well-equipped soldiers of these soldiers, Xia Houshang sighed in his heart. Luoyang can't help it.

Shen Long went to Xiangcheng and Yingyang in two big cities one day. Xiahou Shang lost his soldiers. At one time, Cao Wei soldiers in various states and counties were suddenly frightened. Xiahou Shang led more than one hundred thousand troops and lost. How many people are here? How do you fight with the Shu Army?

After two days of repairing in Yingyang, the rebellious forces of Xiangcheng and Yingyang were completely cleared, and the granary mansion was clearly counted. Shen Long scattered the many young men under the tent and let them clean up like the last time they took Runan. The surrounding counties and counties ~ ~ Guanxing, Zhang Bao, Deng Ai and others like the young tigers going down the mountain to the Cai, Xiangcheng and other places. The guards of these counties and counties will already be afraid of the wind, and now they have seen Shu. The army was so vicious, either it immediately surrendered to the city, or abandoned the city and fled. Without spending a few days, Yingchuan was completely owned by Shu Han.

Many of the families of Cao Wei Zhongchen fell into the hands of Shen Long, and Shen Long was not troubled by them. As long as they were not in the dark, they would ignore them.

Seeing such a situation, the thinking of many Yingchuan nobles has changed. Perhaps Cao Wei is really not working, so should we make some preparations in advance? Since then, some of the side branch children of the Yingchuan clan have come to take effect.

In this regard, Shen Long is not uncommon at all. It is a good trick for the family to stand up and bet on many sides. This is also good for Shuhan. With these people in the future, they can also reduce some obstacles, so they are happy. Accepted them and appointed officials according to their abilities.

After these things were done, Shen Long did not stop his pace, but continued to lead the army north, and won Xu Du. Now Cao Wei's army is defeated and Xia Houshang is captured by Shen Long again. Although Xu Du is Cao Cao's starting place was too late to deal with it when he was in a hurry.

When the news reached Luoyang, Cao Rui encountered a second tremendous blow, and Changan and Xudu all fell. Then, isn't Luoyang going to be attacked on both sides soon? How is this good?

After discussing for a long time, some people thought of Cao Zhen and Sima Yi, and then suggested that he should be invited to lead the troops to fight against Zhuge Liang and Shen Long's attack. Xu Du came and let Cao Wei breathe a sigh of relief.

The messenger who went to ask Sima Yi to fight was in trouble.

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