All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1733: Liu Beibei moved to the capital Cao Rui

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When the messenger arrived at Sima Yi's government, he did not see Sima Yi greeted him. Sima Yi's eldest son, Sima Shi, and his second son, Sima Zhao, greeted the messenger with sorrow.

The messenger was shocked, and quickly went inside to watch, but saw Sima Yi lying motionless in bed, just like a stroke. A maid came to give Sima Yi medicine. After Sima Yi was lifted, her hands were shaking, and the soup was leaking. Most of the bowl of soup was sprinkled on the body, and it really seemed to be ill.

The messenger went back and reported that some people said that Cao Cao had made Sima Yi an official in the past. Sima Yi also said that he could not get sick. This time it may be pretended to be sick. So Cao Rui went to Sima Yi's house to visit him, but he still did not find any flaws. Appease some, and then choose others to resist Zhuge Liang.

After Cao Rui left, Sima Shi and Sima Zhao brothers came to Sima Yi's bed. After retreating from the crowd, Sima Yi immediately stood up and saw nothing turbid in her eyes.

Sima Shi asked, "Father, nowadays Xia Houming and Xia Houshang have lost their divisions one after another. No one except Zhao's father can stop Zhuge Liang. Why not take this good opportunity to regain control of the army?"

"If there are only Zhuge village husbands, there is still something to be done, but even if the father can stop Zhuge Liang, Cao Zidan can not stop Shen Zifeng; and Cao Rui ’s children are so weak, Cao Wei has already run out of time, why should I wait Selling his life for him? "Sima Yi sneered." If he hadn't suspected me before, why would Chang'an lose it! "

"If it weren't for Shen Zifeng, maybe Lu Meng had already won Jingzhou, and Guan Yu would have died. Guan Yu would have died, and Liu Beibi would have to fight against Dongwu. No matter who wins or loses in this battle, Dongwu and Shuhan will be seriously injured. The whole world is hopeful! My father can also use this to accomplish some achievements! But there is more Shen Zifeng! "Sima Shi also hated Shen Long.

"Yeah, without him, Zhuge Liang in the middle of Shu is supporting him, even if Jingzhou is still there, he can only choose to march all the way, so he can easily deal with it. Nowadays, Jingzhou and Qishan are fighting together, plus Dongwu Constantly harassing Xuzhou and Hefei, it is inevitable that some will lose sight of this. "Sima Zhao also echoed.

"Being arrogant to the father is a trick. Whether it is Zhuge Villager, Jia Xu, Guo Jia, etc., their strategy has never exceeded my expectations, but this Shen Zifeng has never been able to see through! Since then, there has been no worries about the lack of talent; the key is salt making, Chengdu paper making and printing, and Jingzhou Tuntian. Various means have made Shuhan increasingly prosperous and powerful, but such means are beyond our imagination. "Sima Yi sighed, making salt and making paper. He doesn't know anything about it. He does in Tuntian, but he can only act according to convention, but he can't get so many varieties and farm tools.

"This kind of person, who expected to be famous in his childhood, why has he never heard his name? But he suddenly appeared at the critical moment of life and death in Shu Han, defeating Lu Meng and saving Guan Yu, and even Shu Han. The destiny is not over yet. Can God send this person to rescue the big Han? "Sima Yi can of course see that if he loses Jingzhou, Shu Han will completely lose the opportunity to compete for the world, and he can only settle down. Came out.

"Father, what should my Sima family be like?" Sima Shi asked. This is actually what they care about most. It doesn't matter whether the world belongs to Cao Wei or Shu Han. What matters is how the Sima family should act in a timely manner.

"For the time being, although the Shuhan has soared in strength, it still has every time it wins and loses; I heard that the Zhuge villager has written to Liu Bei, so that Liu Bei moved to Chang'an. Liu Bei is now sixty-five. Only Emperor Xiaowu was older than Liu Bei, and even with Wang Mang, a rebel, there were only two. At this age, he would have to move from Chengdu to Chang'an. Zhuge Liang was unwise. " Bullish.

Sima Shi and Sima Zhao brothers nodded, yes, so many emperors, only Han Wudi Liu Che lived for 70, Wang Mang lived for 69, and none else lived as long as Liu Bei, even Guangxiu Liu Xiu I lived only for sixty-three; Liu Bei's continuous battles when he was young, he must have left a lot of hidden injuries, and now he has to migrate for a long distance. If he encounters some soil and water, he will definitely hang up immediately. Came.

How many things happened when Cao Rui succeeded to the throne. Cao Wei was in chaos up and down, which gave Shuhan the opportunity to attack. If Liu Bei died, would a similar thing happen to Shuhan?

"I heard that Liu Bei's prince Liu Chan was weak, and many of the Shuhan princes were dissatisfied. When Liu Bei died, I would wait for him to do his best ~ ~ Sima Yi could not guess the rumors Is it the means of Shuhan?

"Although this is the case, the Zhuge Liang and Shen Long armies are now in front of him. How should the court respond?" Sima Zhao asked. Liu Bei's death would be the future, but now the Shuhan army will come to the door.

If the soldiers and horses are okay all the way, they can still be blocked by virtue of the dangerous barriers, but now Zhuge Liang is from west to east, and Shen Long is from south to north. In this way, even if Sima Yi is out of the mountains, he may not be able to stop it, let alone Sima Yi is not planning to shoot.

"The Emperor Taizu had lost many times in the past, wasn't he still unified in the north? Only by moving the capital to Yecheng, this game could be cracked." Sima Yi said disdainfully. For his old qualifications, the success or failure of the moment was counted. What's wrong? Who can laugh at the end is the real winner.

Since Luoyang is no longer safe, he moved the capital to Yecheng in the north. Yecheng is north of the Yellow River. It can completely rely on the Yellow River's natural danger to block the Shuhan army, and then wait for the opportunity to try to counterattack.

Sima Zhao and Sima Shi admired everything. If Cao Wei was attached to Luoyang and happened to be in the trap of Shuhan, he used Luoyang to consume Cao Wei's strength, and Cao Wei abandoned Luoyang. Although it sounds unpleasant to listen to, this game of chess But lived again.

The two of them immediately asked Sima Yi if he wanted to tell Cao Rui this idea, but Sima Yi shook his head in denial.

Sure enough, seeing that Sima Yi was seriously ill and no one led the army, someone in Chaozhong realized that it was impossible to guard Luoyang, so they thought twice and finally came up with a plan to move Yedu City.

So when Liu Beibei was going to return to Chang'an, Cao Wei also changed his capital. They gave up Luoyang and moved the capital to Yecheng on the north side of the Yellow River.

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