All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1735: Embarrassment

"Since the beginning of the first year of Zhongping, the soldiers wiped out the yellow towel. The eighteenth princes of the Zhongjing Road discussed with the princes. After ten years, I finally returned to Chang'an and saw the hope of the Zhongxing Han Room. "After worshipping the Taimiao, Liu Beizhao feasted on the feast of the ministers. During the banquet, he recalled his many years of experience and unconsciously it was already in tears. It's really not easy these years.

Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, Jian Yong, Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, Mi Fang, Zhao Yun and other officials who followed Liu Bei to the world in the early years were also filled with emotions, and some of the fragile emotions also cried with Liu Bei; even Ma Chao and Zhu Geliang Those who come later also have red eyes, yeah, these years are really too difficult.

"Fortunately, His Majesty Yingwu and the ancestors of the Han dynasty have blessed the spirit of heaven. Now that we have recovered Chang'an and Luoyang, half of the world has returned to me. Ping Cao, Wu Wu, and the unified world are only between Danxi and Xi. Congratulations for your majesty and concubines! "Zhu Geliang raised his glass and drank with red eyes.

Today, what he said in Longzhong will soon become a reality, Zhuge Liang's life ambition will also be realized, and everything he has done for Shuhan is destined to remain in history, and he is also excited now.

"Congratulations to the great man!" Liu Bei and others raised their glasses together, and said after drinking, "I will rebuild the gimbal when the world is unified, and you can also take pictures and be respected by all ages!"

Liu Bei has also begun to promise benefits, as long as you continue to work hard, in the future, you will also win the wealth in front of you and the glory behind you like Feng Yi, Cen Peng and others under the emperor Xiguang Wu.

The ministers were overjoyed when they heard the words. They followed Liu Bei and ran away for decades. Except for the blood in his heart, is this the reason? With Liu Bei ’s promise today, they are naturally happy.

After a night of binge drinking, the group ministers were mostly drunk. It was not until the third day that Liu Bei re-called the group ministers and came to the ruined Chang'an Palace to discuss the next arrangement.

Zhu Geliang and Shen Long thought the same, "Now that Cao Wei is defeated, he still occupies the natural danger of the Yellow River. We still have to restore the former prosperity of Chang'an, Luoyang, Xudu and other places, and we have to build a boat to cross the river. On the other hand, the Jingzhou naval forces have been completed. Before the defeat of Sun Wu, the Dongwu navy has not eased his breath. It is better to take the opportunity to go down the river and break through the Jianye, sweeping the eighty-one counties of the six counties in the east of the river, and cutting off interference for the northern expedition in the future. "

"Of course, before the Northern Expedition, if Sun Quan did not take the lead, it is expected that Chang'an and Luoyang would not be dragged down for so long; Sun Quan was capricious, Wei Qiang helped Han, and Han Qiang helped Wei. If he came to Japan again, he would definitely commit another crime. In Jingzhou, it is not as good to start as the first one, while Cao Wei has not yet recovered his vitality, he defeated Dongwu in one fell swoop! "Shen Long echoed.

Guan Yu, Ma Liang and other Jingzhou culture and martial arts all took it for granted. Guan Yu even took the initiative to ask for battle to lead Jingzhou to attack Changsha, Jiangxia, Chai Sang and other places, and the rest of Xu Shu, Meng Jian and Shi Tao also echoed.

Liu Bei also considered this, but there are still concerns, "All of Ai Qing ’s statements are justified, but before Sun Quan sent Zhu Gejin to make peace, I have made an Old Testament agreement with Sun Quan, and I have agreed to make a good relationship with each other and no longer fight. Now that there is no change in Soochow, it is necessary to force the army to go south, seemingly betraying faith. "

"Your Majesty, don't worry about it, this matter is easy!" Zhu Geliang shook his feather fan. "Sun Quanzhe, Your Majesty's King Wu Wu, is also a courtier of my great Han. Now the Han court returns to the old capital of Chang'an. Now, all the ministers of the world are coming to Chang'an Daohe, Your Majesty can send out a decree and invite all ministers from all over to come to Chang'an. "

"If Sun Quan agreed, wait for him to come and then add officials and enter the court to treat him favorably, and allow him to be glorious forever, and leave him in Chang'an; if he does not agree, he will have dissent and disobedience. "In this case, no matter whether Sun Quan came or not, Dayi's name was on the court side.

"The Prime Minister's plan is great!" Everyone praised. Yes, Sun Quan had accepted Liu Bei's book before. Although he was actually an independent separatist force, he was still the King of Wu in the name of the Han. Now, there is no need to worry about the issue of justice, and the court has always been rational.

So Liu Beiming, academician Qin Mi, wrote an imperial edict and took it to Jianye for reading. Qin Mi went out of Chang'an and went out of Ziwu Valley to Danshui.

Now that Shuhan is gaining prestige in Chang'an and Luoyang and other places, Sun Quan is afraid to be sloppy. He quickly sent Zhang Wen and others out of the city to welcome him. Qin Mi went to Jianye City, and he didn't talk to Sun Quan. After reading it, Sun Quan and others turned white as they listened.

Want me to go to Chang'an? Can I still get it back? He knows that Liu Bei has always been kind, and certainly will not harm his life ~ ~ But when he is a wealthy idler in Chang'an, is he happy to be the master of Dongwu in Jianye?

"Will King Wu still not accept the decree?" After reading the decree, seeing Sun Quan for a long time without responding, Qin Mi snorted and urged.

"The bachelor has been struggling all the way, please also go down to rest for a while, my Lord has been feeling a little sick recently, and I will not be too late to reply." Zhu Gejin quickly dealt with Qin Mi.

Qin Mi also knew that Sun Quan would certainly not take orders easily, and Zhuge Jin was Zhuge Liang's brother, so he gave him the face and followed Zhuge Jin back to the post.

After Zhugejin settled Qin Mi, he hurried back, seeing Lu Xun, Zhang Wen, Ding Feng, Xu Sheng and other Dongwu Chongchen all frowning, this imperial sentiment put them into a dilemma.

Any one of them can see that if Sun Quan went to Chang'an, he would definitely not be able to come back, and without Sun Quan, Dongwu was just a piece of sand. The Shu Han could easily break one by one, but if he didn't go, then the Shu Han would have made a big move In the name of advancing troops, Soochow could not stop it.

"When the ambassador of Shuhan in the past came, I said that the protagonist was improperly accepted by the king of Wu. If it was my words on that day, why would it fall to the point where it is today." Zhang Wen began to satire again.

"Without the title of King Wu, Shuhan might have entered the army long ago!" Zhu Gejin retorted, without this title, then the relationship between Shuhan and Dongwu is just the same.

Seeing Zhang Wen arguing with Zhu Gejin, Sun Quan felt another headache for a while, and then Ding Feng joined the battle group again, "Don't worry about it, if the Shu Army comes, they will definitely let them go back and forth."

"General Ding, you might be able to withstand the prohibition of the stern ship"? Zhang Wen made Ding Feng speechless.

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