All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1736: 0Iron Seek Lock Shenjiangdi

A few days later, Qin Mi went into the palace again to urge Sun Quan, but he saw that Sun Quan was bedridden. The maid was serving soup. The doctor frowned and saw that Qin Mi was coming in. Sun Quan was eager to get up, but failed several times. Tao said, "Your Majesty is back to the old capital. This is a great event. This King should deserve to go to the congratulations. However, this King even feels guilty. I am afraid that it will be difficult to get up for a while.

"Cough cough." Then Sun Quan coughed a few times and asked Zhang Wen to hand over a copy. "This is a discount for this Wang Daohe and petition, and also asked the bachelor to bring him back under Chang'an Xian and His Majesty. After the Japanese king's body recovers slightly , Went to Chang'an to ask your lord for guilt. "

Sun Quan did not have a very good way, he could only delay one or two by pretending to be sick, but these were also expected by Shu Han Qun Chen, and Qin Mi took a smirk and said, "In this case, King Wu can let Shi Zi Deng replace King Wu went to Chang'an! "

OK, if you are sick, then let your eldest son Deng Deng go for you? "I heard that Shizi Dengqian made it easy to learn, and it happened that Chang'an was quite knowledgeable, and Shizi's study in Chang'an will definitely be of great benefit."

Sun Quanwen changed his color. He always loved Sun Deng as a child. Previously, Cao Wei came to let Sun Quan send Sun Deng to Cao Wei as a hostage. Sun Quan did not agree, and he was naturally reluctant at the moment, "Thank you for your kindness, but my son is young, Inconvenient to stay away. "

"I heard last year that Shi Zideng married Zhou Gongjin's daughter as the concubine of the world. Since he has already established a family and established a business, how can he talk about being young?" Qin Mi refused to give in and continued to persecute, so Dongqun Qunchen was angry.

Sun Quan said in a cold voice, "The lonely king is unwell and occasionally has little time, so such a moment can not let the younger generation leave without permission."

"In this case, I can only wish Wu Wu to recover as soon as possible!" Sun Quan has spoken to this point, and Qin Mi has nothing to say, anyway, his mission this time is only to issue the decree, no matter whether Sun Quan will go or not. Changan, as long as he sent the imperial edict, he no longer spoke much, and retreated after saluting.

After going out of the palace, Qin Mi returned to the post to collect things and left Jianye by boat, and Soochow Qunchen quickly came to the palace to discuss, "This time when Qin Mi returns, Liu Beiding will send troops to attack, and he has to discuss the countermeasures as soon as possible. "

However, it was not a good idea to discuss for a long time. He could only dispatch a large army to go north, and by the way, strengthen the iron rope that had been laid across the river last time, in order to block the Shu army, and then send a messenger to Yecheng, hoping to persuade Cao Wei to attack south.

After returning to Chang'an, Qin Mi immediately reported what happened in Jianye. The Shu and Han dynasties were all overjoyed. Sun Quan just gave them the handle so that they could master the justice of Jiangdong.

Liu Bei immediately decided to ask Qin Mi to write a poem against the Eastern Wu Dynasty. Qin Mi was able to make a splash in a few moments. The sutra cited the scriptures and said that Sun Quan was not all. He said that Shuhan Xingbing went south as a crusader, and all the ministers spoke and praised them.

Then Liu Bei began arranging the candidates to fight against Dongwu, with General General Shen Long and former General Guan Yu as handsome, calling the Jingzhou Marines and 100,000 soldiers out of Jingzhou, going south along the Yangtze River to attack Dongwu, and the other soldiers were both of them. Pick.

Zhuge Liang moved to Luoyang, rectified the posture of arranging the army to expedite Yecheng to the north, and to discuss the Qing and Xu Erzhou to the east, in order to contain Cao Wei; Xu Qiu and Zhang Fei continued to sit in Chang'an, Ma Chao and Jiang Wei led the army out of Longyou to deter the local Qiang.

After the arrangements were properly made, Shen Long and Guan Yu said goodbye to Liu Bei and were ready to return to Jingzhou to go south for their troops. Liu Bei personally sent them to the Shili Pavilion outside the city and offered a drink at Shili Pavilion.

"Second brother, Zifeng, be careful not to be negligent here. I will wait for you to come back when I am done." Liu Bei raised his glass to see them off.

"Brother, don't worry, I will definitely be able to wipe out the eighty-one county in the six counties of Jiangdong in one battle. After I succeed, I will return to Chang'an and stay with my elder brother and third brother." Guan Yu also knew that he was older, which was probably My last big battle.

Hearing this, Shen Long couldn't help but shivered. Fortunately, I was there. Otherwise, with your words alone, there is a great probability that he will not come back this time.

"Housang envy the second brother, can fight in battle, but I can only nest in Chang'an." Zhang Fei envy Guan Yu, previously in Chengdu, now in Chang'an, he has to help Liu Bei to defend the capital, but there is no leader to fight. Opportunity.

"Zi Fengda can be assured, I promise Cao Wei will come back and forth, and will not interfere with Zifeng's plan to fight against Dongwu!" Zhu Geliang also promised that now Sima Yi will not go out of the mountain, Cao Wei only rely on Cao Xiu and Cao Zhen There is no problem blocking them.

After bidding farewell to the crowd, Shen Long and Guan Yu went south together, sent the letter Guguan to Wancheng, and then went down the water from Wancheng, and returned to Jingzhou within a few days, then immediately mobilized soldiers and horses, so that the ban was the governor of the navy Xing, Zhang Bao, Zhao Guang, Zhao Tong, Ma Dai, Guan Suo, Deng Ai, Wang Ji, Guan Ping, Liao Hua, etc. will command the commander ~ ~ Shen Longhe and Yu Ban lead the battleship ahead, Guan Yu After taking the generals and marching on the troop transport ship, the army left Jingzhou and went straight down to Chibi.

Seeing the upcoming battle with the Soochow naval masters, the generals will gather together to discuss the countermeasures. Guan Yu asks Shen Long, "Wu man-made iron rope, which crosses along the river; and the iron cone is placed in the water, and the warship is broken every cone. How can you cross the river? ? "

"This matter is also easy!" Shen Long laughed, and then built a raft dozens of squares, tied the grass as a person, armored sticks, stood around, laid down the water, Wu Bing saw it, thinking that a living person, looking at the wind first, The dark cone held the raft, and carried it away. Then it made a torch on the raft. It grew more than ten feet long and more than ten weeks. It was irrigated with sesame oil, but it was cut off when it was burnt with iron rope.

"Hahaha, Dongwu children had all kinds of ideas, but they were broken by Zifeng without any effort. This is a lucky sign. This battle will definitely win Jianye and completely calm Jiangdong!" Guan Yu and others will laugh with laughter. It's a great sign to win so easily in the first game. It seems that the fall of Soochow is only in between.

So, the iron lock Hengjiang that Soochow took pains to build was easily broken by Shen Long. Thousands of ships sailed down the river and rushed towards Jiang Xia, who was stationed by the landing force.

Lu Xun heard that Shen Long had easily broken the iron lock Hengjiang, and could not help but be dismayed. He quickly rectified the soldiers and fought against the war. However, the warship that was burnt down by the ban in the last time had not been completely restored, and the Eastern Wu soldiers were afraid of the Shuhan Navy. The last victory of Yu Ban has left an indelible shadow in their hearts.

Now when he sees the banner of Yu Zi heading to the big ship, all the soldiers are pale, and two battles, Lu Xun sees this feeling and fell to the bottom, how can he win?

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