All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1737: 1 piece of flag flowing out of stone

The number and size of warships are not as good as men, the number of soldiers and morale are not as good as people, and they are occupied by the Shuhan Navy. Even Lu Xun himself became a captive and was taken to Shen Long and Guan Yu.

"Haha, why did Bo Yan come?" Shen Long laughed and stepped forward to untie the ropes for Lu Xun. "Bo Yan is relaxed, and His Majesty knows that Bo Yan is a great man in the world, and has told me to wait, don't hurt Bo Yan's life. "

Lu Xun sneered, "Lu is deeply favored by his protagonist, but it is difficult for me to surrender." Shen Long didn't take it seriously, but ordered people to take Lu Xun down to wash, change his clothes, and put him in Jiangxia. He was placed in a good place in the city, and he was sent to arrange a large yard for him. As long as he did not go out, he should not bother to study or do other things.

After arranging these, Shen Long and Guan Yu continued to lead the soldiers to the south, pointing directly at Chai Sang. Guan Yu was quite puzzled. "Zi Feng and Lu Boyan are heroes of the world. Since he doesn't descend, why should I ask?"

"Sovereign, Lu Xun can not surrender, but the Jiangdong Lu family will not be buried for Dongwu. After Jianye is won, the Jiangdong gentry will fall on the wind, and staying in the land will be more affectionate." Guan Yu did not surrender after defeating Maicheng. The first reason was that he and Liu Bei were brothers of righteousness. They had deep feelings and would not betray Liu Bei. Secondly, unlike Lu Xun, he had such a large family and could not give up the underground.

Zhang Zhulu Gu, the four great family of Jiangdong, no matter how the court changes, Jiangdong is still under their control. Just like when Cao Caobing came to the Red Cliff, all the ministers all gave up the idea of ​​surrender. When Shen Long took Jianye, These Jiangdong nobles will definitely surrender to themselves, and Shen Long is full of confidence in this.

By that time, Sun Quan no longer took charge of Jiangdong, and everyone else in the Lu family surrendered. What's the point of insisting on Lu Xun alone? At that time, to persuade the surrender, Lu Xun might follow.

"In these eras of nobility, they enjoyed riches and wealth, but they acted like this, and I don't have any teeth!" Guan Yu always didn't have much affection for scholars, and immediately shook his head and sighed at the words.

"That being the case, then General Guan can only lead the army to fight, let me surrender the matter to me to do it!" Shen Long did not like these people, but their surrender can reduce the casualties of Shu Han soldiers, shorten the reunification of Shu Han Jiangdong The speed of six counties and eighty-one states is also beneficial from this point.

As for future problems, use papermaking, printing, the imperial examination system, as well as wide open schools and libraries to slowly cut the meat, and slowly eliminate the influence of the family clan!

Family clan began at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty and emerged from the two Jin dynasties. Their development and growth have an inseparable relationship with the Jiu Pinzhong system. As long as this policy is not implemented, what are the five surnames and seven hopes that are so powerful?

Shen Long immediately ordered that the children of the Jiangdong Wang clan be selected among the captives, and they would be returned, so that they could go back and talk to their families. These people always knew how to see the wind and rudder, and they expected the resistance that the Shuhan army would encounter after they returned. There will definitely be a lot less, don't look at these families one by one in Dongwu, but no one wants to let his family be buried with Sun Quan.

In a few days, the army arrived in Chaisang again, and the veteran Xu Sheng was guarding Chaisang. Xu Sheng was much more capable than those family clan, even if he was defeated, he still fought dead, and Guan Yu admired it. , Using the Qinglong Yanyue sword to cut Xu Sheng's first level, was given him a heroic ending.

Then Guan Yu ordered Xu Sheng to keep his coffin in the army, and after he wiped out Cao Wei in the future, he returned Xu Sheng's coffin to his hometown Langyaju County for burial.

Chai Sang was gone, and the journey to Jianye became a thoroughfare. The army of Shen Long approached Jianye violently, and there was a panic in Jianye City. Sun Quan repeatedly asked the messengers sent to Cao Wei, but he got all the bad news; although Cao Rui followed Chen Qun, etc. People's suggestion sent Cao Zhen to go south and Cao Xiu to go west, but he was defeated by Zhuge Liang one after another. Now he has returned to Yecheng and Qingxu Erzhou, and he can't provide much support to Dongwu.

The Dongwu gentry in the city began to find another way. When the Shenlong army was berthed in Danyang, preparing to encircle Jianye by land and water, many families sent messengers, saying they would like to respond to the Shu army and open the Jianye for the Shu army. City gate.

Sun Quan personally went to the city to command the army to try to rely on Jianye ’s strong walls to defeat the Han and Han dynasties, but the Eastern Wu soldiers were in a state of panic. Only a few soldiers such as Ding Feng, Zhou Gu and Zhu Heng were neat, and the rest were all lacking soldiers. Junior, don't watch a stop.

"Now if you are trapped in Jianye, you will be defeated. It is better to go to the Shuhan camp by the end, and then take advantage of the march to break out, or have some chances of winning." Zhou Guxian said.

Sun Quan was overjoyed, so Zhou Biao immediately took people out of the city to find Shen Long ~ ~ Shen Long laughed, "If other people surrender, I'm afraid I believe it. Could Zhou Ziyu be the one who spoke easily?" "I can remember Zhou Zhou's failure to earn Cao Xiu."

Shen Long took into account, pretending to believe Zhou Biao, and accompanied the soldiers to attack. When Zhou Biao was in trouble, he was taken down in one fell swoop, and Guan Yu was also ambushed behind him, beheading Ding Feng who came to meet Zhou Biao.

Since then, Lu Xun has been captured, Zhou Biao, Ding Feng, Xu Sheng have been killed in succession, and there are few invincible generals in Dongwu. When the army will surround the Jianye regiment, the army in the city has already been chaotic and unable to withstand the power of the Shuhan army. .

City members of the city also fulfilled their promise and opened the gate of Jianye for Shen Long. Shen Long and Guan Yu led soldiers and horses into the city to take Sun Quan's palace and take Sun Quan and others in one fell swoop.

The rest of the people raised their flags to show their surrender. In this world, Sun Quan became a captive of the Shu Han before he could claim the emperor. If the history books of later generations talk about this past, I am afraid they would not call them the Three Kingdoms?

Jianye is down, and the eighty-one counties of the six counties in Jiangdong depend on the rulings. Most of the county guards and county magistrates have written down. The few cities that refuse to surrender are also Guan Xiao, Zhang Bao, Deng Ai, Wang Ji and other teenagers. Take it easy.

Guan Yu escorted Sun Quan and others back to Chang'an, and Shen Long stayed in Jianye for the time being. Although Jiangdong won, it will take some time to make this area truly a Shuhan territory; when Jiangdong is completely owned by Shuhan, he can make a big march Overcome Cao Wei and end the chaos that has lasted for many years.

The news of Jiangdong's calming down came back to the north. Shuhan and Cao Wei showed a very different scene. Chang'an was in a cheerful voice, while Yecheng was up and down in silence. They all knew that it would be their turn soon.

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