All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1741: Sima please come back to Youyan

"This is exactly what I wanted." Shen Long pointed to the map and talked about his layout. "The Prime Minister led the soldiers to the Muye from the official, General Guan led the soldiers out of the Taihang, and Huguan attacked Weijun. Surrounded, Cao Rui's wings are hard to escape! "

Shen Long and Zhuge Liang attacked the city here, Guan Yu was not idle, he went north from Xieliang all the way, won the Shangdang and Bingzhou, so the land of the Hedong belonged to Shu Han, and he could attack Cao Wei's territory through the Taihang Eight Path.

"I led the soldiers to the north, approaching Yanyan, and completely cut off Cao Wei's back path. Surrounded by three sides, Cao Wei must fall back." Guan Yu in the east, Zhuge Liang in the south, and the north is under his control, leaving the west, but the west is In the Bohai Sea, would it be possible that Cao Rui could still lead his soldiers to Japan to escape?

"Zifeng takes the overall situation as a priority, Liang thank you here!" Zhuge Liang stood up respectfully and paid a respect. According to Shen Long's arrangement, the credit for Yecheng and captive Cao Rui could be given to him and Guan Yu. Let ’s ask the general who can lead the temptation. Shen Long made such an arrangement, but sacrificed his credit and prestige for the overall situation.

Shen Long didn't care much, if Cao Cao was still alive, those Yecheng might still be a bit tempting for him, but now let alone Cao Cao, even Cao Pi hung up. Cao Rui's small generation really let him Not to mention interest, anyway, he has already won Sun Quan, as for Cao Rui, it will be handed over to Zhuge Liang.

"Prince Prime does not have to be this way. When I was out of the mountain, the master told me that after the world was settled, I was allowed to follow Hou Huishan to swim from the red pines. Some faint names are useless to me." Shen Long started The vaccination was given in advance, but this time it was worn by the flesh. After the world was unified again, he had to leave.

Shen Long is so prestigious today, if he left silently, Shu Han must be a fryer, so let me reveal a little information first so that Liu Bei and Zhu Geliang can have a psychological preparation.

"Ah?" Zhuge Liang was shocked. He was also in his forties this year. In this era, he is not too small. Seeing that the world is hopeful, he also began to consider the future arrangements of the Shu Han. He already regarded Shen Long as his successor. If Shen Long is there, there will be no need to worry about Shu Han in the next few decades, but now he hears that Shen Long is leaving and he cannot accept it for a while.

Zhuge Liang quickly persuaded, "Although the whole world is in sight now, but the Central Plains has been fighting for many years, the people are exhausted. If you want to restore your vitality, you can't leave Zifeng!"

"The Prime Minister is too humble, and now His Majesty is healthy and healthy, and the Prime Minister is also in his prime, and there are so many young talents in the middle of the dynasty, just rest and recuperate, and the Han will regain the prosperity when he regains his cultural scenery, so why not worry?" Liu Chan is not a master However, he has the advantage of being obedient. If it is in troubled times, an emperor like Liu Chan is not a good thing. But until the peace season, this kind of emperor who is not tossing is no better. It is suitable for the rest of the Han.

Shen Long estimates that Liu Bei can still live for a few years, and Zhuge Liang does not have to bow down like the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms". Some talents selected by the Imperial Examination will help him share things, have his own prescription to regulate his body, and live again. Twenty years will not be a problem, I am afraid that the big man will have recovered by then?

When you take down Youyan, Guan Yu and Zhuge Liang to seize Yecheng, the world will be unified again. Compared with the original history, the three countries have unified for more than 50 years and less than 50 years of war. The vitality of the Central Plains is also Can keep a lot more, plus Zhuge Liang recuperate according to the methods he left behind, and in the future there will be no tragedy of five wild chaos.

Zhuge Liang asked again and again, Shen Long smiled and did not speak. Zhuge Liang had to quickly report the news to Liu Bei, hoping that Liu Bei could retain Shen Long, and the more he contacted Zhu Geliang, the more valuable knowledge he learned from Shen Long was too much, he If he can work harder for one year in the court of the Shuhan Dynasty, the Shuhan can be a strong point. How can he be willing to leave Shen Long?

It's just that Cao Wei hasn't been eliminated now, neither Zhuge Liang nor Shen Long can return to Chang'an. This matter can only be done in the future; after the negotiation is over, he launches a final attack on Cao Wei according to Shen Long's plan.

Shen Long left most of the soldiers under his command to Zhuge Liang, and then he took Yu Jin and Yu Jing's elite to re-board the ship and went north along the direction of the Bohai Bay towards Youyan.

Within a few days, the army arrived in Liaoxi, and since Lu Long landed, Youyan was still very desolate. The local defenders hardly thought that there would be enemies coming from the sea, so Shen Long led the army to Liaoxi easily. soil of.

The raid took a pier and asked about the latest situation in the north. From the mouth of the local defender, Shen Long learned that Gongsun Yuan sent generals Beiyan and Yang Zuo to lead and ride a total of more than 10,000 people stationed in the Liao tunnel. Digging trenches for more than twenty miles; Sima Yi's army arrived at Liao Tunnel, defeating Gongsun Yuan several times.

Sima Yi then led the soldiers straight to the Liao tunnel city ~ ~ The trench was dug, and it happened that the rain was heavy, and the water in Liao was soaring for more than 30 days. Sima Yi's transport ship could go straight from Liaokou to Liao Tunnel When the rain stopped under the city, Sima Yi immediately piled up mounds around the city, built a watchtower, prepared a lot of stones, and fired straight into the city with a crossbow.

Gongsun Yuan was scared and anxious. The city ran out of food and began to eat people. The dead countless. Yang Zuo surrendered. Soon, Gongsun Yuan's army collapsed. He and his son Gongsun Xiu took hundreds of cavalry to break out to the southeast. Fleeing; Sima Yi ’s army was chasing behind, killing Gongsun Yuan and his son, Liao Tunnel City was defeated, thousands of officials under Xiangguo were beheaded, and the head of Gongsun Yuan was sent to Yecheng, Liaodong, Daifang, Le Lang, Xuan Dou and other places also settled one after another.

However, Sima Yi did not return to Yecheng immediately after pacifying Gongsun Yuan's rebellion. Instead, he continued to entangle Youyan under the pretext of Gongsun Yuan and Yu Dangweiping.

"Haha, I think Sima Yi also knows that Cao Wei is unable to return to heaven. He is planning for the future!" Shen Long smiled, holding heavy soldiers in the hands of Yan Yan, and he could attack and retreat. If Cao Wei fought and Yu Yong defeated Shuhan , Interrupting the hope of world domination, then Sima Yi can consider expanding the site.

And if Cao Wei was quickly defeated by Shuhan, then Sima Yi had soldiers and territories in hand. Even if he surrendered, he could sell a good price. Shen Long guessed Sima Yi ’s idea, so he sent a messenger to surrender, and it was not difficult to defeat Sima Yi, but it was possible. It is always good to reserve a little more vitality for the Central Plains.

Sima Yi heard that the messenger Shen Long had occupied western Liaoning. Zhu Geliang and Guan Yu sighed after encircling Yecheng, knowing that they had returned to the sky, and then took Sima Shi, Sima Zhao and others out of the city to surrender to Shen Long.

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