All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1742: Cao Rui returns to the world

"Haha, Zhongda's move is really a wise move!" Shen Long smiled and let Sima Yi, Sima Shi, Sima Zhao and others get up. Although he didn't go to Yecheng to take Cao Rui, he could force the father and son of Sima's family Surrender is not a loss, Cao Rui is the emperor, but these three will be chased down as emperors in the future.

"Cao Wei reversed his actions, my father and son had been bearing humiliation before, and today they finally returned to the Han Dynasty. After many years of longing to get paid, my father and son have no regrets in this life." Sima Yi's tears came down directly. "After that, I hope that between the old and the dead For my lord, to pray for the blessing of your majesty, the han will surely regain the glory of the past in the hands of your majesty! "

啧啧 啧, look at others, then look at the Cao family, how do they fight this one! In this scene, Shen Long was filled with emotion, and there was no one in this acting. If he knew the details of the Sima family, he could really forgive them.

This came up with the idea of ​​withdrawing from the church completely. Will you be relieved if you put it on the average person? Immediately accept the surrender of Sima Yi's father and son, and then give up a precious leisure job; then Sima Yi's life is not expected, but Sima Shi and Sima Zhao brothers have a long time to live, and they may not be allowed to find them in the future. The opportunity to turn over.

However, Shen Long did not care about these things. Sima Yi and his son were able to control Cao Wei's dynasty, and later replaced Wei in Jin. That was because they were in troubled times, and Cao Wei's famous generals were gradually dying away. The Sima family took advantage of the loophole and took control of Cao Wei's military power.

It ’s different now. The world is already unified. The time when one person can take control of the military power of the court has passed. Even the Sima family ’s father and son ca n’t make much waves; let ’s say Zhuge Liang is still alive now, and it can certainly be better than history. He lived longer, and he could definitely suppress the father and son of the Sima family so that they would not be able to turn over the storm.

The troubled world and the rule of the world are still different. In the troubled world, Sima Yi and his son can usurp power and seize power, and when they rule the world, they can only be a power minister when they are great; let alone them, even Cao Cao, even in the period of the Three Kingdoms, can hold the Son Ling princes, if you throw him in the period of Emperor Hanwu, he is at most a general of the West.

Of course, in the depths of Cao Cao's heart, he really wanted to be the king of Wei, or the general Han Zhengxi is really a bit hard to say; but Shen Long does not have to worry about Sima Yi's father and son will usurp the Han, he smiled and calmed Sima Yi's father and son He accepted the soldiers and horses under his men, and since then, the soldiers have regained the land of Youyan without blood.

The ability of Sima Yi and his son really can't be said, they have completely settled the rebellion in western Liaoning, restored the local order, and the household registration book handed over to Shen Long is also recorded in detail. The situation is clear. Next, you only need to replace the local garrison, as well as a few key position officials, here you can ensure that it is owned by the Dahan.

"If all the officials in the world are like Zhong Da, how much effort can the court save!" Shen Long couldn't help but praise, it is worthy of being able to compete with Zhuge Liang, who is "duozhi near demon", and repeatedly occupy the upper hand, no matter it is There is nothing to say about strategy or political abilities, which makes Shen Long admire him.

"It can't be compared with the generals!" Sima Yi also sighed. Hey, if this is not suddenly a Shenlong Shen Zifeng, perhaps my Sima family has already mastered the power of Cao Wei's dynasty, and it is only time to replace Cao Wei's **** of the world. Is that a problem? Now, I can only go to Chang'an to be a idler.

"Your Majesty has always been kind, and Zhong Da does not have to worry. Ru and his son can understand the current affairs and meet their destiny, and dedicate the land of Youyan to your majesty, so that the local people will be free from a fire disaster. Your majesty will certainly treat Ru and so on." Good thing, otherwise, the people in the land of Youyan will suffer, and now the big man, if he can retain one more vitality, one more point!

Although I have guessed all this, the firm commitment from Shen Longkou let Sima Yi and his son breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that his life is saved. Although it is unlikely to have the opportunity to master power, the corresponding level of treatment is still indispensable. With these, the Sima family still has a chance.

"Now that Zhuge Cheng and General Guan have led people to surround Yecheng, Ru's family need not worry. Someone will protect it when the city is broken!" Perhaps the family's character is Sieyi's father and son. It really gave up, but if he could keep it, he still had to keep it. Shen Long comforted him again.

Since Yecheng has been surrounded, it means that the internal and external news is isolated. In this case, Cao Rui certainly has no way of knowing that he surrendered to Shuhan. He will not start with his relatives. In this way, when Yecheng is won, Sima Yi can and My relatives met again.

"Thank you General for your kindness, we still have some old in Yecheng, but we can respond to Dahan and open the gate for Han! Please also allow General to allow us to go to Yecheng to contact." Sima Yi seized the opportunity and said ~ www. ~ Ha ha, it doesn't have to be this way, maybe Yecheng has been won now? "Shen Long said with a smile, there was a lot of chaos in the world before, there were quite a lot of family members, and there were many ministers in Shuhan and Cao Wei's heavy ministers were relatives. This is the end, and there will certainly be no lack of internal channels for contact.

Furthermore, did Shen Long still capture Xiahou Shang before? Xiahou's family is one of the best in Cao Wei. Let Xiahoushang get out of the horse and definitely reach out to many people.

Things were as expected by Shen Long. After encircling Yecheng, Zhuge Liang ordered Xia Houshang and other Cao Wei captives to contact the city.

Seeing the army besieged the city, the Ye city was a panic. Many people began to find another way out, and contacted their old and out of town through various channels, especially in Xiahoushang.

These inner gates opened the gates for the Shuhan army. Ma Chao, Guan Yu and others took the crowd, and soon they went outside the palace. Cao Zhen sighed when he heard the outside shouting and killed himself immediately.

The rest of the ministers discussed it, and came forward to persuade Cao Rui to come back. Cao Rui had no other choice but to go out of the palace with both hands holding the jade seal, as requested by these ministers.

Zhuge Liang quickly lifted Cao Rui and ordered the Shu Han soldiers to maintain order in the city and protect the family of the Cao family and the ministers. Ma Chao sighed slightly. Since Cao Rui has surrendered, his hope of killing Cao's descendants by himself has been defeated. Yes, but it can be seen that Cao's loss of the throne allowed him to get what he wanted. This little regret is nothing.

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