All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1747: Yi Zhongtian Pin's Shen Long at the End of Han Dynasty

"Let's look at the early years of hiding in the mountains and following the master to learn art. There are actually many similar things in history. For example, everyone knows Sun Bin and Pang Juan. They once learned art from the hermit Guiguzi; one of the three masters of the early Han Dynasty Zhang Liang also received the teachings of Taigong's Art of War from the stranger Huang Shigong. At first glance, it seems that Shen Long followed the hermit to learn art. "

"But after careful consideration, we will find that Sun Bin and Pang Juan are masters and ghost valleys, and Zhang Liang has received the" Tai Gong Military Law "from Huang Shi Gong, which has a clear heritage."

"Guiguzi, Wang's, famous, a masterpiece of Zen, Weiguo Zhaoge, author of" Guiguzi "," Seven Techniques of Yinfu of the Classics "," Guiguzi Tianshen Lingwen "and other books; Huang Shigong, Taoist in Qin and Han Dynasties Representatives, thinkers, military strategists, nicknamed the old man in the upper reaches, the gods in the lower piedmont, authored "Sushu" and "Three Strategies of the Yellowstone", which are all recorded in historical books. "

"Of course, no one doubts the authenticity of these two characters; for example, Gui Guzi, according to historical records, his disciples included Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Pang Juan, Sun Bin, and even Wei Lian, and Pang Juan died in BC In 341, Wei Lian ’s birth and death years were unknown, but he lobbied in Qin Wang Zhaozheng for ten years, that is, 237 BC. The time difference was a hundred years. How could Guiguzi teach students over such a long historical time? "

"Whether it is true or not, the names of Guiguzi and Huangshi Gong are there; but what about Master Shen Long's record? There is no hard evidence to teach such a powerful apprentice, how could the master be silent? ? Even legendary characters like Guiguzi and Huangshi Gong will do, but no one can find them. "

"Every dynasty, many people speculated who was the master of Shen Long. Some people said that it was Guiguzi, which was unrealistic. It was impossible for Guiguzi to live from the Pang Juan period to the Wei Lian period, let alone to live for more than 400 years. The end of the Eastern Han Dynasty? "

"Some people say that Shen Long and Zhu Geliang are brothers of the same discipline, and the masters are all Mr. Shui Hui of the Water Mirror; this is also impossible. At least I have not seen any records in the historical materials that are suitable for the brothers of Shen Long! How did Shen Long ’s invincible martial arts practiced? How did he practice medicine comparable to Hua Tuo? "

"This is written in our history textbook, Shen Long, Ji Hankai's famous general, politician, military, medical scientist, mathematician, inventor, agronomist, engineering scientist, writer, reformer ... Hua Tuo invented the vaccinia vaccine together, which is more than 1,500 years ahead of the West; improved the mining and refining technology of Zigong well salt; improved the papermaking technique, invented the engraving printing technique, improved the reeling machine and textile machine; together with Ma Jun Invented a variety of new agricultural tools such as Aike. "

"How could such a versatile person be taught by a master? Not to mention the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, even now, since the early years of training, it may not necessarily be possible to select such a versatile person as Shen Long! And a lot of knowledge here It ca n’t be learned by studying hard in the mountains, it requires a lot of experiment and practice. "

"So it is doubtful that Shen Long followed the hermit to study in the mountains. In the late years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, compound talents like him could only be born among the family clan, only in resource-rich cities. Can be cultivated. "

"But this raises a new question, why should Shen Long say that? And he is a child of that family clan? This question is also unsolved; first of all, if that big family has such excellent young people, it is definitely early. He was famous all over the world in his childhood. Kong Rong let a pear spread all over the world, not to mention such a super genius? "

"Secondly, in the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty, the clan Shen was not very well known. There were not many celebrities with the surname Shen before the last years of the Eastern Han Dynasty. Only Shen Rong, who served as the prince of Jiyang in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, was only one. It has been 160 years. Over the past 100 years, the Shen family is not a big family, and no such talents can be cultivated; the Shen family will flourish until Liu Yu Sixing Han Room, after Shen Yue became a literary leader . "

"A friend may have to ask whether Shen Long will be a fake name. In fact, he does not surname Shen, but conceals his own surname for various reasons."

"This is unlikely. First of all, in the Eastern Han Dynasty, the surname was a very serious matter, and rarely changed his surname rashly; although Xu Shu used the pseudonym of Shan Fu, he quickly changed it back; second, Even if Shen Long did n’t use his real name for various reasons, he could always tell Liu Bei and Zhuge Liang what he called himself when he returned to the hidden forest? "

"At that time, he was destined to be known for his youth, and he had already planned to leave the court. Did he really want his real surname to be unknown? Did he not want to see his surname shining for future generations? So, Shen Long should It ’s the real name, but we do n’t know the origin of his ability. "

"At the end of this episode, let ’s take a look at the biggest doubt about Shen Long, that is, the varieties he brought to Ji Han, such as corn, sweet potatoes, potatoes, etc. These things seem to appear suddenly in Ji Han . "

"In China, these crops have never appeared before, neither in the Western Regions, nor even in Europe; before Shen Long, these crops did not exist in the entire Eurasian continent ~ ~ The origin of corn is In Central and South America, potatoes are native to the Andes in South America, and sweet potatoes are native to South America and the Greater and Lesser Antilles. These are not native crops of Eurasia. "

"How did Shen Long find the seeds of these crops and find the most suitable cultivation method for these crops? He couldn't have been found from South America? The navigation technology of this period was not enough to travel between Asia and the South American continent, and that one During the period, the indigenous people of South America did not have such advanced planting techniques. "

"In this regard, historians tried to break their heads and did not come up with a reason; the history of the cultivation of any crops can be traced back to, but the crops brought by Shenlong appeared in China as if they suddenly appeared. In the same way, there is no conclusive circulation path at all. "

"I watch online novels that have been popular through history recently, saying that the protagonist has returned to the past for various reasons, relying on advanced equipment and knowledge carried by himself to show his abilities in ancient times! This model seems to be perfectly explained to Shen Long. All this, as for why he disappeared? Ha ha, maybe he is back again? "

"The above paragraph is just a joke, after all, we have not mastered the technology of time shuttle, and there are various theoretical paradoxes. I will only tell these jokes with everyone."

"This episode of the program is here. We will see you next time. In the next issue, we will analyze Shen Long's strategy to end the chaos in the late Han Dynasty ..."

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