All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1748: I add a bit of intelligence

Shen Long doesn't know how many problems he left for historians in later generations. He is now wondering what Zhuge Liang can give himself? I learned everything from Dongfeng and Xingxing, and Wang Anshi, who has a good academic level, is not that bad. I have developed my political abilities in "The People's Name", "Crossing the Kanto" and many other worlds. As for the bulls and horses, it is not even a big deal. This thing may be quite powerful during the period of the Three Kingdoms, and it is inferior to the level of modern science and technology. Far.

While thinking about it, the familiar sound of the system came to my mind, "Zhu Geliang from the" Romance of the Three Kingdoms "Zhuge Liang thank you very much for fulfilling his wish, helping him to rejuvenate the Han Dynasty, end the chaotic world of the princes’ disputes, and let the Hans The glory shines on the Central Plains again! Now he is gifted with his IQ talent, whether you accept it, please confirm! "

"Accept!" Shen Long did not hesitate to choose to receive. This was almost what he expected. The student Zhuge Kongming was evaluated as a "multi-intelligence almost demon" character. His most valuable thing is IQ.

Although Shen Long had improved many IQs before accepting Laobai's chemical talent and Ivan-Vanke's physical and mechanical talents, these two are both geniuses above the Nobel level, but there is still a gap between genius and genius. Ivan Vanke is certainly not as good as Tony Stark, and Lao Bai is definitely not as good as Einstein.

But with Zhuge Liang ’s IQ, it ’s different. If measured by the standard in the comics, Zhuge Liang is not weaker than Zhang Heng. In Marvel ’s works, Zhang Heng ’s existence is at the peak of human IQ, with Newton and Galileo. Waiting for people to be comparable, just relying on the mouth to hide the power of the Tenjin group.

There was still a flash of white light, Shen Long fell into a short period of confusion, and immediately felt an unprecedented clarity, he did a simple test, took out the tablet from the space, and began to view Anim Zola left With all kinds of designs, this IQ is excellent even in the Marvel world.

Although it is not as good as the evils of Tony Stark, Dr. Pim and Mr. Magic, it can also be regarded as the pinnacle of humanity. Although he had the mechanical physics talent of Ivan-Vanke before, he can see his design It's a bit laborious. There's no problem when it comes to physics and machinery. It's a bit blind when it involves more.

But now, it is completely different. Shen Long feels that he can fully understand all this by supplementing the basic knowledge of the relevant aspects; and the computer technology, physical technology, mechanical technology, which are very proficient Chemical technology and so on, have a newer understanding.

This is the feeling of genius. It is really great. Shen Long is very satisfied with this reward. Brother Kong Ming, I really thank you so much that I can experience what it is to be a genius.

Hey, it seems that something interesting can come out now. Looking at the tablet computer full of Anim-Zola information, Shen Long suddenly remembered that in the world of "Iron Man 2", Animzola and Javey It seems that it is a good idea to give yourself artificial intelligence because of this entanglement, so that what you will do in the future will be more labor-saving.

Now I want to get some information and I have to do it myself. But look at someone Tony Stark and call Jarvis to help him do it properly. How easy it is.

Connected to the Internet and searched, and found that the situation is still not completely controlled. I still have to stay at home for a while. Playing mahjong with my family every day is a little too boring, so I should find something for myself.

So, when the family woke up the next day and had dinner to prepare for mahjong, Shen Long hurriedly said, "I may have a project to do recently. Do you want to play a three-person Sichuan mahjong? Or a landlord? "

"Hey, in this situation, your restaurant can't be opened. It's a good thing to do something right. Don't worry about us. Go ahead and do it yourself." The parents expressed their understanding, and then pulled Arya together to fight the landlord went.

Shen Long went back to his room and turned on the computer to get busy. Well, what should this artificial intelligence do? Does it refer to the source code of Anim Zola, or does it imitate the source code of Jarvis? Don't get a mystery out.

After thinking for a while, Shen Long had an idea. Now that he understands the principles of artificial intelligence, he should write his own one. Why should he imitate? We are now also super geniuses based on Marvel ’s Standard Intelligence Standard 6, and what can be done by writing artificial intelligence?

So let's get started, first determine a few principles for this artificial intelligence, just like the three laws of robots, to eliminate the possibility of his destruction, and then set the ability according to his own needs.

So Shen Long re-entered his old business and lived in his bedroom to write the code, but to develop a high level of artificial intelligence, code alone is not enough, but also has to match the corresponding hardware; fortunately, he is in Marvel When doing tasks in the world, I made a lot of good things and greatly upgraded my computer. It is no problem to do so.

In the next few days, Shen Long has been busy with this except eating and sleeping, while the parents and Arya played three games from the landlord to three mahjong ~ ~ and then changed to checkers. Not so lonely.

I just occasionally asked during the meal, "What is this time? Is it troublesome?"

"It's not too much trouble." Shen Longluo thought of a good excuse. "Isn't it a popular smart home now? Someone asked me to help him write a program to control the functional home, and it will be written soon. I will also install one for our family, it will be much more convenient for you to be at home in the future. "

"I want to turn on the light in the evening, just call it, and the same goes for opening the curtains; just put the ingredients in the pot when boiling soup, when the fire is high, when the fire is small, when you turn off the fire, you do n’t have to worry about it, and you wash clothes. Similarly, you just have to throw the clothes in. It can also tell you how much or too little washing powder .... "This is nothing worth mentioning for artificial intelligence.

"Oh, the most important thing is to be able to monitor your physical condition. If there is something wrong, you can be reminded in time." This is Shen Long ’s most concerned, so he will not worry that he can not help them check up frequently. .

As people get older, their ability to accept all kinds of new things becomes worse, but since they are made by their children, they must be good things, and they both happily said, "Then the relationship is good, we will wait for you Enjoy your blessing. "

Has been busy working for several days. Shen Long broke two keyboards and went to other worlds to buy a keyboard replacement, and finally made it, but there is an important problem that has not been solved.

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