All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1754: let me do it

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"I think this Lan Ruo Temple is quite weird, it seems that there are monsters entrenched, so come and look." This is the identity that Shen Long has set for himself. In the future, he will have to show his hands to the tree monster and her grandmother. Let's talk about Cabernet.

"Alchemist?" Yan Chixia thought for a while before asking, "Now there are alchemists still alive?" He knew that there are monks, monks and demons in this world, but alchemists seem to exist only in the classics. never seen it.

"Yes, but the reputation is not obvious." Shen Long also doubts the identity of Yan Chixia's Taoist priest. You said that you are a Taoist priest. Could it be that you are calling the Moonlight Box?

"Oh? Then I would like to ask for advice." Looking at Ning Caichen over there, it seemed that nothing could happen in a short time. Yan Chixia sat down cross-legged and asked Shen Long about a variety of alchemy questions.

Shen Long revealed his hands to him, and made up his own experience by the way, "When I was young, I followed my master to practice in the mountains. After I succeeded, I went to the sea and went to the place of Taisi, and I exchanged ideas with the wizard there. Now that I have just returned to the Central Plains, I found that during my absence, the Central Plains has changed dramatically. The monsters and monsters are raging, and the ghosts and ghosts are in the world. They do n’t look like those in the past. It is really sighing. "

"Hey, I also saw that there is an accumulated tree demon in the Lan Ruo Temple, forcing the ghosts buried here to serve as a tiger for her, seduce the overnight guests for her to **** the meat and **** the blood, in order to increase the repair to extend the life; originally I wanted to clean up her , But the monster walked a long way, and for a moment it didn't help. "Yan Chixia also sighed.

"That's just right, I can continue to observe them first, and then find her weakness to get rid of her." Even if this is to catch up with Yan Chixia, the two people exchanged while watching Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian gradually hooked up. Together, in the end, this person made an appointment to meet tomorrow before leaving.

Because of Shen Long ’s intervention, Yan Chixia did n’t make a move with Shuyao ’s grandma tonight. When the sun rose the next day, Ning Caichen dried the ledger and went to Guobei County to collect the ledger.

Today, Ning Caichen ’s business was completed well. As soon as the shop owners in Guobei County heard that he had spent the night at Lan Ruo Temple last night, they were terrified and returned the money.

In the evening, Ning Caichen continued to return to Lan Ruo Temple to spend the night. This time he bought three lanterns and recited Li Bai's "Willing into Wine" for his own prosperity. "Just not see, the water of the Yellow River comes to the sky and runs to the sea. Never return; you never see it, Gao Tang ’s mirror is sad and gray-haired, and she looks like a verdant snow; her life must be full of joy, so that the golden bottle will be empty against the moon ... "

At the gate of Lan Ruo Temple, he saw Shen Long was looking at the plaque of Lan Ruo Temple, so he stepped forward and asked, "Mr. Shen, don't you say you are going to Lin County today to find friends?"

"No hurry, no hurry, this temple is quite interesting; Lan Ruo Temple, the so-called Lan Ruo is Sanskrit Aran Ru, the original meaning is the forest, extended to" silent place "," free space "," far away ", to avoid the lively places on earth On the ground, some houses can be used by monks for quiet retreat. The name can be taken. It can be seen that the temple was originally built by a master, and I have to study it carefully. "Shen Long shook his head and said.

"Well, then don't disturb Mr." Ning Caichen was stunned by Shen Long's words. In addition, he was anxious to see Nie Xiaoqian and quickly quit.

With this excuse, Ning Caichen was not surprised that Shen Long had been staying in Lan Ruo Temple. He still went to Guobei County to collect accounts every day. At night, he returned to Lan Ruo Temple to talk to Nie Xiaoqian, and the feelings between the two parties continued to grow.

During the period, Yan Chixia found Shen Long and wanted to use Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian to draw grandma, and then wiped them all out, but Shen Long was not in a hurry. "No hurry or no hurry, this Nie Xiaoqian seems to have some conscience and should not be bad. After Ning Caichen, I heard that the tree demon and the female ghosts said that they would marry Nie Xiaoqian to the old demon of Heishan in a few days. By then, we will not start too late. "

Seeing that the time is coming, Nie Xiaoqian also told Ning Caichen the truth. She was originally the elder lady of the official family. She was killed by the adulterer halfway. Her father buried her body under the old tree on the roadside, but I don't want this to be the site of Shuyao's grandma. Shuyao's grandma uses Nie Xiaoqian's corpse to control her, forcing her to seduce a man for herself and absorb the yang. Now she will sell Nie Xiaoqian to another big monster, the Montenegro old demon.

Hearing this, Ning Caichen not only did not fear, but also came forward, wanted to rescue Nie Xiaoqian, Nie Xiaoqian was very moved, and told him that if she wanted to save herself, she had to dig out her body and send it to a country Bury there, and then have the opportunity to reincarnate.

Ning Caichen patted his chest and agreed to come down ~ ~ But before he could start, the tree monster grandma found something was wrong and came to clean up the two of them. Yan Chixia found that the situation was wrong and quickly found Shen Long, "Brother Shen The situation has changed, and the scholar is in danger. It seems that we have to start in advance. "

"No problem, let's go!" After watching the scenes for several days in a row, Shen Long finally got up and stood up, secretly looking at what he put in his personal space, and then appeared in Ning with Yan Chixia Beside Caichen, he stopped the tree monster grandma.

The tree monster grandma for a while, male voice for a while, female girl, "I'm going to the meat of the mouth, you dare to grab it." Wow, is it the women's lord? Shen Long muttered in his heart.

Yan Chixia scolded, "I don't care if you kill those bad guys, but this scholar is slim and beautiful, with two sleeves in the breeze, flowers and fists embroidering his legs.

After a few words between the two sides, they immediately started to work. The tree monster and grandma used their roots and vines to attack, and Yan Chixia used swordsmanship, "The world is infinite, Qiankun borrowed the law, I cut!"

This man became a mass of demon wars, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian shivered on the side, Shen Long looked for a while, and found that Yan Chixia did have a few brushes, and gradually overwhelmed the tree demon grandma with her superb sword skills.

Shen Long is also a little eager to try. He has beaten the undead and the wizard, but he has not beaten the monster. I do n’t know if the things he learned are useful to the tree monster and grandma, and whether the plan given by Bai Ze can succeed. So he glanced up and rushed up, "Yan Yan, you are addicted, let me try it!"

Yan Chixia has almost touched the ability of the tree demon and grandma. He also wanted to see what Shenlong's alchemy looked like, so he temporarily retreated to the side and swept the array, "Well, then you go first!"

"Eh, Mr. Shen still has this ability?" Ning Caichen was stunned.

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