All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1755: You have magic, I have science

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"Mr. Shen is a stranger in the hidden world. With him in, you two don't have to worry." Yan Chixia originally wanted to clean up Nie Xiaoqian together, but she was so infatuated with Ning Caichen, and persuaded by Shen Long, now It has changed.

"Who are you? Dare to come to my Lan Ruo Temple to make trouble!" Shuyao's grandma said a male voice and a female voice, and he heard Shen Long straight goose bumps. The tentacle monster I watched much in the anime, you are so disgusting Still the first.

"Don't gossip, demon, come to life!" Shen Long flicked his right hand, took out a prop from the portable space, and aimed at the tree monster's grandma.

"Huh? Is this the magic weapon used by their alchemists? Why does it look so weird? I have to take a closer look." Yan Chixia stretched her neck and looked at Shen Long's hand curiously.

"Huh? What is this?" The demon grandmother also felt strange. It seemed that there was no mana fluctuations on this thing. Does he think he can deal with himself with this?

"A good thing specifically for you, a tree demon! Yan Chixia, protect Ning Caichen, don't let him get these things." Shen Long chuckled, turned on the switch, and immediately a pungent liquid directed towards the tree The grandmother's tentacles sprayed past.

"Ah!" The tree monster's grandma didn't watch for a while, she was sprayed straight by Shen Long, and screamed suddenly. This thing sticked to her tentacles and immediately began to erode her body, just like the pain of the heart and bone.

"Hey, don't worry, I have so much here!" Shen Long summoned somersault clouds to sit up, and then circled up and down the grandmother of Montenegro, constantly spraying the defoliant from the pesticide sprayer to the grandmother of the tree demon.

This is the plan given by Bai Ze. It has searched a large number of folk legends, myths, and monsters, and found that monsters have a common feature. No matter how high the monster is, it can be transformed into a human. It always retains some of its own characteristics. For example, the scorpion essence in "Journey to the West" is afraid of roosters, and he will be counseled as soon as the Pleiades star comes; Bai Suzhen in "White Snake" is afraid of realgar, and the prototype comes out after drinking realgar wine .

Since this is the case, the grandmother of the tree monster who turned into a demon from ancient trees has a high probability of being afraid of various pesticides against trees and weeds, and Xiao Leijia has a pesticide factory, so Shen Long went to " The world of "Dajiang Dahe" has brought a bunch of pesticides with the strongest medicinal properties against weeds and trees in the pesticide factory to the world.

Today, it can be used on the tree monster grandma. This thing really worked. As more and more pesticides were sprayed on the body, the tree monster grandma ’s screams became more and more desolate, and the breath was weaker. The tentacles that flew everywhere also wilted, and the color gradually turned yellow, then withered and broken, and turned into useless dead wood.

When the US military attacked Vietnam, a large amount of orange agent was sprayed, which caused large forest leaves to wither and weed shrubs to die; Xiao Lei's technology level was ahead of the US military for decades. Some highly concentrated high-power defoliants have no problem at all, and the effect is definitely several times higher than that of Agent Orange.

The trees in this world have not yet been destroyed by the defoliant, and have not developed resistance. Shen Long now takes this thing out, but the tree monster and grandma are more afraid than the centipede meeting the star officer.

The pesticide was sprayed on her, which not only felt the pain of bone erosion, but also made her numb and numb, and had difficulty breathing. The demon law of the past could not be brought out at all, and she could only lie on the ground and wait for her death.

After half a barrel of defoliant was sprayed, all the tentacles of the tree monster ’s grandmother died, and he lost his human form, revealing the prototype, leaving only a bare stump standing there, only the mouth of the tree was still there. .

It ’s just that the words from the tree monster ’s grandmother ’s mouth are not threatening words, but begging for mercy, “Daxian, Daxian, and Xiaoxie know that they are wrong. Please beg you to spare this time!”

"Mr. Shen, what kind of prescription do you use?" Yan Chixia was dumbfounded. He could have beaten the demon grandmother, but it was definitely not as easy as Shen Long, and it was easy to win her and wanted to kill It's hard to get her off; the tree monster grandma, but the old monster with a deep road, how could he kneel directly when he sprayed something?

Yan Chixia stepped forward, bent over and looked down at the ground, and saw that the weeds on the ground also started to turn yellow and discolored. He saw that there was residual defoliant on the leaves of the grass. Taste what it is.

"Don't move, this medicine is highly toxic!" Oh, you can hurry up. This is not the Qilu Hospital of Shandong University. If you swallow this, you will have systemic organ failure, lung fibrosis, and gradually lose breathing ability. Even if Shen Long could save Yan Chixia by relying on alchemy ~ ~ was enough for him to suffer for a while.

"Now she has been beaten back to her original form, as long as I continue to spray the potion on her, she will be dead, and then the old tree will be dug up and burned, and she will be destroyed. Harm to the world! "In the movie, Yan Chixia only injured the grandmother of the tree demon. In the sequel, she gradually nourished her vitality and began to rehabilitate the people. Shen Long will not make her so easy. The same is true.

"Da Xian Rao Ming, Da Xian Rao Ming!" The tree demon grandma cried. Why did I get so unlucky? I met two ruthless characters at once. At first I thought that the Taoist was ruthless enough. what!

"It is not easy for me to practice. Let me bypass this time for now. I will never dare to hurt the lives of innocent people in the future." The tree monster and her grandmother beg for mercy.

Shen Long was still expressionless, and continued to spray pesticides. Yan Chixia was also average. He had seen all kinds of bad guys, and the monsters had not killed less. How could he be moved by this discourse?

Seeing this, the tree demon grandma quickly sold the black mountain demon, "I have given Xiaoqian to the black mountain demon. Tomorrow, the black mountain demon will marry her. You killed me, although you can take the equipment. The golden pagoda of Xiao Qian's bones, but the old demon of the Black Mountain can still call Xiao Qian to the Hades. As long as you spare my life, I will help you deal with the old demon of the Black Mountain and let Xiao Qian be completely free! "

"Mr. Shen!" As soon as he heard this, Ning Caichen was anxious and hurriedly pleaded with Shen Long. "Just for Xiao Qian, let her go!"

"I came this time, but I want to clean up the Montenegrin demon together! If you save your life, when you meet the Montenegro demon, you will definitely help him beat us?" Shen Long did not add at all Mindful, holding the sprayer and aiming at the root of the tree monster's grandma is a spray!

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