All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1756: Montenegro demon

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The poor tree demon's grandma has worked hard for hundreds of years. As a result, she encountered a highly efficient concentrated defoliant created by modern technology. There was only a dead end. When Shen Long sprayed the defoliant, the grandma had already hung up.

"Mr. Shen's prescription is really powerful." Yan Chixia also has nothing to say. Does this thing work too quickly? Without earth-shattering fighting, without dazzling spells, just spray a few potions, and a centuries-old elf monster is over?

"Hey, it's just a pity that such a good place, my potion is too strong, it is estimated that for a long time in the future, this Lan Ruo Temple will be a place where there is nowhere to grow." There is no environmental protection bureau now, otherwise Shen Long must catch It is impossible to get up; for at least two decades in the future, even if it is lush near the Lan Ruo Temple, this place has to be bald, and no grass can grow.

"What's the point of being able to kill such a big monster?" Yan Chixia didn't take it seriously. In this era, there are green mountains and green water. It's not worth mentioning that plants can't grow in such a big place.

"You help take your hand, we will dig up the roots of the tree, and then pick up all the stumps and leaves together and burn them together, so that she can't recover at all!" Shen Long took out the **** and gave it to Ning Caichen and Yan Chixia, a few people were busy working around the place where the tree demon's grandmother was buried.

At first, Nie Xiaoqian was still a little scared. She was afraid that Shen Long would also pick her up, but Shen Long did n’t even bother her, and she was busy digging the earth. Nie Xiaoqian was relieved. . "

"If you are grateful, help me work!" Hey, I haven't seen the scene of Wang Zuxian's farming, or have a long experience? Anyway, she was not a weak woman, but a ghost, and she couldn't get tired of doing some work.

Nie Xiaoqian froze for a while, then obediently picked up the **** and got busy. Several people dug together, and in a few moments all the roots of the tree monster and grandma were dug out. Her roots were originally scattered around the Lan Ruo Temple. The defoliant is too powerful. In order to save vitality, she can only retract the root system to save consumption.

As a result, they saved their efforts. When they dug out the roots, all the root systems were clumped together, and there were dense holes next to them. Obviously these root systems retracted along the holes.

"Oh, if these roots are still outside, it's enough for us to be busy for a while!" Shen Long estimated that if he was put in grandma's heyday, how many acres would not be dug up? I can't go to Shandong Lanxiang to learn the excavator operation technology in advance, and then plug an excavator into the portable space?

"Pick up all the stumps and leaves outside and throw them into the pit!" The three of them rested a little, and the stray limbs scattered outside the tree demon's grandma were received and thrown into the pit, Shen Long took A barrel of gasoline came out and poured in, and a match was set alight. The pit suddenly ignited a raging fire and also exuded a strong smell, which was not like the way wood was burning.

It ’s normal to think about it. The tree demon ’s grandmother has killed so many people ’s lives, and has consumed countless flesh and blood yang. It smells normal when it burns. Yan Chixia looked a little worried and stepped forward. I ’m afraid it ’s not all fire that can be burned clean. If you can burn it with the Samadhi Fire, you can rest assured, but now the masters who practice the Samadhi Fire are probably not much! "

"That's right!" Shen Long nodded, seeing that the ordinary flame was still a bit burnt. We didn't prepare the big killers such as napalm and white phosphorus incendiary, but what should we do?

Hey, this seems to be useful. Shen Long had an idea. He took out his old wand from his portable space and recited the mantra in his mouth. "Friedfire!" Since Li Huocun can even burn the Horcruxes, then deal with a dead tree monster grandma It should n’t be a problem with the residual body?

If it does n’t work, I ’ll try wildfire again. It ’s estimated to be more powerful than gasoline, and I ’m not afraid to burn it out; I used the defoliant from Xiaolei ’s family, and then used the magic I learned in Harry Potter. Therapy, I hope to be effective.

Li Huocuan was indeed more powerful than ordinary gasoline. A blaze rolled over, and the blaze suddenly burst into the sky. The odor first became stronger and stronger, forcing everyone to have to cover their noses and retreat, but after a while, the odor The smell slowly faded away, and the fire gradually went out.

They gathered around the pit and saw that the roots, trunks, branches, and leaves in the pit had all been burned to ash. The soil around the pit also showed a slight crystal shape. This temperature is absolutely amazing.

Yan Chixia used her long sword to dial in the ash pile, did not see a little residue, and finally rest assured, "It seems that the tree demon has completely disappeared ~ ~ Do n’t worry about her anymore Reborn! "

"Oh, Mr. Shen, what kind of spell did you just cast?" The formal matter was finished, and Yan Chixia and Shen Long launched an academic exchange.

"This is the Taisi magic I learned from a group of Taixi people who call themselves wizards. It is not as good as Taoism or Dharma, but it is also useful!" Shen Long introduced Yan Chixia happily, but he really wanted it. Seeing Yan Chixia's interest in this, he went to the United Kingdom to do some scourge. I don't know if there are any extraordinary existences such as wizards, vampires, and werewolves in Europe in this world.

"I have also seen some wizards in Miaojiang, but they are used to using Wu Gu, which is different from yours." The two of them talked more and more intensely.

"Cough." Ning Caichen had to come out to interrupt the conversation between them. The golden pagoda with Xiao Qian's bones hadn't been dug out yet. This can't be delayed.

This is not difficult. The three of them quickly found a place, "Hey, take away so many things together, and find other places to bury for life, I hope they can be reborn into a good family!"

Ning Caichen is relatively kind, and has worked hard to dig up all the gold towers with bones, and plans to move to other places for burial.

"I know a little about Feng Shui, and I can help them find a good place!" Shen Long took the lead.

"Thank you Mr. Shen." Ning Caichen quickly thanked, so busy, so Ning Caichen would take these golden pagodas for burial if he could not rest.

Shen Long stopped him, "Don't worry, the matter is not over yet, then the old demon of Montenegro will be coming to marry Xiaoqian tonight. Without solving him, you can't bury Xiaoqian's golden tower there!"

Besides, Yan Chixia made the wish but let Ning Caichen be with Xiaoqian, what's the matter with you burying Xiaoqian?

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