All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1757: Immigration office

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The old Montenegro demon is a huge black mountain cultivated and refined, with thousands of years of deeds, but the king of the demon, even the grandma is afraid of the thirds, Yan Daxia and Mr. Shen do not need to take this risk for me ... maybe, Maybe find this golden pagoda in a good place to bury, then the old demon of Montenegro can't find me? "Nie Xiaoqian had heard the legend of the old demon of Montenegro under the tree monster grandma.

"You still have a little conscience, and Ning Caichen likes you so much." Shen Long was not so scared. If this old black mountain demon was Wang Zhong, he would leave without saying a word, but apparently not, that one The old demon of Montenegro wouldn't do this kind of thing. In this case, just follow the plan given by Bai Ze.

"You talk about the situation of the old demon of Montenegro carefully, and before we get into the night, we have to discuss how to deal with him." Yan Chixia said, he was upright and envious, since he heard such powerful The monster is a disaster, how can it be ignored?

"Thank you two gentlemen!" Nie Xiaoqian Yingying fell down for a week and saw Shen Long and Yan Chixia's resolute attitude. She had to say all the information she knew, but her grandmother was not willing to be a child Qian told them more about the old demon of Montenegro, so as not to affect her prestige, so Xiao Qian didn't know much.

"These don't see anything." Yan Chixia said frowning. Nie Xiaoqian only vaguely knew that the Black Mountain Lao demon was very powerful, but it was unclear to what extent it was specific. The information was not very useful for dealing with the Black Mountain Lao demon.

"These news can also analyze some things." Shen Long said, "According to Xiao Qian, we can know that the old demon of the black mountain is a black mountain cultivated into a dead city, and there are many monsters and ghosts under his command; and the dead city is ten. The site of the Biancheng King, the sixth hall of the Temple of Yan, is also under the jurisdiction of the Bodhisattva of the King of Tibet. "

"Although I don't know why the Biancheng King and Dizang Bodhisattva don't care about the Montenegro demon, but I think he should still be afraid of the Buddhist scriptures and scriptures. It's better to write some to carry on as a precaution." Did you lose money in the Diamond Sutra carried by Ning Caichen? That can be prepared more.

"Brother Shen said it right!" Yan Chixia was persuaded by Shen Long. Ning Caichen ’s book case contained pen, ink and paper inkstones, so Ning Caichen rubbed the ink and wrote Shen Long. "," Prajna Paramita Sutra "wrote a lot, Shen Long did not put down the pen until the paper that Ning Caichen had run out.

"Brother Shen's handwriting is very beautiful. Nowadays, many of the elders of the Korean and Chinese ancestors are not as good as Brother Shen. I think Brother Shen will definitely be able to enter Jinshi!" Official people.

"Oh, forget it, but I think the Ning brothers Meiyu are quite talented. When this time is over, the Ning brothers may consider taking a jinshi." Anyway, we also inherited Wang Anshi's talent, Over five thousand years, how many people can compare with Wang Anshi in talent?

"I have studied hard for many years, but it is a pity that the court is dim now, failed to pass the exam, and spent all the money at home, so I have to come out to help people collect the bills." Speaking of these, Ning Caichen also sighed.

"Perhaps the situation will improve in the future. As for money, Brother Ning need not worry. This tree demon has killed so many innocent people. The property they left behind must still be hidden in Lan Ruo Temple. Some came out to rescue the people, and the rest was used for preparation. "Shen Long said, and Nie Xiaoqian immediately said where the tree demon's grandma collected her property.

Ning Caichen also had to quit, Shen Long waved his hand to interrupt him, "Brother Ning, serving as an official can benefit one side. If you are uneasy in the future, after taking the junior officer, you will take care of the people under your care. It is much better than sending the money directly to the people. "

If Ning Caichen had an understanding, Shen Long and Yan Chixia talked about their analysis of the black mountain demon, "Since the black mountain demon is a monster in the land, he must not be able to absorb the essence of the sun and the moon, he can only absorb the hell. The resentment grows, and although this method is quite powerful, it has a fatal flaw. All dark and filthy things are afraid of the sun. "

This conclusion was seen by Shen Long from the movie. As for the reasoning process, it was his own guess. Yan Chixia nodded after listening. "Brother Shen makes sense, is it just the sunshine from the prefecture?"

Heck, it's a pity that there hasn't been a third chance to enter the world of "Dragon Ball". Otherwise, if you learned the Sun Boxing of Tianjin Fan, wouldn't it be of much use here?

"I don't have to worry about it, I have already prepared; it's just that this is the auspicious day of the Hades, and the old demon of Montenegro has the right place and time. A good solution, so Shen Long seemed confident.

The two slowly analyzed the weakness of the old demon of Montenegro, and time passed without realizing it. Slowly the sun set, and Lan Ruo Temple fell into the night again.

Not long after night, Nie Xiaoqian was summoned by the Black Mountain Demon into the mansion, and Yan Chixia was also ready to enter the mansion. "Remember that we only have one incense stick. If we miss this time, we will not be able to return!"

After talking about it, he would enter the prefecture together with Shen Long. Ning Caichen held the Taoist scriptures and Buddhist scriptures written by Shen Long tightly. "Sword Yan, Mr. Shen, I will go too!"

"Okay, with this kind of guts, Xiaoqian is not fond of you. After we rescue her, I hope you two will have a good result!" Shen Long praised.

Ning Caichen was secretly sad, and he had a different way. Even if he rescued Nie Xiaoqian, then she could only be sent to reincarnate. After passing the Hehe Bridge and drinking Meng Po Tang, even if Nie Xiaoqian was reincarnated as a person, I might not remember him Right?

"Remember, close your eyes, and I will let you open you to open it." Yan Chixia's instructions were over, and she immediately read the spell, "Bo Luo Poromi!"

Immediately, the three of them entered the mansion, and they saw that it was dark all around, as if entering the mist. They could not clearly see the surroundings, and they only felt eerie.

The ghosts passing by ignored them, but Ning Caichen was puzzled. Yan Chixia explained, "People can't see turtles in the sun, and the other way around, the ghosts can't see people! For the high-strength demon will definitely see us. "

"This dark, how do you recognize the way?" Ning Caichen asked with a frown.

"Don't be afraid, just follow me!" Shen Long took out the flashlight from the portable space, pressed the switch, and immediately a beam of light illuminated the surroundings and illuminated the road ahead.

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