All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1758: Do you two want to be together?

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What is this magic weapon? "This scene saw Yan Chixia and Ning Caichen stunned. Are there too many weird things you carry?

"The lighting is similar to the lantern torch." This is far from being explained to you. Yi Gong's kung fu is simply not enough for them to figure out the distance of the flashlight. "Now there is no time to say this, we still hurry. Go to the Black Mountain Demon and rescue Xiao Qian! "

"Brother Shen, is this light sunshine? Firelight can only scare the shallow ghosts in the aisle. To deal with the thousand-year-old monster of the Montenegro demon, you must use sunlight!" Yan Chixia immediately saw the flashlight Thinking of Shen Long's confident and confident smile, he couldn't help but speculate that magic can emit sunlight?

"It's not now, but it can be adjusted!" This is the plan given by Bai Ze. It analyzed the spectrum of the sun, and then designed such a flashlight that can emit exactly the same light as the sun spectrum, so that the sun can be moved. Arriving in Difu, just like dealing with tree demon grandma, it is also a plan to use science to deal with black magic.

Shen Long wondered if it should work. In Marvel ’s comics, Tony Stark had developed anti-magic armor, and the Batman next door had done similar things. They used the same scientific principles.

"We can first find two little ghosts to try!" Shen Long pressed the button to adjust the flashlight's light to be consistent with the sunlight, and then aimed at two unlucky little ghosts passing by from here. The behavior of these two little ghosts is really too good. Shallow, and even before the wailing became gray.

The death of a ghost is a ghost, the death of a ghost is a ghost, the death of a ghost is hope, and the death of a ghost is hopeless. These two little ghosts are estimated to have turned into a ghost. As for what is the trick, Shen Long doesn't know yet.

However, if you do n’t see it, you ca n’t see it, and if you do n’t know it, you can see it. If you look at a person as a ghost, you will lose the entity, leaving only an erratic shadow. Yun to Xi, from Xi to Yi should be a gradual disappearing process, maybe the ghost will become a little less than the ghost when it dies, until it is completely invisible and silent?

"It really works, so we have defeated the old demon of Montenegro, and the hope of saving Xiaoqian is great!" Yan Chixia exulted, Shen Long readjusted the spectrum and turned into a harmless light to the ghost. Before the demon and Nie Xiaoqian, it is not appropriate to make too much noise for the time being.

Fly into the air with the help of somersault cloud, Shen Long quickly found the trace of the old demon of Montenegro. Nowadays, the dying city is full of lively, countless ghosts are celebrating the wedding ceremony of the old demon of Montenegro.

Hey, you do n’t look at what time it is now, but it ’s bad luck to get together at this time! Shen Long greeted him and immediately launched a raid with Yan Chixia. He flew into the air and adjusted the flashlight to emit sunlight. A beam of light appeared suddenly, and he covered the Montenegrin demon, but he was not hurt. Nie Xiaoqian next to him is nothing. Nie Xiaoqian is also a ghost and is also afraid of the sun.

The monstrous scream of the Montenegro screamed, "Who dares to hurt me!" Under the sunlight, the dense fog surrounding his body was continuously weakened, gradually revealing his body, he tried to resist, open Numerous skulls in the black robe flew towards Shen Long, but as soon as these skulls became dominant, they were extinguished by the sunlight from the flashlight.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yan Chixia also acted, "The world is infinite, Qiankun borrowed the law!" The long sword in his hand pierced into the depths of the black robe of the old demon of Montenegro like electric light.

"Xiaoqian, I'm here to save you!" Ning Caichen also forgot to fear this time, and rushed towards Nie Xiaoqian, continually writing Shen Long's Daode Jing, Jingang Jing, and Prajna Paramit "Heart Sutra" spreads to the ghosts around, these ghosts touched the scriptures as if they were burnt by a soldering iron, and quickly evaded.

With these verses, Ning Caichen actually came to Nie Xiaoqian, he took Nie Xiaoqian, "Xiaoqian, I'm here to save you, let's go!"

"Caichen!" Nie Xiaoqian was moved with tears, but she couldn't leave now. She was chained here by the old demon of Montenegro. "Caichen, go, don't worry about me!"

"Mr. Shen, Yan Yanxia!" Ning Caichen tried it and found that he had no choice but to ask for help from Shen Long and Yan Chixia.

"Yan heroes, you help me, I will stop him!" Shen Long took the flashlight in one hand and pulled out a stereo from the portable space in one hand, and then a huge chirping sounded in the local government, and he heard the chiming sound Many ghosts fled, and the Montenegro demon also shivered. He subconsciously thought that the sky was about to turn on and the sun was about to come out.

"The world is infinite, Qiankun borrowed from ~" Yan Chixia cut off the chain that bound Nie Xiaoqian with a flying sword. "The two of you will go first, and Brother Shen and I will break!"

"Thank you Master Dao, thank you Mr. Shen!" Ning Caichen continued to use the scriptures to open the way and pulled Nie Xiaoqian out.

"Long master, let's work together to kill this guy!" Shen Long dropped the stereo and took out a flashlight. The two flashlights were aimed at the Montenegro demon, and he was killed twice.

"Poof!" Yan Chixia bit her tongue, spurting her tongue full of blood on the sword, chanting the spell again, "The world is infinite, Qiankun borrowed the law, go!"

The flying sword gleamed with gold light to the depths of the black robe of the Montenegro. Shen Long also used a wand-free cast to summon all the scriptures scattered on the ground, and hula lala flew towards the black demon.

Sunshine, Flying Sword, and Scripture, under such three blows, the Montenegrin demon shrinks and shrinks, and finally emits a huge explosion, and then the soul is scattered.

What a tough monster in the movie, the result is that the two flashlights are killed. This is the power of science! Shen Long praised secretly.

"Hurry up, time is running out, and it's too late to go out!" Yan Chixia couldn't care about the celebration and greeted Shen Longshen quickly.

"Take my hand!" Jin Duoyun flew to Yan Chixia's side suddenly, Shen Long reached out his right hand and pulled him, then went to pick Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian in front, and the three quickly left the mansion. Return to the world.

When he arrived in the world, Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen were naturally grateful. After gratitude, Ning Caichen took out the golden pagoda where Nie Xiaoqian's bones were stored. Let her be reborn into a good family! "

"It's easy, it can be done early tomorrow! But, don't you two want to be together?" Shen Long asked.

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