All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1759: Resurrection Nie Xiaoqian

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"Caichen, I think your two love each other. If it lasts for a long time, it must be a good story. Wouldn't it be a pity to be so separated?" Shen Long asked. If I buried Nie Xiaoqian, my task could not be completed.

Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian looked at each other, and Ning Caichen sighed, "Why don't you want to stay with Xiaoqian in your heart, but ... but can this be done?"

Nie Xiaoqian seemed to perceive something, and quickly fell down, "Please also ask Mr. Shen to help, if we can succeed, we will do more good deeds afterwards to repay Mr. Shen's kindness." Nie Xiaoqian also knew that he and Ning Caichen could not repay Shen Long can only express gratitude in this way.

"Hey, Brother Shen, I know you are well-intentioned, but people have different ways! Even if you have a secret method to get back to life, you also violate the laws of the world, and you can't use it lightly." However, I always feel that it is not appropriate for the dead to reproduce the world. "What's more, can you act like this to hide the Ten Palaces?"

"If the ten temples Yanlu still have the intention to pursue such small things, how can the old demon of Montenegro grow bigger in the city of death?" Shen Long asked back, hey, this world today is not only a mess of the world, but also a chaotic land. A pot of porridge, I am afraid that no one will care about this little thing? "Even though this may be inappropriate, as long as Caichen and Xiaoqian do more good deeds in the future, he will come to Lord Yan, will he forgive them?"

The ten temples ’principle is to punish evil and promote good. As long as Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian have accumulated enough merits, even if they make a small mistake, it should be fine.

Yan Chixia stopped talking, and after a while asked, "Brother Shen, how are you going to reshape Xiaoqian's body? This seizure is detrimental to Yin virtue, so it can't be done."

"I have two methods, one is the technique of resurrection learned from the wizard Tessie." The witchcraft Shen Long that Voldemort reborn was also learned in the world of "Harry Potter", "This method can be Shaping the body, but it needs three things, the bones of the father, the blood of the enemy, and the flesh of the servant, and then use the secret method to recite the mantra. "

"I will know the specific mysterious spells. The key lies in whether you can find these things now?" Shen Long asked Nie Xiaoqian. Voldemort could use this method to resurrect the crippled soul. Nie Xiaoqian's soul is now intact, and the effect will only be better. .

Nie Xiaoqian slowly shook her head, "My father has been harmed by thieves. I know his place where he buried his bones. I'm about to tell Caichen to find a time to rebuild the tomb for his father in the future. How can a child hurt the bones of his father? The group of people who killed my father died long ago, and grandma was also wiped out by Yan Xia and Mr. Shen. The blood from there? Not to mention the servants, I am just a poor lonely ghost. "

Oh, my demon grandmother has been burnt to ashes by me, this blood is definitely not dripping; and the Chinese pay attention to filial piety, even if the other two things are all together, Nie Xiaoqian is not willing to let his father's bones hurt?

"Mr. Shen, this method violates filial piety. Is there any other way?" Ning Caichen is a scholar who pays more attention to filial piety. He also cannot accept the method of resurrecting Xiaoqian with his father's body.

"Huh, all these evil tactics are conceivable. It seems that the wizard of Taixi is not a good person!" Yan Chixia snorted coldly and expressed disdain to the wizards.

"Yes, if you don't want to accept this method, I have other alchemy that can make Xiaoqian resurrect." Isn't Qin Shihuang resurrected? "There are other materials used in alchemy to reshape the body, and eventually return the soul to the same method as the physical body. This does not require those weird things."

The alchemy cheats that Shen Long seized from Ziyuan did indeed have a way to reshape the body and recover from death. The most important thing here is the fairy water that Shen Long brought out from the secret realm of Shangri-La. As for what materials are used to shape the body, it is the second but not heavy Long rose suddenly, intending to tease them.

"Caichen, you look for two lotus flowers, three lotus leaves, and dig a lot of lotus root out, then leave me with other things." Shen Long ordered.

"Oh? But Tai Yizheng's method of reshaping the body for the gods of the Three Altars?" Yan Chixia was startled. He always thought that this method was only used by the real Dade Jinxian, but I didn't expect it. Shen Long can actually be used, what exactly is this man doing? Could it be that the real immortal game can't be done on earth?

"Brother Yan smiled, I am shallow, how can I compare with the real person of Taiyi?" Shen Long smiled, and then took a jade bottle from the portable space, which contained exactly what he got from "Mummy 3" The fairy water brought out in the world, "I rely on this kind of heaven and earth treasure ~ ~ Yan Chixia took a look and suddenly fell into shock," This water is indeed full of spirits, if With this treasure, it may be feasible to reshape Xiao Qian's body. "

"Thank you Mr. Shen, thank you Mr. Shen, I'll go find the lotus lotus leaf lotus root!" Ning Caichen was overjoyed and immediately knelt down to Shen Long Lianlian, Nie Xiaoqian also quickly fell down, also thank you.

Ning Caichen immediately ran to Guobei County, and there were quite a few big-time favorite households in the city who raised lotus flowers in the garden pond at home. Ning Caichen spent a little money to buy the servants who guarded the garden. In the garden, I selected the two most beautiful lotus flowers, the largest and roundest three lotus leaves, and the most plump and white lotus root, and immediately ran back to Lan Ruo Temple.

"Mr. Shen, do you think it will work? If not, I'll go find it again!" Although Ning Caichen was exhausted and panting, his face was full of joy.

"No, these are enough! Come, take out Xiaoqian's golden pagoda." Shen Long took the lotus, lotus leaf and lotus root and began to arrange.

He put the lotus petals down and spread them into three talents, and folded the lotus leaf stem into 206 bones. The lotus root was placed in the middle to serve as the trunk. The three lotus leaves were pressed up, middle and down, according to the sky and the earth. ,people.

Then pour Nie Xiaoqian's ashes from the golden pagoda, sprinkle on the lotus, lotus leaf, and Li An Auchan in the shape of a man. Finally, he picked up the jade bottle and evenly spread the fairy water.

Finally, read the mysterious mantra spelled in the alchemy cheats, to live up to Xiao Qian's soul, push the lotus and lotus, and shout, "Nie Xiaoqian is not in the form of a human being, but when to wait!"

"Ah." Nie Xiaoqian exclaimed, and then the whole ghost rushed towards the lotus pile.

"Xiaoqian!" Ning Caichen is now extremely nervous, blinking his eyes at the pile of lotus leaves, lotus flowers, lotus roots, can Xiaoqian really resurrect?

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