All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1764: Can finally return

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Thousand households, stab its jaws! "This is the densely distributed area of ​​the centipede ganglion, which is shaped like a longitudinal spindle, controlling the centipede of the centipede, and broken this part of the ganglion. The two jaws of the centipede that secrete venom are useless.

"Zhiqiu Yiye, fly up and hit the back of his neck!" The centipede has a ventral nerve in addition to the cranial nerve. The ventral nerve is just behind the ganglion attacked by the left Qianhu. The nerves are connected together to form a nerve cord, which destroys here, and the centipede's feet can't move anymore.

It seems that I am not only the priest, but also the commander of the Replica Regiment. Do I get more points when I touch the body later? I just don't know what good things Purdue Cihang can drop.

"Got it!" Zuo Qianhu was shocked by Shen Long's fairy water, and Zhiqiu Yiye was also bluffed by the 3D projection he made. I really thought he could call the stars to help, so I accepted it without doubt. Following his orders, he attacked these two targets.

Purdue Cihang had just hit his head on the iron plate, and he was so dizzy that he hadn't recovered, and he suffered such a violent attack at the same time.

Yan Chixia ’s Wan Jian Guizong shot his eyes sparsely, and Feijian pierced his eyes and continued to fly backwards, directly hurting his brain nerves; and Zuo Qianhu cut off its ganglia with a knife, The two jaws, which were still free to move, suddenly stopped moving.

Zhiqiu Yiye chanted the mantra loudly in his mouth, "Heaven, Earth, and Souls, Exorcism and Exorcism!" He flew up and flew over Purdue Cihang. The articulations of the teeth and claws were not moving.

"It's vital point has been injured, and then work hard to completely wipe it out!" Shen Long also took out the old wand, Li Huo curse, Awada Suo life curse, Shen Feng Wu Ying curse came out one after another.

Purdue Cihang is really unfavorable today, encountering the ruthless characters Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye and Zuo Qianhu, and the addition of a black belly character like Shen Long who knows it well and put it in these people. It may be possible to win it at the beginning, not to mention the lunar eclipse that has been repaired so much today?

Under repeated attacks, Purdue Cihang was really overrun, and the huge corpse was burned into a ash by Li Huo curse. If such a large centipede stays here, the ghost knows whether there will be any changes. Or burn it clean!

After playing the big boss, the big guy was too tired to lie on the ground and gasped for a rest. After Qi Zhiyi recovered a little, he immediately looked into the sky. "Why, Mr. Shen, how can the Pleiades star disappear? ? He old man went back to heaven? "

"This is just a mystery that can pretend to be momentum. If the real Pleiade Star Officer is going down, I am afraid that this Purdue Cihang will die!" What a joke, that is one of the twenty-eight nights. Get our hands on it?

"These little monsters also killed together! Be sure to remove the roots by cutting the grass!" Zuo Qianhu said, pointing at the few centipedes trembling beside him. These guys were even worse. When they saw the projection of the Pleiades star officer I was scared to pee.

"Don't worry, their home hasn't been found yet, and why did Purdue Cihang pretend to be a Taoist monk as a state teacher, there must be some conspiracy among them, you must ask clearly!" Shen Long said, this matter still It's not over yet, there are so many little demon in the capital that are possessed by the students and apprentices of Purdue Cihang.

At this time, the lunar eclipse had passed, and the moonlight was shining on the earth again. These tiny centipede essences could also be transformed into humanoids again. Yan Chixia and others tortured and asked the truth. They could not help but be dismayed; Only one was left to help them lead and found the old nest of Purdue Cihang.

Here, they found the body of the official who was taken by the centipede, "So, does it mean that the hall is full of demons and ghosts now?"

"They must want to borrow the emperor's dragon spirit to increase their cultivation capacity. His majesty will be fine in a short time, but after a long time, they will find that Purdue Cihang is dead. Yan Chixia immediately sacrificed Feijian.

Strangely, how could a place like Beijing have no extraordinary ability to protect? Where did Zhang Tianshi go, and where did so many monks from the temples and temples in Beijing Middle School go? Did a monster occupy the chapel?

Shen Long secretly slaughtered in his heart, and then took out the fairy water to give Yan Chixia, Zhiqiu Yiye and Zuo Qianhu a drink. The previous fights consumed too much mana. Give them some blue.

"You all stand up!" Yan Chixia sacrificed the flying sword, Shen Long sat on the somersault cloud, and a group of people flew towards the capital. After arriving in the capital, they immediately launched a sudden attack and killed all the centipedes. .

The emperor saw the corpses of those monsters ~ ~ Almost not scared, or Shen Long saved his life with fairy water, and after slowing down, he heard Zuo Qianhu and Fu Tianqiu talking about Purdue The emperor regretted the matter of Cihang, and was very grateful to Yan Chixia and others, and quickly invited them to serve as state teachers to keep the peace of the capital.

"There are no monsters in the capital now. As long as your majesty works hard, the world will naturally return to peace!" Yan Chixia said.

Zhiqiu Yiye is also common, Shen Long proposed, "Your Majesty can give them two gold medals, so that they can monitor the illegal activities of officials everywhere, and then report to Zuo Qianhu to deal with, so even if they are in rivers and lakes, Can serve Your Majesty. "

The emperor accepted this statement, and then he was promoted to Fu Tianqiu and Zuo Qianhu, and gave gold medals to Yan Chixia and Zhiqiu Yiye. As for Shen Long, it was an excuse to go out to sea and do nothing. He wanted it. What's the use.

After coming out of the palace, Yan Chixia asked Shen Long, "Brother Shen, do you really want to go to sea? Would you like me to walk the rivers and lakes and continue to slay the demon?"

"Now the big monsters such as Purdue Cihang, Montenegro old demon, and tree demon grandmother are dead. The remaining ones believe that Yan Yanxia can easily solve it. I will not blend it!" I think blending will not blend for long. Ah, because Shen Long has already heard the reminder of the completion of the task, such as gradually getting back to peace today, do n’t worry about the monsters that will disturb the lives of Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian.

"Senior, let me be with you!" Zhiqiu Yiye leaned over.

"Go, I'm used to walking alone." Yan Chixia looked disgusted.

"Then I'll go first, everyone take care!" Shen Long said goodbye and sat on somersault clouds and flew away. He also wanted to see what happened to Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian. Does Ning Caichen have any medicine residue? what?

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