All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1765: Xiuxian starting today

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Somersault Cloud's flight speed was very fast. Soon Shen Long went to the courtyard of Ning Caichen's house, disappeared and fell, turned around, but the figures of Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian were not seen.

Just about to go out and find them, they just happened to come back. From the dialogue between them, Ning Caichen and Nie Xiaoqian just went to apply porridge outside the city. They still remember Shen Long's instructions and are doing good things every day.

"Xiang Gong, let me cook for you, let's go to the study room and read the book first." Back in the courtyard, Nie Xiaoqian prepared tea and snacks for Ning Caichen. Shen Long glanced over and looked at it, the level was okay, as long as it was not bad luck to encounter unreliable examiners, there should be no problem with the rural exam.

Well, now Purdue Cihang has been killed. There will be no danger for you to go to the capital to test for a scholar after you have taken the test. I can also leave with confidence, and then a white light flashes, and Shen Long returns to his home.

"Bai Ze, your method is good, and it really works. If there is any task next time, I will continue to come to you for help!" Back in the real world, Shen Long praised artificial intelligence for the first time, if it was not his idea. , Shen Long might rely entirely on alchemy, magic, and Montenegro demon, Purdue Cihang just head-on, so even if you can complete the task, it will take a lot of effort, then how easy is it now?

"It's my honor to serve you." Bai Zeji said stubbornly, "I don't seem to find you leaving, but according to my test, your current physical and psychological conditions are very different from those just now. Why? "

It took a lot of effort to explain this. Shen Long thought about it and said, "This time it's not very suitable. I will take you into the mission world to see it when I get a chance in the future!" Artificial intelligence was not very useful in ancient times. Wu Zhidi, leaving the network Bai Ze is blind, and the next time he enters the modern world, it will be different.

Or if you later enter the world of high technology and gain the ability to easily launch satellites and build a network system, then you can take a look at any world. For example, there seems to be micro satellites in the world of "Doraemon".

Ok, now let ’s see what will be gained from this mission. Shen Long opened the system in his mind, and then heard the prompt tone of the system, "Yan Chixia from the world of" Ghost Story "thank you very much for achieving his Wish that Nie Xiaoqian and Ning Caichen could stay together, and now give him his knowledge of Taoism, whether you accept it, please confirm! "

"Accept!" This is almost the same as Shen Long's prediction. Yan Chixia was so hungry that she was left with a Daoist sword technique. What else would you give without this?

A white light flashed through, countless messages plunged into Shen Long's mind. Following the Qin-Han alchemy in the "Mummy" world and the magic in the "Harry Potter" world, he added another extraordinary ability.

Closing his eyes and passing through the harvest this time, Shen Long had a complete understanding of Yan Chixia's ability. Yan Chixia was following the path of Jianxian, and she practiced as a furnace to practice Neidan. The external body is used to practice the sword technique to practice the shape, in the middle, the Hong furnace is used to cast the sword to the refining tool, and the sword is used to enter the Tao, and finally cultivated into immortal.

Jianxianxue is divided into "Sword of Art" and "Sword of Dao"; Swordsman, the sword of tangible and figurative, made by a special method to resist external insults; Swordsman, by nature, is invisible and invisible, Taihe Yuanqi, who was born and raised in heaven and earth, condensed this awe-inspiring aura with law, through which he passed through Jinshi, Guanyulu, and Peiranmo could do it.

Yan Chixia is not enough, and still stays in the level of the sword, so when you come out to fight, you must carry a sword. If you reach the realm of Dao Jian, the spit in the mouth is a golden awn, and the evil demon can't take it. It touches both the soul and the soul, and this is the realm of talented people such as Lu Dongbin.

However, this does not mean that the sword has no effect. It is as strong as Lv Dongbin, don't you also carry the sword with you? Sword Immortal pulse, not only vomiting practice energy, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon to strengthen yourself, but also constantly raising the sword, so that the sword also grows with itself, similar to the magic weapon of life, the sword and self are complementary to each other.

Well, I understand. In order to turn Yan Chixia's Taoist sword technique into his own use, in addition to the basic spells, the most important thing is to help yourself build a sword, and then continue to cultivate and practice the sword, so In order to achieve something.

How to cast swords is also mentioned in the knowledge system donated by Yan Chixia to Shen Long. This is the ancient method of casting swords with five kinds of metals "gold, silver, copper, tin and iron" from Tao Hongjing and Sima Chengzhen .

When casting a sword, you should choose a good Feng Shui treasure, build a sword casting furnace, take the heroes of the hardware, and use all kinds of heaven and earth treasures to make it at the right time.

There are a lot of things here that do n’t feel like you can find them casually ~ ~ Gold, silver, copper, iron and tin are naturally not a problem. Modern society can easily find high-purity metals, but those days Cai Dibao didn't know where it was. Shen Long felt a headache for a while. He knew that he should have had more chats with Yan Chixia, if he could get the materials together from him.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, refining the sword is not the first thing. The basic work hasn't been done yet. Now even if the materials are put together, it can't be refined.

Then start by breathing and absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon. Shen Long sits cross-legged on the bed and poses with a five-hearted attitude, allowing Bai Ze to open the ceiling of the roof, and then the moonlight is scattered through the glass On Shen Long, he began to breathe and absorb the essence of the moon according to the method taught by Yan Chixia.

Soon, Shen Long entered a mysterious and mysterious state, and then absorbed the essence of the moon into the body to temper itself, and time only passed unconsciously, after Shen Long carried it for a few weeks, It was already dawn.

It is now the rising of Chaoyang. When Ziqi came east, Shen Long changed direction, swallowing Ziqi facing the east, absorbing the essence of the sun, and continuing to refine himself.

After finishing the first round of homework, Shen Long felt extremely refreshed and got up to do some activities without any discomfort.

No wonder everyone likes to cultivate immortals. Starting from today, I must cultivate the immortals well, and practice by myself first, and then slowly learn the way before passing on these to my parents and Aaliyah, then everyone will cultivate immortals together, would n’t it be beautiful!

As for the matters of heaven, earth, treasure, and sword casting, Shen Long believes that there will definitely be an opportunity to enter the world of Eastern Fairy Knight in the future, and by that time, suitable materials will be found.

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