All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1766: "Legend of White Snake"

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"Xiao Bai, call Xiao Long out for dinner!" Since Bai Ze, mother had asked Shen Long to wake up for breakfast and didn't bother to knock on the door, just shouted in the restaurant.

"Sir, it's time for you to wash and eat." As soon as the words over there, Bai Ze began to urge, Shen Long waking up, taking a shower and brushing his teeth, then put on his clothes and went out.

"Well? You must have gone to another interesting world." Seeing him, Arya came over and whispered, biting her ear. "Your temperament looks different."

The mother said the same, "Yo, you are in the room every day, your spirit is getting better and better, not at all like the previous years."

Of course it's different. What was the past few years? It is 996 to go to work, how many days can you come over after the New Year? The tortured person's head is almost bald, and now it's much better. I like to work and start cooking two dishes. If I don't like to do it, I rest. The income has increased and the pressure has been reduced. It's strange if you're not spirited.

"Dad, Mom, aren't you both spiritual? Mom, you look younger than your second aunt." Shen Long said to her mother with a smile. After the father and mother practiced their internal skills, the body and The spirit is also getting better.

"Hey, you have to say that these days, although it's so disturbing, it's not bad. Since you went out to college, you have never been at home for so long!" The mother sighed, and the father nodded slightly. This is the case when people get older, and they increasingly like the lively scene where everyone gets together.

"Don't worry, I will come back to live after a few years of graduation from Xiaoai University!" Anyway, now that there is Bai Ze, it is much more convenient to collect information by yourself. You don't need to stay in the capital, so it is not the same to go back to your hometown. What unacceptable choice is, at least for Xiu Xian, in a beautiful village like his hometown is much better than a big city.

"Your mother just misses you, oh, how old are you and want to go back to your hometown for retirement? Do something more while you are young, so as not to regret it in the future; besides, who else lives with your parents now? We all understand the life of a young man. You can go home and have a look when you are free! "Father has another attitude, but looking at the depths of his eyes, it might be the same idea as his mother. Who does n’t want to see their children every day?

"Yes, now it's convenient anyway. When I think of the two of you, it's the same to ask Xiaobai to contact you. The video is directly projected on the big screen. It looks like a real person at home!" The mother just sighed with emotion. Only, she was unwilling to delay Shen Long's future for herself.

"Just like you said, it's convenient now, even if I don't delay the company's business at home, if there is any problem, just open a video conference. As for the restaurant, it is now my hobby!" Hey, what kind of career, The top leaders in our province have been over, academicians have been over, the richest man in the world has been over, and even the emperor has been over more than one time. What can you do in the real world to surpass these achievements?

I still continue to be quiet and quiet as my big brother behind the scenes. When the time comes, I will discuss with the village, contract a few barren hills, plant some exotic flowers and grass, and then transport the two horses back, and go if it ’s okay. Cultivation of immortals on the mountain and horse racing down the mountain, this day is absolutely beautiful.

If you are tired at home, you can go to the beach to take your own cruise to go to sea, feed seagulls, fish and fish, and see exotic things. What kind of career can you compare with these enjoyments?

"Do you really want to come back and succeed? Anyway, the village is now thinking of your good. With these tobaccos, you will not be hungry for the rest of your life, even if you can't just consider yourself. Xiao Ai's young age makes people home. Staying in this kind of place all the time? Also, what about the children ’s education in the future? "Listening to Shen Long said, the mother was a little moved.

"Mom, I like it here. It would be nice if I could live here!" For Arya, like Shen Long, is there a real-world mission world? As long as you can go to the mission world occasionally, it is better than anything.

Hey, I need to worry about my child's education. I have a lot of experience with children. Whether he wants to learn mathematics, physics, chemistry, foreign languages, or medical sports, I can teach it. I can teach him to cultivate immortals!

"Don't worry about making a decision, isn't Xiao Ai still a few years away from graduation? These things will be discussed after graduation." Sometimes parents are such a contradiction, they want to see children often, and don't want to delay because of their own reasons. The future of the child.

After eating, the family came to the yard to exercise ~ ~ This kind of benefit is in the countryside. Even if the isolated place is spacious, unlike in a big city, it is more than a month in such a small place. Everyone suffocated.

"Xiao Bai, get ready, I'm going to play mahjong!" After the exercise, the mother shouted and Bai Ze prepared the mahjong room, so a family of four was sitting at the mahjong table and got busy.

After a few days, the situation improved, and the isolation at the entrance of the village was temporarily lifted. People could go out and ventilate, but they could not get together or get together.

There are many more recreational activities that can pass the time. For example, take a fishing rod to go fishing by the small river near the village. For example, take a **** and go up the mountain to find beautiful wildflowers and weeds. Dig it back and plant it in the yard. Climb to the sun when it's warm.

Shen Long ran to the top of the mountain every night to cultivate immortals. In the morning, he waited for the rising sun to breathe purple gas. After Xiuxian finished, he hurried back to his room before his mother shouted for breakfast.

There is still no notice to resume school. It seems that I still have to stay at home for some time. If I miss the time of class to make up for the summer vacation, would n’t the plan to bring the whole family to the cruise for this summer vacation fail?

After all, Shen Long was a lifeless character. After only a few days of kung fu, he began to want to play in the mission world again. Arya also felt a little bored. Shen Long had to take her to a few worlds for a while. Relax, Arya is satisfied.

Hey, if there is any task next time, I will take you with me. As soon as this idea came out, a system prompt sound came to my mind, "From the world of" The Legend of the New White Lady ... "

After listening to this request, Shen Long was stunned, huh, so, what I said just now when I did n’t say okay, this task is really not suitable for bringing my sister together! Let's wait until next time to cash in?

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