All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1773: Bohol Hall

"Haha, Chinese, come back so soon? Am I not letting you spend more time with your lady at home? If I were you, with such a beautiful daughter-in-law, could not bear to leave her at home!" Wang Yuanwai and Shen Long opened Joke, from this point you can see how much he likes Shen Long now.

Isn't that natural? Shen Long knows how many medical prescriptions, and can talk and do things. This is how long it takes. Wang Yuanwai has already regarded him as his favorite disciple. If he had a son, he could pass Qingyu Tang To him, if his daughter-in-law had already been married, it would be certain that Shen Long would be his son-in-law.

"Master, I came here to ask you for help this time. Let's go inside and talk." Shen Long plans to talk to Wang Wangwai about his departure and starting a business.

Wang Yuanwai gave a few words, and came behind with Shen Long. He took the tea from Shen Long and asked, "Hanwen, did you feel that your family was spending a lot if you married your wife? No problem, I will give you a rise Some wages. "

It stands to reason that being an apprentice has no money to take, but who is Shen Long? After working in the shop for a while, Wang Wang took the initiative to give him wages, and it took him long to figure out how to increase his wages.

"Master, I don't hide from you, I'm really short of money, but I'm so embarrassed to make you raise wages." Shen Long said with a smile, the key is that no matter how high the salary is, it's not comfortable to start a company.

"Then what do you mean? Although you said, Master can help you though you help." Wang Yuanwai doesn't understand this, don't raise wages, then why do you still say that you lack money?

"Master, I want to open a pharmacy by myself, just like some of my brothers." Wang Yuanwai is not just an apprentice, Shen Long. The apprentices he brought with him all started their own pharmacies, but not in Qiantang, but in other places. In the county towns or towns where Wang Yuanwai helped a lot at the beginning of their business, Shen Long thought of this method precisely because of this.

"You can really open a pharmacy with your own skills. Qiantang is so big and there is nothing more than a pharmacy. Master will help you to speak in the meeting, but do you have the capital to open a pharmacy?" Shen Long had enough money outside the king. I do n’t need him to speak, and the king is willing to help him solve the guild affairs. He himself is the handle of the Qiantang Three Emperor Patriarchs Association.

It's just that pharmacies are asset-heavy industries. Didn't you see how much money Qi Qibai brought to the pharmacy? The preparation of medicine alone is not a small expense, so those who can open pharmacies are people with capital, such as the famous Simon official, Xu Xian ’s brother-in-law is the head arrester, and logically wants to do a small business It is enough to rely on the accumulation of the head, but it is not enough to open a pharmacy.

Although Wang Yuanwai's relationship with Shen Long is good, he won't do such a big favor, and it doesn't make sense to do so. He paid all his capital. Who is this pharmacy?

"Master, you also know that my parents also opened pharmacies. They still left me something." To Bai Suzhen said that the prescription was seen from the medical book, and to Wang Yuanwai, he changed it to an ancestral secret. Shen Long took out a few pages of paper, "Tu'er wants to use these recipes to exchange the capital for opening a store from you."

"Chinese, this is unacceptable. This is left by your ancestor. How can I get it!" Wang Yuanwai waved his hands repeatedly. People at this time still value these things, especially those who are very serious. Take the secret recipe of other people's ancestors. Isn't it better to take advantage of people's dangers?

"Master, although these prescriptions are passed down by my parents, they would n’t do it. It ’s useless to leave them in my hands, so I think it ’s better to give you this prescription. You can definitely make these pills. Come out and benefit our people in Qiantang ... "Shen Long persuaded for a while.

Wang Yuanwai still couldn't stand his flicker, and took a look at it, "Huh? Zi Jin Dan? Tie Feng Feng Dou Jing? Zi Xue Dan? Chinese, these are good prescriptions! As long as there is the same in any pharmacy, You can be the treasure of the town shop! "

"Master Hui has a good eye!" Shen Long complimented. Can this be bad? This was originally the town store treasure of Hu Qingyu Tang. If nothing else, let's just say Zijin Dan, which is the same name as An Gong Niu Huang Wan. God medicine, whoever makes your home called Qing Yu Tang, it is just good to give you this.

"No wonder your parents couldn't make these kinds of medicines at the time. They used expensive medicinal herbs. The general pharmacies can't afford it. Look, this Zixue Dan also uses golden pots and silver spades. I use It takes a lot of effort to get up! "Seeing this, Wang Yuanwai's guilt is much less. In his view, this prescription left in Shen Long's hands can only fall on the cabinet and grow worms. Used by patients.

"Yeah, as the saying goes, the sword is a gift to the hero. This **** will only be useful in the hands of a famous doctor like you." Shen Long, the gold pot and silver shovel, had really seen it at the Huqing Yutang Museum. People did do this.

"Although I haven't tried it yet, there are no problems with these prescriptions in terms of medicinal properties and pharmacology. I will accept this prescription. I will prepare the money for you to open a pharmacy; you rent the store or whatever. Find a suitable place. When I started taking medicine at the beginning, I helped you get together. When you got started, you would go to the medicine market with me. " So stingy.

"Master, you should try to make these medicines first, otherwise I have no idea ~ ~ I will walk around these days to see if there is a suitable place!" Both parties politely settled this matter, and it was so settled that payment would be made immediately after Wang Yuanwai confirmed that these recipes were valid.

At the same time, he will also help Shen Long solve the problems of the Three Emperor Patriarchs, the supply of medicines, and even select a few skilled folks from the store to help in the Shen Long store, so that he will not be available at first.

All of these were well said, and Wang Yuanwai asked the last question again, "Chinese, what is your name for this pharmacy?"

Yeah, what's the better name? Should we call it Tongrentang? There are Qingyu Hall in the south and Tongrentang in the north. These two are the two major leaders of Sinopharm! Or can it be called Baicao Hall, the property of Bai Qiye's family; but unfortunately, the name of the pharmacy of Ximen Daguanren can't remember it, or it's OK to call it.

After thinking about it, Shen Long finally decided to call Baohetang. This is the name of Xu Xianyuan ’s original pharmacy. Secondly, in the history of this Qiantang city, there really is a Baohetang. The location of the shop is in Hu Qingyutang. In the distance, it is a time-honored brand that has existed since the Southern Song Dynasty, and it is not weaker than Qingyu Tang at all.

Since you want to open a pharmacy, you must open the best one?

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