All Heavens Dragon System

Chapter 1774: "Liang Zhu"

Wang Yuanwai was very attentive to these recipes. In the next few days, he simply did not receive a consultation. He asked a gold and silver craftsman to customize a gold pot and silver shovel. He concentrated on taking his son to prepare these kinds of pills and wait for the medicine. After finding a few symptomatic patients to try it, I immediately shouted the magic medicine, "From now on, we can finally sit back and relax in Qingyutang, as long as we can keep these kinds of prescriptions, how big a storm we encounter in Qingyutang Can make a comeback. "

For these pharmacies, the secret recipe is better than anything. In the "Dai Zhai Men", did the Bai family survive many historical events just because they kept the recipe secretly?

"It's just that these formulas are also available in Chinese. Although he can't make these medicines right now, he can wait until the future ..." Wang Yuanwai's son is still a little worried. The key to the so-called secret formula is a single word. The two pharmacies know that it is not. It's called a secret recipe.

"If you come to Qingyutang's home, we will definitely not get these prescriptions." Wang Yuanwai snorted, dissatisfied with his son. "If I had not followed my family training and treated others with sincerity, how could your brother Give me the prescription? Qiantang is not the only one who opened a pharmacy! "

"Furthermore, the Chinese language has already told me that his Baohetang does not make such expensive medicines. He only makes cheap medicines for the poor. He certainly wo n’t use this medicine! You younger brother is a big man The wise man, he can do this with his ancestors! "The main target customers of pharmacies today are people with middle-class or above. These talents spend money to see doctors buy medicines. Ordinary people are sick. Only hard resistance, after all, buying medicine is too expensive for them.

Shen Long has seized the market gap that everyone dislikes. Naturally, it will not arouse the opposition of the Three Emperor Patriarchs. Anyway, Bao Hetang will not compete with his own family for the rich. Why should he care if that is the case?

"Then he can't make any money like this?" Wang Yuanwai's son shook his head. Now he was relieved. If he couldn't make money, he couldn't afford a gold pot and silver shovel. He couldn't afford ginseng, borneol, Dendrobium candidum. Such precious medicinal herbs can't make Zijindan, Tiepifengdoujing, Zixuedan magical medicine.

If Shen Long heard their dialogue, he would definitely ask with a smile, who said that making cheap medicines can't make money? After all, he was a person who opened a pharmaceutical factory in modern society, and there are ways to reduce the cost of finished medicine. As for why the poor are regarded as the main customer group, it is not only to avoid competition with pharmacies such as Qingyutang, but more importantly. Brush prestige.

Prestige is a good thing. After the poor people in Qiantang became dependent on their Bohol Hall, Fahai came to trouble again, and those poor people would not agree; they were not rich people, and they would never be back if they fell down. I couldn't find a second pharmacy that could treat them and sell cheap drugs that they could afford.

"Ma'am, look, this is the shop location chosen for the husband!" Shen Long pointed to the house in front and said to Bai Suzhen, this small courtyard was built back and forth. The drug store, the house behind can be used as a warehouse, a drug processing factory, and an dormitory for apprentices. As for the inside, it is the residence of Bai Suzhen and himself. Well, can Xiaoqing live there then.

"Officials are working hard!" Bai Suzhen couldn't say anything. He just felt that it would be better to live with Li Gongfu and Xu Jiaorong, and it's not far from Li Gongfu's house.

By the way, the problem of Ku Yin was solved the other day. When Li Gongfu was on duty at night, he took a Jiang Yang thief and found the missing Ku Yin from his hiding place. It was just that this Jiang Yang thief died in the fighting process. He can torture how he stole Ku Yin, but it is the most important thing to get the silver back. For this, Li Gongfu also received a reward from the master.

"Next, as long as the craftsmen repair the counters and medicine cabinets, choose a good date and open the day! Let Baifu take care of them. I will take my lady to play at Wansong Academy." I was too lazy to do it. At this time, the artisans were all relying on word-of-mouth to eat, and their brother-in-law was the head catcher, so they didn't have to worry about them sneaking and sneaking.

"Just according to the officials." Since the last time I went to the West Lake to see Su Xiaoxiao's tomb, Bai Suzhen has been pondering the word of love, and has discussed it with Xiao Qing in private, but these two experiences are not as good as those of primary school students. What can a female monster think about? It's just ignorant that the red world is not as simple as they thought. It really needs to be researched and studied. Now that Shen Long wants to take them out to play, naturally a little more expectation.

The two demon and one man came to the West Lake by boat, walked ashore and walked down to Wansongling, Wansong Academy is here, this is where Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai were in the same class for three years.

Shen Long took them up the steps, while explaining the scenery of various places, while talking about the encounter between Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai on their way to school, so Caoqiao bowed down, shared in the same window for three years, sent by eighteen, and the platform will meet to the end The poignant story of the affectionate butterfly.

"I only heard that butterflies are cultivated and become humans, but I have never heard that people can also become butterflies? But Guanren, the people in your story are sour." Xiao Qing's eyes were a bit red. Too.

"Of course, it is impossible for a person to become a butterfly ~ ~ I think this is probably the **** in the sky was also moved by the sincere emotions of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, so they turned them into butterflies so that they could Flying together, looking together? "Isn't the Buddha's family a love for short love, all four are empty? Then I will tell you the story of a fairy that fulfills the love of mortals.

So that both of you know that even if you are a fairy, you are not against love.

Hey, it ’s really interesting to recall the original work seriously. In the "White Snake Biography", some people have monsters, Buddhas and immortals. For the love between Bai Suzhen and Xu Xian, the immortal family does not seem to oppose it, whether it is the white crane guarding the magic medicine It ’s okay to be a boy, but it ’s still the bull ’s noodles in Yincaodi ’s house. Although they both tried with Bai Suzhen, they did n’t investigate her crimes too much. Only Fahai did n’t forget to break up the two of them. Perhaps there was room for them.

"I'll blow you a tune!" Shen Long took out the bamboo flute and blew the concerto "Liang Zhu". When she saw the flute Bai Suzhen's eyes lit up, the little shepherd who rescued her from the Orion 1.7 million years ago Are you good at playing flute?

At the end of the song, Xiao Qing was moved to tears. "Officials, if love, love and love are all tormenting people, then I would rather not."

Xiaoqing, love is not only suffering,

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